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Here are some tips for travel plastic reduction. Please check them.

Protect the environment from plastic.

By testPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The domestic epidemic situation is gradually improving.

All provinces and cities have also begun to lift the ban slowly.

The tide of going back to work and back to school has slowly begun.

Some restless friends have begun to plan to go out.

I can't wait to see the person I miss most during the epidemic.

Some professionals also need to go on business trips because of their work.

Sometimes you have to travel from place to place.

While everyone is out of town,

And don't forget the eco-friendly ways on the road.

From the moment I packed my bags.

Our journey to reduce plastic has also begun!

Next, let's let the pendulum give everyone a push.

A few tricks to reduce plastic on a trip.

So that everyone can take good care of the environment while traveling!

Travel chapter.

Self-contained stainless steel insulation cup.


When you travel, you can't avoid rehydration.

Buy water at the scenic spot and drink drinks on the plane.

Either use disposable plastic bottles or disposable plastic cups.

No matter which kind of appliance is not a good choice for the environment.

Self-contained stainless steel insulation cup.

You can not only bring your own water, but also make it easy to pick up the drinks provided.

It can also be recycled.

It's like killing more than one stone!

Say no to plastic bags.


Some odds and ends when traveling.

People tend to pack them in plastic bags and put them in suitcases.

However, it does not take into account that plastic bags will be discarded after use.

If people who travel frequently use plastic bags like this every time.

It will bring a lot of burden to the environment.

You can choose to buy a small cloth bag or a small storage box to collect odds and ends.

Environmental protection can also better preserve these small objects at the same time.

Buy non-plastic repackaged bottles.


Because it is very troublesome to carry large bottles of nursing supplies directly.

Many people will choose to bottle separately.

Most of the separate bottles are plastic vials.

There will always be a day when you run out of it and throw it away.

When abandoned, it will bring a lot of plastic pollution.

Why not choose a small bottle made of metal.

Non-breakable and recyclable.

To accompany you on your happy journey.

There is a food container on the vehicle.


Whether it's a tour group or an individual tour.

It is inevitable to have something to eat on the plane or train.

Many light meals are packed in plastic lunch boxes.

According to the flow of people in our country.

Calculated in terms of the time unit in which a plastic straw takes 500 years to degrade.

Maybe we need generations to come and go.

To digest these plastic products.

Using a plastic lunch box is a terrible misdemonstration.

Small lunch boxes, small water cups and small bowls.

Reduce the plastic to life, lighten the burden to the earth!

Bring your own personal care products.


Bring your own personal care products.

It should have become the consensus of the world.

Hotels in many countries have begun to make it clear.

Disposable care products are no longer provided in hotel rooms.

It does save a lot of money on the production of disposable products.

It also saves a lot of material consumption led by plastic.

Bring your own personal care products.

No disposable care products provided by the hotel.

To contribute to the realization of the goal of global plastic reduction.

Use non-plastic products for camping.


Camping is an excellent choice for many people who love outdoor travel.

For the convenience of living in the wild.

Most of the time, they will choose to bring plastic cutlery to hold food.

Bring plastic bags to store sundries and garbage.

At the same time, they will also buy some disposable plastic products and throw them away as soon as they are used up.

Seemingly reasonable and convenient.

But these behaviors, whether at home or in the wild,

Will result in an incalculable amount of plastic waste.

Choose non-plastic products and recyclable materials.

Even a little bit of trouble can better protect the environment.

Purchase of second-hand goods.


Since we are going on a trip,

A lot of things may be thrown away after use.

Want to achieve the effect of environmental protection as far as possible.

You can choose goods that are already used.

In this way, you can sell it directly in the local second-hand store.

Instead of throwing it away as garbage.


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