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6 Countries with the most beggars


By Moharif YuliantoPublished 24 days ago 3 min read
6 Countries with the most beggars
Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

While there isn't definitive data readily available on the exact number of beggars in each country, poverty is a strong indicator of where begging may be more prevalent. Here's a look at six countries grappling with significant poverty rates and the complex reasons behind them:

1. Madagascar: Madagascar, an island nation off the coast of Africa, faces an extreme poverty rate exceeding 80%. This translates to a large portion of the population struggling to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.

Causes of Poverty:

Environmental factors: Madagascar is prone to natural disasters like cyclones and droughts, which disrupt agricultural production and livelihoods.

Limited economic opportunities: The economy relies heavily on agriculture, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices.

Political instability: Political instability can deter investment and hinder economic growth.

2. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): The DRC, a vast nation in Central Africa, experiences a poverty rate exceeding 70%. Decades of conflict, political instability, and corruption have significantly hampered development.

Causes of Poverty:

Civil war and conflict: Decades of civil war have devastated infrastructure, displaced people, and hindered economic activity.

Corruption: Rampant corruption diverts resources away from vital services like education and healthcare.

Exploitation of natural resources: The rich natural resources of the DRC, like cobalt and coltan, are often unethically mined, with little benefit reaching the local population.

3. South Sudan: South Sudan, the world's youngest nation, struggles with a poverty rate exceeding 75%. Years of civil war have left the country in ruins, with limited infrastructure and a shattered economy.

Causes of Poverty:

Civil war: The brutal civil war has crippled the economy and displaced millions.

Food insecurity: Conflict and climate change have disrupted agricultural production, leading to food insecurity.

Weak governance: Weak institutions and lack of rule of law hinder development efforts.

4. Yemen: Yemen, a nation on the Arabian Peninsula, faces a humanitarian crisis with a poverty rate exceeding 70%. Years of civil war and a crippling blockade have caused widespread hunger and suffering.

Causes of Poverty:

Civil war: The ongoing civil war has devastated infrastructure, displaced millions, and disrupted economic activity.

Food insecurity: The war and a blockade on essential supplies have created a severe food crisis.

Breakdown of healthcare: The healthcare system has collapsed, leaving many without access to basic medical care.

5. Ethiopia: Ethiopia, a nation in East Africa, has a poverty rate exceeding 40%. While economic growth has been achieved in recent years, significant challenges remain.

Causes of Poverty:

Droughts and climate change: Droughts and erratic weather patterns disrupt agricultural production, impacting food security.

Limited economic diversification: The economy relies heavily on agriculture, making it vulnerable to external shocks.

Rapid population growth: Rapid population growth puts a strain on resources and limits opportunities for all.

6. Nigeria: Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has a poverty rate exceeding 40%. Despite its vast oil reserves, income inequality remains a significant challenge.

Causes of Poverty:

Uneven distribution of oil wealth: The wealth generated from oil doesn't trickle down to benefit the majority of the population.

Corruption: Corruption diverts resources away from vital services and infrastructure development.

Conflict and insecurity: Insurgency in the north disrupts economic activity and displaces people.

Beyond Poverty: A Look at Other Factors Contributing to Begging

While poverty is a major driver of begging, other factors can contribute to it as well:

Lack of social safety nets: In countries with weak social safety nets, individuals and families who fall on hard times may resort to begging to survive.

Disabilities: People with disabilities may face challenges finding employment and may turn to begging to meet their basic needs.

Broken family structures: Orphans, abandoned children, and those from broken families may be more vulnerable to begging.

Human trafficking: In some cases, organized crime rings exploit individuals, forcing them into begging.

Important Considerations

It's important to understand that begging is a complex issue with no easy solutions. Simply giving money may not address the root causes of the problem. Here are some additional considerations:

Supporting organizations that address the root causes of poverty.

Donating to charities that provide food, shelter, and healthcare to those in need.

Advocating for policies that promote economic development and social justice.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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