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China's Artificial Moon

Do The Pros Outweigh The Cons?

By StarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

China has made headlines recently with its plans to launch an artificial moon into space. This artificial moon, which is being referred to as a "illumination satellite," is being developed as an alternative to streetlights in cities. The concept of an artificial moon is not new and has been explored by scientists and researchers for many years. In this article, we will take a look at some of the facts surrounding China's artificial moon, including its development, purpose, and potential impact on the environment.

The development of the artificial moon

China's artificial moon project was first announced in September 2018 by Wu Chunfeng, the head of Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute. The goal of the project is to replace streetlights in urban areas and reduce electricity costs. According to reports, the artificial moon will be placed in orbit about 500 kilometers (310 miles) above the Earth and will be able to reflect enough light to illuminate an area of up to 50 square miles.

Purpose of the artificial moon

The main purpose of the artificial moon is to provide a source of light for cities, especially in areas where there is limited access to electricity. By using an artificial moon, cities can save on electricity costs and reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, the light from the artificial moon will be bright enough to allow people to see at night, making it safer for them to move around. This will also have the added benefit of reducing crime, as well as providing a source of light for emergency services.

How the artificial moon will work

The artificial moon will work by reflecting the sun's light back to the Earth. This will be achieved by placing a reflective coating on the satellite, which will then reflect sunlight back to the Earth. The reflection will be bright enough to light up an area of up to 50 square miles. This will be done by adjusting the brightness of the reflection, allowing for the light to be turned up or down as needed.

Potential impact on the environment

The launch of an artificial moon could have a significant impact on the environment, both positive and negative. On the positive side, it could reduce the amount of light pollution in cities, which is a major problem for many people. It could also reduce the need for streetlights, which can be energy-intensive and emit a significant amount of greenhouse gases. On the negative side, the bright light from the artificial moon could disrupt wildlife, especially nocturnal animals that rely on the natural patterns of light and dark. Additionally, the reflection from the artificial moon could cause problems for astronomers, as it could interfere with their observations of the night sky.

The future of artificial moons

China's artificial moon is just the beginning of what could become a new era of space exploration. Scientists and researchers are exploring the potential benefits of artificial moons, including the use of these satellites for communication and navigation, as well as for providing light to areas that are not currently connected to the electrical grid. If these satellites are successful, they could have a huge impact on the way we live and work, by providing a new source of light, improving safety, and reducing energy costs.

In conclusion, China's artificial moon is a groundbreaking development that could have a significant impact on the way we live and work. While there are still many unknowns about this project, the potential benefits are enormous, and it will be interesting to see how it develops in the coming years. Whether this artificial moon will revolutionize our understanding of space and our place in it remains to be seen, but it is clear that it will be a major step forward for humanity.


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I am the kind to say what nobody else wants to say

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