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Can You Grow a Green Roof Without Damaging Your Roof? Let's Find Out!

Can You Grow a Green Roof Without Damaging Your Roof? Let's Find Out!

By Shivam Published about a year ago 3 min read
Can You Grow a Green Roof Without Damaging Your Roof? Let's Find Out!
Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash

With global warming peaking up and making us vulnerable to unknown consequences, a lean towards tackling it has come up. Every day, new technology and ideas are coming up as solutions to keep Earth’s temperature low. One of these solutions has come up in the name of green buildings. Green buildings infuse dwellings and plantations together. But, what about those who live in their personal one or two-storey homes? This is where roof gardening comes in.

If you think you can't have a garden in the sky, then rely on roof gardening. One may easily admire the lush rooftop gardens blessing one with lush fruition. No matter how tempted you get to try one yourself, there always comes this question in mind: "Does roof gardening damage the roof?" After all, you don't want to end up with a leaky ceiling or a costly repair bill. So, let’s delve into the issue and see if it is true or not.

Does roof gardening damage the roof

Let’s start with a clear statement – roof gardening doesn’t damage the roof. However, there are a few things that must be taken care of to ensure the safety of your roof. According to green roof experts, a well-built green roof will actually protect your roof membrane from the elements such as UV rays, temperature fluctuations, and hail. Thus, a green roof can actually extend the life of your roof and reduce your energy bills by insulating your home. And what more? Rarely do people think about having a cool roof; so you can easily win this race by having a cool-looking roof that will be a natural habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies. What's not to like?

But wait, before you rush to buy tools, seeds, and other home and garden accessories on sites like Shopify, you should know that there are some risks and challenges to consider. Let’s find these out.

Risks involved with roof gardening

Before you bring in the soil and pour it over the roof, you need to make sure that your roof can support the weight of a green roof. This can range from 20 to 150 pounds per square foot, depending on the type and depth of the soil, the plants, and the water retention layer. You may also need to get a permit from your city or homeowners' association and hire a professional to design and install your green roof.

Now, for the moment you've been waiting for, the joke! How do you make a green roof smile? You put a little moss-tache on it. Okay, that was cheesy, but you get the idea.

Another potential risk of roof gardening is water damage. If your green roof is not well-drained or sloped, water can accumulate and seep into your roof membrane, causing leaks, mold, and rot. To avoid this, you need to choose plants that can thrive in the conditions of your roof, such as drought-tolerant succulents, native grasses, and wildflowers. You also need to install a drainage layer, such as gravel, perlite, or foam, and a waterproof membrane, such as EPDM or TPO, to prevent water from penetrating your roof.

You also need to maintain your green roof regularly, by watering, weeding, pruning, and fertilizing it as needed. This may require some effort, time, and money, but the rewards are worth it, in terms of aesthetics, ecology, and well-being.

Now, as you know the risks involved with roof gardening, go ahead and greenify your roof, but don't forget to do your homework, consult experts, and have fun with it. After all, gardening is not just about growing plants, but also about cultivating a sense of wonder and connection to nature. Happy gardening!


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