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Cooking For One

How To Minimize Food Waste In Smaller Portion

By Maren KyalakPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Cooking For One
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Cooking for yourself can be a rewarding and liberating experience. However, it often presents a challenge when it comes to portion sizes and minimizing food waste. In this article, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you cook for one while minimizing food waste. By implementing these ideas, you can enjoy delicious meals, save money, and reduce your environmental footprint.

1. Plan Ahead:

Before you start cooking, take a few moments to plan your meals for the week. Consider the ingredients you already have and think about how you can repurpose them into different dishes. By planning ahead, you can create a shopping list based on what you need and avoid buying excess ingredients that might go to waste.

2. Embrace Batch Cooking:

Batch cooking is a fantastic strategy for cooking for one. Prepare larger quantities of food and divide them into individual portions that can be stored and enjoyed later. Invest in quality food storage containers that are freezer-friendly, so you can easily store and reheat your meals. This approach saves time and reduces the likelihood of ingredients spoiling before you can use them.

3. Get Creative with Leftovers:

Leftovers don't have to be boring! Challenge yourself to transform leftovers into new and exciting meals. For example, roasted chicken can become a flavorful chicken salad, or roasted vegetables can be added to a hearty pasta dish. By getting creative, you can give your leftovers a delicious makeover and prevent them from ending up in the trash.

4. Master the Art of Substitutions:

When cooking for one, it's not always possible to use up every ingredient before it spoils. Instead of letting them go to waste, learn to make ingredient substitutions. For instance, if a recipe calls for a specific vegetable you don't have, consider using a similar vegetable from your fridge. This flexibility allows you to use what you have on hand and reduces the chances of ingredients going unused.

5. Preserve Fresh Produce:

Fresh produce can sometimes spoil quickly when cooking for one. To extend their shelf life, explore preservation methods such as freezing or pickling. Chop up fruits and vegetables before freezing them for later use in smoothies or stir-fries. Similarly, try pickling vegetables to add tangy flavors to your meals and prevent them from going to waste.

6. Experiment with Recipe Adaptation:

Most recipes are designed for multiple servings, making it challenging to cook for one. However, don't be afraid to adapt recipes to suit your needs. Reduce ingredient quantities accordingly, or look for recipes specifically created for single servings. Websites and cookbooks that cater to solo cooking can be valuable resources for finding delicious and waste-minimizing recipes.

7. Share with Others:

Consider organizing a meal-sharing arrangement with friends or neighbors who also cook for one. You can take turns preparing meals and exchange them, allowing for a variety of dishes while minimizing waste. This communal approach fosters a sense of community and ensures that everyone benefits from home-cooked meals without worrying about excessive leftovers.

8. Compost Food Scraps:

Even with careful planning, there may still be some food scraps that cannot be consumed. Instead of throwing them away, consider composting. Set up a small compost bin in your kitchen or find a local composting program where you can drop off your organic waste. Composting allows you to divert food scraps from the landfill and turn them into nutrient-rich compost for plants.


Cooking for one doesn't have to result in excessive food waste. With careful planning, creative adaptations, and smart storage techniques, you can enjoy delicious meals while minimizing waste. By embracing these strategies, you'll not only save money and time but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Let your culinary adventures be both satisfying and environmentally conscious as you explore the world of cooking for one with minimal waste.


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    MKWritten by Maren Kyalak

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