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Global Warming

Global Warming

By Bijan MondalPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Global Warming
Photo by Einar Jónsson on Unsplash


Our world is becoming more and more modern with the passage of time and new problems are constantly being invented. Many of these problems are so serious that they cast doubt on the future of the whole world. In the process of modernizing civilization, people are throwing the existence of civilization in the face of crisis.

In today's age of luxurious living, the lustful deeds of human beings have given rise to some inauspicious glimpses which have become a cause of concern to all the scientifically well-informed people of the world. Of all the problems in the modern world, the most frightening and important is global warming and the resulting abnormal and massive climate change.

What is global warming?

In the words of scientists, global warming is one of the most common causes of climate change in the world. This cycle of global warming appears on Earth at regular intervals. At that time, global warming naturally increased slightly under the influence of some cosmic factors. Over time, the Earth's atmospheric conditions change spontaneously through climate and natural changes.

But the global warming that is being talked about so much today is not a normal global geographic process. This is due to the increase in the temperature of the whole earth's water, land and atmosphere as a result of human arbitrariness on earth. Normal geographical global warming process is time or cause neutral but in this case it is not so at all.

According to the UNFCCC, the most widely defined definition of global warming today is the abnormal change in climate caused by an increase in global warming due to man-made causes. Environmentalists have identified this unusual change as one of the main problems of the modern world.

Global warming in history:

We have to go back to the Middle Ages to find the documented evidence of global warming in history. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, from about 950 to 1250 AD, a normal global warming trend was observed from Europe to China. Based on the results obtained from modern research, it is thought that this phenomenon of warming did not extend to the whole world but was confined to a specific region.

According to modern environmentalists, the average temperature in the region has been rising sharply since 950 AD. Researchers have identified the possible reasons for this increase in temperature are global geological processes such as increasing sun temperature, decreasing volcanic activity and changing ocean currents.

However, current geological research has shown that even before the Middle Ages, normal global warming occurred at different times in different parts of the world. Temperatures have risen or fallen over time, from the surface of the earth to the ocean floor. However, all these global warming events are not synonymous with modern day global warming.

This is because the global warming of the ancient and medieval times caused the climate change situation to arise due to various mundane and cosmic reasons and they are considered as normal global warming. That is why it has never been critical of the existence of the earth.

Modern situation:

The modern global warming situation is completely different from the normal global warming situation that has arisen in history. Temperatures recorded by modern instruments show that between 180 and 1900 the temperature of the earth's surface and sea water rose by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0.75 degrees Celsius. Every decade since 1989, the temperature has risen from 0.14 to 0.22 degrees Celsius.

According to scientists, the earth's temperature was in perfect balance until 1850 AD. Since then, the rate of global warming has increased as time has progressed. The World Meteorological Organization has designated 2005 as the warmest year on earth. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, environmentalists have repeatedly called for immediate action, considering the far-reaching consequences of this situation.

Reasons for warming:

No one can be blamed for the current state of global warming. From the post-Industrial Revolution period onwards, the ecclesiastical sweetness of machinery and factories has been the primary cause of modern abnormal global warming in the world. Moreover, due to human greed and greed, people have been deforested all over the world. As a result, the respiratory system of the world is naturally facing crisis and the inevitable result of which is a crisis like global warming.

The process of global warming:

The main cause of global warming, scientifically speaking, is the large number of harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide, emitted from modern laboratories and factories.

On the one hand, just as the Earth's surface absorbs these gases and heats itself up, on the other hand, all these greenhouse gases mix with the atmosphere, radiating from the sun to the earth and radiating from the atmosphere into space.

This process is called the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, all these harmful gases damage the essential ozone layer in the atmosphere of the drug house.

Global warming results:

It is extremely difficult to have a long discussion about the consequences of global warming. Because the results are so wide and extensive that it is almost impossible to record them in one part of the report. One of the direct and alarming consequences of global warming is the abnormal rise in sea level.

In fact, huge amounts of ice at the two poles of the earth have begun to melt, little by little, as temperatures around the world have risen abnormally. As a result of this abnormal melting of ice, the sea level is also rising slightly.

On the other hand, the various harmful greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, which are causing global warming, are simultaneously causing massive damage to the ozone layer, causing ozone depletion, which is essential for sustaining life on Earth. All these tendencies are throwing the very existence of life on earth in the face of crisis.

Massive adverse effects:

The effects of global warming on global warming, and the consequent other catastrophic problems, are far-reaching and far-reaching. As global warming causes global temperatures to rise more than normal, many tiny animals and essential bacteria are on the verge of extinction.

On the other hand, due to the continuous rise in sea level, various areas along the sea and river banks are inundated. In addition, ozone depletion of greenhouse gases or the penetration of highly harmful ultraviolet rays into the earth through ozone holes has led to the spread of deadly diseases such as skin cancer. Above all, there is a huge change in the overall climate of the world, which is pushing the world towards an uncertain future.


It is not possible to save the world from the crisis of existence without finding a way to solve this terrible problem. Thus, if global warming continues at the same rate, the existence of life on Earth will be nothing more than a matter of time. That is why we must simultaneously seek remedies from global warming. Environmentalists have suggested a number of ways to overcome this burning problem.

To defeat global warming, greenhouse gas emissions must first be controlled as much as possible.

In this case, first of all people have to be aware of their lifestyle.

Use of cars, factory fumes, etc. should be minimized or controlled as much as possible.

Use of equipment that emits harmful toxic gases such as chloro-fluoro-carbon should be minimized as much as possible.

The use of fossil fuels needs to be controlled.

Emphasis should be placed on the use of unconventional sources of energy.

Above all, a large amount of forest has to be created.


At present, various organizations have been formed in the national and international arena for the purpose of overcoming global warming. Various non-profit organizations, government and corporate organizations are constantly working in this regard. These organizations carry out public works such as deforestation, raising awareness at the regional level, and controlling pollution.

At the international level, the United Nations has declared global warming as an international crisis and called for its response at all levels. Various initiatives are being taken at the local level to make people aware of global warming and climate change.


There is no doubt that global warming is the most important international issue in the world today. This problem has challenged the existence of all irrespective of space, time, vessel, country and continent. Therefore, if we do not realize the real importance of this problem today and do not jump into the task of tackling it with all our might, there is still a doubt about how long our future generations will be able to see the light of day.

The hope, however, is that as global awareness of global warming grows over time, so does the massive emission of greenhouse gases. As a result, the ozone layer is slowly healing. So one day we will be able to breathe in a healthy environment in a completely normal climate of the world - it is imperative that we move forward into the future with the firm conviction of overcoming global warming with this hope.


About the Creator

Bijan Mondal

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