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Hell is Coming, and The Fires Are Already Here: Australia as a Glimpse of Our Overheating Planet's Future

Australia Ablaze: A Glimpse of Our Collective Future if We Fail to Act on Climate Change

By Efosa Prince Published 10 months ago 3 min read

An Ominous Dawn

I awaken to an ominous sight - the sky an angry burnt sienna casting a pall over the blackened landscape. Stepping outside confirms my fears; a thick blanket of acrid smoke hangs motionless, its putrid stench carrying a foreboding tone unlike any seasonal haze.

Distant sirens wail as another inferno takes hold somewhere, fanned ruthlessly by howling winds. All summer long the conflagrations have raged unchecked, devouring everything in their path with unprecedented ferocity. Entire towns are swallowed whole by towering walls of flame stretching to the horizon, their angry oranges a startling contrast to the ashen sky.

No part of the country has been spared the onslaught. Even major cities find themselves under threat as embers leap ahead of the main fires, trapping families amid poisoning smoke clouds that turn day to midnight. The skies above remain shrouded for weeks on end, rain nowhere in sight to douse the spreading ruin.

Experts call this unprecedented season but a preview of worse to come if temperatures continue rising. Already, crippling droughts and record-breaking heatwaves transform the landscape into a tinderbox, priming dense forests and scrub for catastrophe decades sooner than projected. As a changing climate saps soil moisture and stress ecosystems, massive fires become the new normal.

Still, leaders deny links to warming while citizens battle blazes with bare hands and gritted teeth. But it is clear to all with eyes to see that this calamity was no accident. The towering infernos calling at our door are consequence of humanity’s carbon excess, recklessly disparaged for profits juxtaposed against plain reason and prayer. Nature now extracts her solemn due for broken covenants.

No one remains untouched by the ruin she brings. Choking smoke clouds span the continent, darkening skies from the tropics to Tasmania. Exhausted firefighters struggle in vain to gain control as the furnace-force winds fan the flames across ever more terrain. Heartbreaking images show displaced families and singed wildlife overwhelmed by the scorched wasteland left in the fires’ wake.

As another dawn arises red as blood over the blackened earth, it carries an even more ominous portent. This torched island serves as a grim portent and clarion call. If temperatures continue rising globally through negligence, then the flames anointing Hell at humanity’s door will spread far beyond these shores. We must find the wisdom and will to quench carbon’s fuel, before our entire world burns as Australia burns now - a scorched monument to the future we wrought through disinterest in the wellbeing of lands yet untamed by the fires born of our warming ways.

When Paradise Burns

As I watched apocalyptic scenes unfold across Australia, the planet seemed to exhibit symptoms of a deepening fever. Vast tracts burned uncontrolled across the parched continent as record heatwaves and years of drought primed forests for infernos that dwarfed any in recorded history.

Entire towns were razed to cinders overnight, whole species incinerated in the path of winds whipping blazes the size of small countries into mega-fire complexes beyond containment. Skies filled with smoke that choked cities thousands of miles away as firefighters battled exhaustion and air too toxic even to breathe.

Researchers confirmed human-caused climate change was a "central driver" behind the unprecedented conditions fueling the conflagration. Long afflicted by natural drought cycles, Australia now faced extremes far outside baseline due to warming exceeding 2 degrees Celsius in some regions. The "new normal" proved unsurvivable for many areas without global cooperation to stabilize temperatures.

Worse, studies found global heating of just 1.5 degrees more may result in Australian rainforests and woodlands becoming as fire-prone as the notoriously burning west coast of North America. With over 80% of citizens living along coastlines already facing inundation, how many millions more would be displaced inside this century? And if such conditions manifested even marginally elsewhere, which densely populated regions might burn next?

All that remained was smoldering ashes where parched eucalyptus forests stood just weeks before. As smoke obscured the sun worldwide, a sobering realization dawned—we peered through the scorched window of our own warming planet's potential future, and saw Hell itself coming for us all unless emissions were drawn down below safe thresholds without further delay. Australia blazed a warning the world could no longer afford to ignore.

short storySustainabilityScienceNatureHumanityClimateAdvocacy

About the Creator

Efosa Prince

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    Efosa Prince Written by Efosa Prince

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