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Ecological Footprint

The amount of co2 emitted and other carbon compounds released as a result of a person's use of fossil fuels.

By Burnt BaguettesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
"Your Carbon FootPrint,"

Ecological Footprint or better known as Carbon Footprint is the quantity of carbon dioxide or other things with carbon in them that someone produces. We all produce Carbon Footprints. When you have a Carbon Footprint, you’d usually think that you alone couldn’t change the world and you would die without a trace or hurting the atmosphere. But if everyone has a carbon footprint and there are around 7.8 billion people in this world, then that would hurt the atmosphere a lot. Especially when a lot of people in one area. Take China for example. That is perhaps the most populated nation on the planet. Envisioned how everybody gets around the place. Individuals use vehicles, bikes, thus significantly more ways of transportation. All of those things are producing some sort of Carbon. And that’s not good. Everyday things can hurt the environment. Petroleum derivatives are the primary driver of ozone-harming substances. Electricity in your home and at school or work creates a carbon footprint.

Ocean pollution is also a major problem. The mass production of plastic is the main cause of ocean pollution and one-use plastic. Something that is one-use plastic is plastic that you can only use once, pretty exploratory. That is such a waste nowadays especially in today’s day in age. There are a lot of businesses and nonprofit organizations that clean up the pollution in the ocean. Plastic was made in 1907 and it was used to help animals, but it ended up killing a lot of them, because of ocean pollution. It is so bad for our atmosphere as well. The extended gathering of engineered compounds, similar to nitrogen and phosphorus, in the waterfront ocean, progresses the advancement of algal blooms, which can be noxious to characteristic life and terrible to individuals. The unfavorable outcomes on prosperity and the environment achieved by algal fledglings hurt area fishing and the movement of business organizations. Ocean pollution hopefully will slowly get better and no longer be a thing in a few years.

The three r’s. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce means to make something smaller, like reducing the use of plastic and the use of cars that emit carbon monoxide. Reuse means to use something more than once, like instead of using plastic once you can use it multiple times. Recycling is when you turn trash into treasure or turning old plastic into new things, like water bottles or shoes. Utilizing a bountiful characteristic asset air could wind up being a greener method to warm your home. I can turn off and unplug things. I can turn off lights, machines, and chargers when they are not being used. I would unplug the toaster oven when it's not being used and the can opener that is electric. Walk around went against driving or taking the vehicle. In the event that you do drive, they ought to go with a companion, so you save energy.

Help with ocean pollution. I will reuse things instead of just throwing them away. You can use a plastic water bottle to plant flowers instead of throwing them away. I will start using multiple-use plastic, so I am not wasting or just not use plastic at all. I can use a tin water bottle instead of plastic because I can reuse that more than once. I can go to beach clean-ups that non-profit organizations hold. I can sign petitions about companies dumping oil and other toxic things into the ocean or near my lakes or rivers. There are many other ways to help, but that’s how I plan to help.

That’s how I plan to reduce my carbon footprint and protect the ocean. We all live in this world together and we need to protect it. And every little thing counts.


About the Creator

Burnt Baguettes

I like to write sad, dystopian lesbian love stories. That is all you really need in life.

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