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Animals that are Uncommon and Exotic (Part-2)

The second part of the rare animal species is covered in this article.

By Ali AkbarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
photo by Mika Brandt from unsplash

matinda and Kanya will not be welcome on other Lion's land they can only keep their four Cubs alive if they stay out of these territories from now on this family must live in the shadows but wherever they go they will still leave signs behind one of the three Nomads is on their Trail he can smell their scent if the nomads catch up to them they will kill the Cubs that will bring matimba and Kanya back into estrus so they will bear the nomads Offspring soon after.

rival Predators pose another lethal threat if the Cubs are found unattended by a keen eyed leopard it will kill them hyenas will too predators don't want Rivals around heavy rain clouds Mark the onset of Summer foreign the empty River now comes back to life waterbuck thrive in wetlands but even they are captivated by the spectacle from all around animals come to the river it gives wild dogs a chance to cool off but none enjoy it more than the elephants foreign Cubs are now eight months old they're Tawny cousins ten months;

this is unfamiliar territory for the two mothers they don't know the best hunting spots and the bush here is so dense it hides prey well sharp eyes will see the white cubs against the bright green leaves long before the Lions see them after weeks with little to eat the Cubs are skin and bones mother Lions do abandon weak Cubs but matimba Waits yet without better hunting the Cubs won't make it so the mothers lead their offspring back to familiar territory home to Timbavati up ahead half a day's journey is the favorite Waterhole of a huge herd of buffalo the strongest and meanest of lion prey to feed the Lions will have to get past aggressive Bulls and a herd of horns a wounded Buffalo is a perfect Target foreign as long as the herd stays put he is safe but after satisfying its thirst the large herd must move on to find good grazing the lame Buffalo is Left Behind thank you.

the injured Buffalo has taken shelter in the river in an attempt to forestall his fate it's Kanya matimba is by her side with the Cubs this will be their first buffalo hunt matimba can see that she has no need to hide the Buffalo is helpless foreign but he's still too far from sure the Buffalo is playing its only car in water matimbo loses the advantage she's wary and now there's a bigger problem approaching the stalker stalker are now stocked themselves.

the elephant ensures the Buffalo lives a little bit longer but the family is too hungry to give up on a sure thing now matimba settles into weight while Kanye chooses a spot in full view of the Buffalo the Cubs are learning one lioness distracts the prey while the other waits to attack Maybe hours later the Buffalo changes position but not wisely it's just what matimba has been waiting for the Buffalo is too weak to fight the Cubs Take It All In the lionesses show the Cubs exactly what to do at last the hungry Cubs can fill their bellies;

The Pride will eat and rest eat and rest all through the night the white cubs are now 10 months old at this age everything's a target for fun Kanye never refuses an invitation to play as from a Timber she's always on duty guarding her family still Kanya always tries to lighten the Timbers spirit foreign the Cubs join in as matimba approaches.

spotted hyenas are searching for food they will follow Lions especially groups without males after the lionesses have hunted they will gang up to push them off their kills our pride has taken down a zebra the Cubs are not old enough to hunt but they're not so small and helpless anymore the hyenas move in the Cubs are big enough to learn how to confront hyenas so matimba takes them forward the atmosphere is charged with aggression by scuffing the ground a Timber Stakes their claim to this place and the zebra kill behind them matimba allows the Cubs to lead the confrontation.

the Cubs advance to the limit of their confidence but it's still a standoff now matimba shows them how to end the dispute a day like this turns a cub into a lion Krueger's hot summer days are time to rest animals need to get out of the baking sun leopards take shelter up in the trees and the lions in the shade beneath them the leopard goes unnoticed until she moves and that gives the Cubs an idea.

To Be Continued.....


About the Creator

Ali Akbar

Researcher & Analyst and Content Creator at Self-Employment.

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