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Don't Tell My Therapist

Don't Tell My Therapist

By Luah LempekehPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
 Don't Tell My Therapist
Photo by V Vensin on Unsplash

Lena had been seeing her therapist, Dr. Patel, for over a year now. She had initially started therapy to deal with her anxiety and depression, but over time, she had come to rely on Dr. Patel for so much more. He had become a confidant, a sounding board, and a source of support in her life.

But there was one thing that Lena had never told Dr. Patel. Something that she had kept hidden from everyone, even herself, for years. Something that she was too ashamed to admit.

Lena had a drinking problem. It had started out innocently enough, with a glass of wine after work to help her unwind. But over time, it had escalated into something more. She found herself drinking more and more, using alcohol as a way to numb her feelings and escape her problems.

She had tried to quit before, but it never lasted. The cravings would always come back, and she would find herself reaching for the bottle again.

One night, Lena found herself at a bar with some friends. They were celebrating a promotion that one of them had received, and the drinks were flowing freely. Lena tried to pace herself, but before she knew it, she was drunk.

As she stumbled out of the bar, Lena realized that she had made a mistake. She knew that she shouldn't be drinking like this, that it was only making her problems worse. But she couldn't seem to stop herself.

The next morning, Lena woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of shame. She knew that she needed to do something about her drinking, but she didn't know where to start.

That's when she remembered a friend who had gone to AA meetings. She had always been curious about it but had never had the courage to go herself.

Lena decided to give it a try. She found a meeting in her area and went, feeling nervous and unsure.

As she listened to the stories of the people in the meeting, Lena felt a sense of relief. She realized that she wasn't alone, that there were others who were struggling with the same issues as her.

Over the next few weeks, Lena went to more meetings and started to open up about her own struggles with alcohol. She found that the more she talked about it, the less power it had over her.

But there was one person that she still hadn't told. Dr. Patel.

Lena knew that she should tell him, that he was there to help her with whatever she was going through. But she was afraid of what he would think of her, afraid that he would judge her or think less of her.

One day, as she was leaving her therapy session, Lena worked up the courage to tell Dr. Patel. She blurted it out, almost without thinking.

"I have a drinking problem," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Patel didn't say anything for a moment. Lena felt her heart pounding in her chest, waiting for his response.

But when he finally spoke, his voice was gentle and kind.

"Thank you for telling me," he said. "I'm here to support you, no matter what."

Over the next few weeks, Lena and Dr. Patel worked together to come up with a plan to help her overcome her drinking problem. They talked about the triggers that led her to drink and came up with strategies to help her cope with them.

Lena started attending more AA meetings and found a sponsor who helped her stay accountable. She also started taking better care of herself, exercising regularly and eating healthier.

It wasn't easy, but with the support of Dr. Patel and the people in her life, Lena was able to overcome her drinking problem. She learned that it was okay to ask for help, that she didn't have to face her problems

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