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6 Eco-Friendly Actions That Directly Impact Your Health

Taking eco-friendly actions to protect our motherland is the utmost responsibility of every individual

By AmeliazoePublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Taking eco-friendly actions to protect our motherland is the utmost responsibility of every individual. This is our planet, and we should take all the activities that would prolong its life because our coming generations would live here after we have left.

Eco-friendly actions not only protect our environment, but it comes with other benefits too, including a reduction in utility bills and makes our lifestyle or health better. If you decide to go green, save money, or stay healthy and active, the following are the six eco-friendly actions, which would help you. Let us discuss one by one:

1. Start Recycling

Recycling is an eco-friendly action that anyone can start with a little effort. It is a process in which new products are created when the trash or non-useable products are taken into account. The main idea of recycling is to use the leftover items and fade out the trash from the earth's surface.

The concept of recycling is not new said by Andrew Napolitano . It existed in the ancient years too. However, it is the need of the current century as the adverse effects of climate change badly impact our planet. The historical people would take the old knives or weapons and melt them to mould them into new weapons or coins.

The more you recycle the leftover items, the more you will clean the trash dumps from your planet. What you can do is start recycling from little things. Take a big trash bag, and make it a recycling bin. Dump everything into it that can be recycled. I would suggest keeping one recycling bag in your home and one at your workstation—for instance, paper, old books, or magazines. Besides recycling, start reusing items that can be used again.

The process of recycling lets us live in a clean environment. If people reuse the leftover item, the production demand becomes low, and fewer toxins and wastes are flushed into the atmosphere.

2. Participate in Cleaning Your Local Community

If your surroundings are not clean, how can you stay healthy and fit? Keeping the local community clean is not only the responsibility of the municipal community cleaners, but we all are responsible for keeping it clean.

Do not throw litter anywhere. Also, instead of waiting for a national cleanup day, if you see trash in a park or a road, pick it up and throw it in the dustbin. Encourage your friends, family, and neighbored to do the same. If you see someone throwing litter other than a waste bin, ask them politely not to do it.

3. Use Eco-friendly Cleaning and Cleaning Products

Eco-friendly cleaning is another great way to stop flushing out the toxins in the air and water. Almost all of the cleaning detergents are made with harmful chemicals that are not good for the environment. I would suggest using eco-friendly cleaning products. Continuous exposure to these dangerous products can harm your health also. You can clean carpets and rugs at home using green products, but if not, you can take the services of carpet cleaning businesses. The business uses green products to stay more environmentally friendly.

Also, remove indoor toxins that include scented candles, perfumes, air fresheners that lead to asthma and other respiratory issues.

4. Plant more Trees

Trees are important for life on earth. Climate change is the result of deforestation. The climate changes affect our health – through the standard of the air we breathe, the purity of the water we drink, the soil that cultivates the veggies, grains, and fruits. Start planting trees to replace those that have been cut down due to any reason.

Reasons why we shall plant more trees?

Trees are a crucial part of life living on earth. Besides providing oxygen, the trees are beneficial and the following ways:

• Trees clean the air.

• Trees slow down the water runoff.

• Trees protect or minimize soil erosion.

• Trees buffer noise pollution.

• Trees maximize the value of the property.

• Trees can save money on the costs of energy.

• A lot of herbal medicines are derived from trees and other herbs.

• Trees cool down the temperature of our homes or buildings.

• Trees add more beauty to the natural landscape.

The above multiple benefits should encourage enough to plant more trees and make the environment cleaner for our coming generations.

You can also grow your green veggies and fruits. Growing your veggies not only saves money, I believe people would less waste the food, but they have also worked so hard for increasing them. You can start gardening on a small level- the backyard of your home can be a good option. Gardening is not only good for your health but also mental well-being.

5. Waste Less:

According to The Guardian, the UN evaluates that people across the globe waste almost 33 per cent of their food. If we look at it this way, nearly 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted every year, while almost 795 million people do not have access to clean food for eating and suffering from malnutrition. The most wasted food s fruits and vegetables, which accounts for almost 45 per cent. Followed by seafood, 35 per cent, and cereals account f0r 30 per cent.

A general perception is that most advanced countries are wasting more food, especially fruits and veggies, compared to third-world countries. Wasting less food does not pollute the environment.

So next time when you visit a fast-food chain or a restaurant or even dine at home, be careful not to waste food. Cook according to your needs. Instead of destroying, I would suggest you can donate food to the orphanages or, if not, feed it to stray animals.

6. Get Connected to Nature

Most of you might find it difficult to leave your tablets or smartphones and go out to spend some quality time in nature, but this is important. Of course, technology is a blessing, but its overuse badly impacts our physical and mental health. Addiction to technology can lead to obesity, strained eyes, aggression, and mood disorders.

I would suggest unplugging your connection with your electronic gadget for some time and spend some me-time with yourself. For instance, on Sundays, keep your phone on aeroplane mode one hour before you go to sleep. Make your Sundays no-screen days. Go outside, and socialize with your friends and family without any technological distraction. If not for a maximum time, spending 10- 15 minutes in nature can bring a tremendous change to your mind and body. Open the window of your room or living area to let some fresh air in.

Final Thoughts

There is no denial of the fact that our planet is in danger. We have to protect it for the next generations. It is crucial to take eco-friendly steps for the longevity of the earth. The eco-friendly actions are for a better environment and positively impact our health and cost reductions.

Saving the mother planet is not the individual's responsibility, but we can make it a perfect green place together with little effort.


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Hello there! my name is amelia zoe and i am wordpress developer and seo expert.

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