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Cosmic Oddities

Weird Stars and Mysteries of the Universe

By Manisa KoiralaPublished 9 months ago 3 min read


Cosmic Oddities" is a term that can refer to various intriguing and unusual phenomena, objects, or occurrences in the universe, particularly in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. These cosmic oddities often challenge our understanding of the cosmos and can include:The universe is a vast and mysterious place, filled with celestial wonders that continue to baffle scientists and astronomers. From diamond stars to unpredictable supernovas, the cosmos never fails to surprise us with its peculiarities. In this article, we will delve into some of the most intriguing and bizarre phenomena in space, shedding light on the mysteries that captivate our imagination.

1. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: A Star with a Diamond Heart

- Meet Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, a star with a massive diamond at its core.

- Estimated to be 10 billion trillion trillion carats, it outshines any diamond on Earth.

- Despite its enormous size, this star is relatively cool, with a core temperature of about 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Vega: The Cosmic Hula Hooper

- Vega, a bright star in the Lyra constellation, has a peculiar shape due to its high spin rate.

- The star rotates rapidly, causing it to bulge at its equator, creating a unique cosmic appearance.

- While it may appear round to us, a different perspective would reveal its squashed shape.

3. IPFT 14 hls: The Yo-Yo Supernova

- IPFT 14 hls is no ordinary supernova; it has displayed a tendency to fade and brighten repeatedly.

- This supernova has confounded scientists with its unusual behavior, evolving ten times slower than typical supernovas.

- The reasons behind its erratic behavior remain a cosmic mystery.

4. My Camelopardalis: The Celestial Smoochers

- My Camelopardalis is a binary star system where two stars orbit each other at remarkable speeds.

- These stars are so close that they share a common envelope, making them appear as celestial smoochers.

- Each star in this system is exceptionally massive, with the potential for a future stellar merger.

5. Methuselah's Star (HD140283): Older Than the Universe?

- Methuselah's Star, located in the Libra constellation, has been estimated to be around 14.8 billion years old.

- This star has witnessed the birth and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy.

- Despite its age, it is currently transitioning into a red giant, entering the next phase of its cosmic journey.

6. Tabby's Star: The Cosmic Blinker

- Initially dubbed the "WTF Star" for its erratic dimming patterns, Tabby's Star has been a source of intrigue.

- The star experiences sudden and dramatic drops in brightness, up to 22 percent.

- While some theories suggest comets or dust clouds, the true cause of these dimming episodes remains uncertain.

Unexplained Phenomena: There are various other cosmic oddities and unexplained phenomena, such as the nature of dark matter, the possibility of multiple universes (multiverse theory), and the existence of unusual celestial objects like quark stars or strangelets.

Cosmic Strings: Theoretical cosmic strings are hypothetical, extremely thin and dense objects that could exist in the universe. If they exist, they could have profound implications for the structure of the cosmos.


These cosmic oddities challenge scientists to explore and expand our understanding of the universe, pushing the boundaries of astrophysics and cosmology. They are a reminder of the vastness, complexity, and wonder of the cosmos.

The universe is teeming with celestial oddities that challenge our understanding of the cosmos. From diamond stars to enigmatic supernovas and stars with unconventional shapes, these cosmic mysteries remind us of the infinite wonders yet to be explored in the depths of space. As scientists continue to unravel these mysteries, we can only anticipate more revelations and astonishments in the ever-expanding universe.


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