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Everything in the universe is fixed in an endless cycle, researchers: is there something else about the origin of the universe?

The origin of the universe hides another mystery

By Hitchinson MetzPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Everything in the universe is fixed in an endless cycle, researchers: is there something else about the origin of the universe?
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

We have always had an unresolved confusion - where did the universe come from? And where did we humans come from? Although we are scientists to come up with "evidence" to tell the universe from the singularity of the big bang, and human evolution from the ape, not all people on earth believe the scientist's "testimony". Those places with ancient cultural heritage would rather believe that the universe and human beings were created by "God" than believe the scientific explanations of scientists.

Over time, the rare evidence that scientists hold in their hands is like a plank wall that has been exposed to the wind and sun for too long, starting to show paint, peeling, wood rot, and even water leakage. That bit of cherished evidence, like a cherished species, must be better protected to have any hope of keeping them from disappearing forever from human view.

Humans are even more confused.

I don't know if the religious people are intentionally "hugging" the scientists, or if it is true. It is rumored that those scientists who have made great contributions to science, more than 90% of the gods have somehow believed in the existence of "God", also listed in the survey datasheet. There is even information that many astronauts have returned from space and quit all their jobs to believe in "God" wholeheartedly.

Tracing the origin of ancient history, it is shocking to find that whether Eastern or Western culture, whether domestic or overseas human civilization origin, there seem to be similar legendary records of God's creation, and even the method of God's creation of man is amazingly consistent - all with "earth" (Think: is earth the same as what we understand by "earth" now? If not, what did "earth" mean in ancient times?) The universe was created by God.

Was the universe created by God? Were humans created by God? We are even more confused.

"Science is chasing God's footsteps ...... God is standing in the clouds beckoning scientists to smile ...... The end of science is theology ...... "I must say that these "God" spokesmen love their work, whether they have or not, they go out of their way to "endorse". I wonder which kind of "God" they are referring to, the kind of God who can eat white rice if you ask for it, or the designer of the universe?

"God doesn't roll the dice." What Einstein didn't expect was that his inadvertent refutation of Bohr's quantum theory would recruit a large number of believers for "God" (if Einstein were still in this universe, he would be pulled back to Earth by this ludicrous interpretation, right?).

At this point, there may be some people who can't wait to know whether the so-called "God" exists or not. To answer this question, we just need to do some thinking and analysis, the answer will come out naturally. Explore science, explore the universe, Mizuki Longlong and you continue our journey of discovery.

If time can be turned back, or time travel, then you can take a quantum computer to the era of thousands of years ago, and then help people in that era to do super-speed computing, memory storage, predictive analysis, and even three-dimensional projection of the demonstration. What would the people of that era think? Would they also be in awe of you as a "god"? Would they have feared the quantum computer you used as an artifact used by God?

In the "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan" science fiction movie, there is an incredible new technology that can instantly turn a barren planet into a beautiful planet full of life and habitable, and this is the "Project Genesis" experiment. Western culture records that God created everything in six days, while the new technology that emerged from interstellar travel can turn a death star into a vibrant planet in just six minutes. Think: If the future of human technology can develop to the "interstellar travel" in the same way, then, once spent six days to create the universe of God, should not the role of human beings and human beings to swap it - human beings can complete the creation of the world in six minutes.

(Scientific interpretation: it is reported that the "Star Trek" in the creation of the planned experiment, mainly relying on quantum biological programming technology, by using high-tech equipment will be DNA programming package and quantum integration group like a spray to all corners of the planet without any life, DNA programming package where it falls, the seeds of life on the ground to take root and grow, dense forests quickly appear, quantum integration group where it lands, rushing (Where the quantum integration group lands, rivers will be created, mountains will rise, microorganisms and macroscopic organisms will be created from nothing, and a perfect world will be built in just six minutes.)

Gross, a professor at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, has published a paper in the academic journal Astrophysical Science detailing the possibility of turning a lifeless planet into a planet suitable for life. Gross points out that the environmental problems of artificial ecology, temperature regulation, oxygen production, etc. are not difficult, and within 50 to 100 years it is believed that humans can easily change the environment of any inhospitable planet into a habitable place. What is more challenging is how to let the various kinds of life on Earth on the newly developed planet grow up vigorously, and this is the test of the real creativity of man - the need to create a new life in the new planetary environment, and the creation of life to the maximum extent to match the existing conditions of the new environment. For example, the soil and atmosphere of a new planet may have a very different chemical composition from that on Earth, so through bioengineering techniques, the DNA of new life can be made to match the existing environmental conditions of the planet, thus eliminating the need for many tedious procedures of environmental modification (think: at this point in the discussion, one can't help but think of the "Shanhaijing", and whether one has ever considered the possibility that the "Shanhaijing" is not fictional, but (Thinking about this: it reminds us of the Shanhaijing.).

If human beings can one day change the environmental conditions of any planet and create any kind of life they can think of, and even optimize, program, and modify life, then will human beings be honored as "God" or "God" by interstellar civilizations that are relatively backward in technology? "God"?

Perhaps the universe was not created by the singularity explosion, but by the designer of the universe. And the designer may be a recent graduate. Why would you say that? Just look at the pattern of how everything in our universe took shape.

Do you notice anything?

That's right, the cycle, the endless cycle, the panoply of endless cycles, whether macrocosmic or microcosmic, whether animate or inanimate, everything is endlessly recurring!

Look at the galaxies or clusters of galaxies, large and small, deep in the universe, which circle after circle, clump after clump, with nothing creative but the monotonous pace of repetition in cycles. Look at the hundreds of billions of leaves and petals of various plants on our planet, petal by petal, layer by layer, nothing new except for the circular outline of the pattern. For everything in the microscopic world, molecules are the aggregation of atoms, atoms are the aggregation of sub-atoms, sub-atoms are the aggregation of more fundamental particles, and ultimately, they are just the aggregation of the most fundamental underlying particles. This reminds us of computer programming, which is ultimately just a different combination of the underlying codes 0 and 1. The two are very similar, aren't they?

If you suddenly think that human life is composed of two systems - matter and consciousness - and want to use it to refute the above argument, then you may not only fail to refute the above argument but also help to fuel the above argument. Not convinced? Then let's further explore, analyze and consider why.

I believe that many people believe in the idea that "life never really ends", and Mizuki's previous articles have specifically explored why. Why? Simply put, it's because life goes "round and round". When the material life ends, the consciousness (or "soul" as some people used to call it) will leave the material life in a symbiotic relationship, and the material life may turn into dust over time (in fact, it just turns into smaller particles of matter), but the consciousness will not disappear completely with time, but It will look for the next material life carrier and combine with the new material life again into a new round of symbiotic relationship. As long as nothing goes wrong, the cycle will go on endlessly.

One may ask, "Can't consciousness exist independently of material life? Wouldn't it be better to exist in a higher dimensional space, for example?

Some quantum researchers have given the explanation that consciousness can exist independently of its material carrier, but it cannot exist independently of the universe, because it cannot be separated from the universe (think: does the universe have boundaries?). PS: When we accidentally picked up such "fragments of consciousness", Mizuki was depressed for almost a week), many conscious beings will either return to the material carrier or will meet with misfortune and turn into fragments, just like the unpredictable weather. Like the sky has unpredictable wind, people have the same fate, consciousness drifting between the universe, the same. There are many "fragments of consciousness" in the universe (Sui-Mu, or "Sui-Mu Long Dragon", as discussed in the previous article, interested readers can go to the previous page), which is evidence that some conscious beings once pursued free will.

Fragments of consciousness can also be "salvaged", they can be salvaged by various means, and if they are salvaged by scientists, and if the salvaged fragments of consciousness come from the consciousness of other scientists, then the salvaged scientist may open up the mind like a physical science idea will be new and original (think: Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawking) (Think: Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Hawking, Newton, etc., did they ever salvage those pieces of consciousness floating in the universe?).

Enough of that, let's get back to the point. From the above analysis of our exploration of consciousness, there is no doubt that it also shows that human life is constantly experiencing this monotonous cycle of procedures.

Why is the entire universe designed to be cyclical? Perhaps the designer of the universe was just a fresh graduate, the engineer who designed the universe received the project of the universe design, but coincidentally "cold", so they found a fresh graduate to replace such an important task, and said that it is just to exercise their apprentice's hands-on ability, I do not know whether it is to their own I do not know whether it is the eccentricity of their disciples, or the design of the universe does not care, the results? The result, as we have all seen, is the current state of our universe - in addition to the cycle or cycle.

Maybe that graduate took the universe design task when his training class just to 'program cycle design' here, but did not expect, is very good at learning to apply, will just learn the program cycle knowledge, but a brain all used in this universe design.

So, maybe our universe is designed, designed by a highly developed civilization through high technology. The legend of "God's creation" may be a misinterpretation that human beings do not understand, and when technology has developed to a certain level, it will suddenly realize that - the so-called "God" is only once technology This interpretation has been washed away in the long river of history so that we can hardly see its original face, but one day, when human technology has developed to a certain extent, it will restore the truth, and then we may say: "Science has lifted the veil of God! ...... God is smiling down on scientists standing in the clouds ...... Theology has come to an end (the end of theology is science) ......"


About the Creator

Hitchinson Metz

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