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Climate Change and Causes

Greenhouse gases

By MARKHOR GAINT'SPublished about a year ago 3 min read

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is a long-term shift in the Earth’s climate, which can be caused by both natural and human factors. The term is often used interchangeably with global warming, which refers specifically to the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the buildup of greenhouse gases.

. Causes of Climate Change:

Climate change is caused by a variety of factors, including both natural and human activities. Here are some of the key causes of climate change:

Greenhouse gases:

Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. They include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, which are released into the atmosphere by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

Energy Use (electricity, heating, and transportation) – 27%

Industrial Processes (e.g., cement production) – 22%

Agriculture and Forestry (e.g., livestock, deforestation) – 10%

Land Use Changes (e.g., conversion of forests to agriculture) – 12%

Transportation 29%

It’s important to note that these percentages are approximate and can vary depending on the methodology used in the analysis. However, they provide a rough estimate of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide


Deforestation is the clearing of trees from an area, usually for agriculture or development. It not only releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but also reduces the Earth’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Agriculture (e.g., inorganic agriculture) – 8%

Logging (e.g., illegal logging, timber production) – 18%

Cattle ranching – 64%

Fuelwood – 10%

It’s worth noting that deforestation not only releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but also reduces the Earth’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, making it a significant contributor to climate change.

Burning Fossil Fuels:

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, which are used to power transportation, industry, and homes.

Transportation (e.g., cars, trucks, planes) – 28%

Industry (e.g., manufacturing, construction, mining) – 22%

Electricity and Heat Production (e.g., power plants, heating systems) – 21%

Buildings (e.g., residential, commercial) – 8%

Agriculture (e.g., fertilizer production, animal waste) – 7%

Land Use and Forestry (e.g., deforestation, forest degradation) – 6%

Waste and Wastewater (e.g., landfill methane, wastewater treatment) – 5%

Other (e.g., military, international transport) – 3%

It’s worth noting that burning fossil fuels not only releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but also other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, making it a significant contributor to climate change.

Agriculture: Agricultural practices such as livestock production and fertilizer use release greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere.

Land Use Change: Land use changes, such as the conversion of forests to agriculture, can result in significant greenhouse gas emissions.Impacts of Climate Change:

Climate change has a variety of impacts on the planet, including:

Rising Temperatures: The Earth’s temperature has been rising over the past century, leading to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent heat waves.

Extreme Weather Events: Climate change can cause extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, which can lead to significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and agriculture.

Biodiversity Loss: Climate change is causing significant biodiversity loss, as habitats are destroyed and species are unable to adapt to changing conditions.

. Conclusion:

Climate change is a global crisis that requires action from individuals, governments, and businesses. By understanding the science behind climate change and its causes, we can take steps to reduce our carbon footprint and work towards a more sustainable future.


NASA Climate Change –

Environmental Protection Agency –

United Nations Climate Change –


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