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7 things that could destroy Earth

How Earth will end

By Thando TPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

Our planet has endured countless catastrophic events over billions of years, shaping it into the world we inhabit today. However, there will come a day when a truly disastrous event will occur, leading to the destruction of this floating Rock and bringing an end to humanity. After considering numerous possibilities, we have narrowed down the top seven Earth-shattering events. Will we be pulled into an endless void? Could a second star suddenly appear and scorch our planet? Or is death lurking just beneath Earth's crust?

Throughout history, Earth has experienced apocalyptic events such as the breakup of Pangea or the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. These events not only altered our planet's geography but also ushered in new ages for the life forms that followed, including us. Unfortunately, these changes often came at the expense of the creatures that already inhabited Earth.

However, somewhere in our planet's future lies an extinction event so devastating that it may not only eradicate humanity but also obliterate the Earth itself. In due time, our world could return to dust. So, what would it take to completely tear apart the Earth?

Stargazing has always evoked a sense of wonder and tranquility, but that may no longer be the case. That shooting star you spotted is not here to grant your wish. You may wish for a mere hurricane, as they remain one of the deadliest natural events on our planet, leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever they make landfall.

However, if an asteroid were to strike an ocean with enough force and heat, hurricanes would pale in comparison to what would follow. A sufficiently large asteroid would superheat the oceans to temperatures exceeding 49°, triggering a colossal storm known as a hypercapnia. The winds would move at the speed of sound, and clouds would soar to heights of up to 40 km. These winds would propel water and aerosols into the stratosphere, annihilating the ozone layer. Even if the winds didn't carry you into space, the radiation on Earth's surface would fry you.

Jupiter, the gas giant, possesses twice the mass of all the planets in our solar system combined. Inside this colossal planet, gases swirl relentlessly. No matter the location, rocks reaching temperatures of 1,000° would travel at a speed of 700 kmph. The impact of such a massive amount of molten rock hitting the Earth's surface could disrupt its balance and potentially cause a realignment of the poles. This event would result in a thick layer of ash and gas, suffocating the planet and blocking out sunlight. As the lava cools, the Earth's temperature would drastically decrease, leading to another Ice Age. While this catastrophic event may not completely destroy the planet, it would eliminate any possibility of sustaining life until the atmospheric conditions improve.

The Earth completes one full rotation on its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds. However, the rotational speed varies depending on your distance from the poles. At the equator, the Earth moves the fastest, with a rate of 460 m/s, while at the North or South Pole, it moves the slowest, technically appearing motionless. This rotation is crucial for creating a suitable environment for life. The cycle of day and night, driven by Earth's rotation, helps maintain a habitable temperature and influences weather patterns. Even tides are influenced by the Earth's spin.

If we were to accelerate the Earth's rotation, would it completely destabilize the climate? Increasing the rotational speed by 0.45 m/s would result in slightly shorter days, but the change would be barely noticeable. However, even with this slight increase, sea levels would rise by several centimeters or a few inches. The water around the poles would migrate towards the equator.

Now, if we were to accelerate the rotation by 45 m/s, a single day would last approximately 22 hours. This significant change would cause confusion and a feeling similar to jet lag. Additionally, we would need to add a few more days to the year. However, the impact on sea levels would be dramatic. The world's oceans at the equator would rise by as much as 9 to 20 meters. Major cities like New York, Venice, and Mumbai would be submerged, displacing millions of people.

Lastly, if we were to double the current rotation speed to 920 m/s, disaster would strike. Water would cover even more land, causing widespread devastation.In York, the devastation caused by the storm would be evident, but typically these storms veer eastward and dissipate before reaching the area. However, this time luck would not be on your side. After three weeks of intensifying, the storm would break records as the largest and strongest hurricane ever, making its initial landfall in New Jersey. With wind speeds reaching up to 300 kmph, Hurricane Sandy's impact in 2012 would pale in comparison. Sandy caused power outages for approximately 2 million people, $19 billion in damages, and tragically claimed 43 lives. When our hypothetical Category 6 hurricane strikes New York, the level of destruction would be astronomically higher. The storm would be larger than half of the United States, unleashing chaos on an unprecedented scale. Storm surges exceeding 8 meters would result in rapid and perilous flooding throughout the city, from the beaches to the streets and even the tunnels. Without widespread evacuations, millions would be stranded or face immediate danger of drowning. Subway stations would be inundated, buses and cars swept away, and wastewater plants impacted, leading to the contamination of local waterways with untreated sewage. If caught outside, survival would become a fierce battle against powerful winds and flying debris. Even the smallest objects would transform into deadly projectiles, particularly shards of glass from damaged skyscrapers swaying in the wind. The force of the storm would cause even stormproof buildings to collapse, further adding to the danger. The entire city, with its nearly 9 million residents, would be plunged into darkness as the power grid fails. Vital services such as healthcare, transportation, and communication would be completely severed, leaving millions in desperate need of rescue. Amidst this chaos, there would be a brief respite in the eye of the storm, where an eerie calm would temporarily prevail.


About the Creator

Thando T

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