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5 countries with the longest nights

longest nights

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 15 days ago β€’ 3 min read
5 countries with the longest nights
Photo by Shalom Mwenesi on Unsplash

While most of us experience a predictable cycle of day and night, some regions of the Earth endure extended periods of darkness. This phenomenon, known as polar night, occurs in the polar regions during the winter months. Here, we delve into five countries that experience the longest nights, exploring the geographical reasons behind it and the impact it has on life in these regions.

1. Finland: Land of the Midnight Sun and the Lingering Night (Location: Northern Europe)

Finland, often dubbed the "Land of the Midnight Sun" for its summer experiences, also contends with lengthy winter nights. Located in the Northern Hemisphere, Finland experiences a significant tilt in its axis during winter, causing the sun to dip below the horizon for extended periods.

Length of Longest Night: Depending on location within Finland, the longest night can range from approximately 20 hours in the south to over 60 days near the Arctic Circle in the north.

Impact: While not complete darkness, the lack of sunlight can disrupt sleep patterns, impact mood, and necessitate adjustments to daily routines. Many Finns rely on artificial lighting during these periods and engage in winter sports or indoor activities.

2. Sweden: A Dance Between Light and Darkness (Location: Northern Europe)

Sweden, Finland's neighbor, also experiences significant variations in daylight hours. Similar to Finland, the tilt of the Earth's axis and Sweden's high latitude contribute to long winter nights.

Length of Longest Night: Sweden's longest night varies based on location, ranging from around 18 hours in the south to over 60 days near the Arctic Circle.

Impact: Swedes have adapted their lifestyles to the extended darkness. Many utilize light therapy lamps to combat seasonal affective disorder, and the aurora borealis (northern lights) provide a spectacular natural light show during these periods.

3. Norway: The Land of the Fjords and the Enchanting Polar Night (Location: Northern Europe)

Norway, known for its breathtaking fjords and natural beauty, also experiences a stark contrast between summer days and winter nights. The country's northerly location places it within the Arctic Circle, leading to extended periods of darkness.

Length of Longest Night: Similar to Sweden and Finland, the length of Norway's longest night varies by location. Northern regions near the Arctic Circle can experience over 60 days of darkness, while southern regions have nights closer to 18 hours.

Impact: Norwegians embrace the polar night as a unique aspect of their culture. They celebrate festivals with light displays and participate in winter sports that take advantage of the darkness, like cross-country skiing under a star-filled sky.

4. Iceland: The Land of Fire and Ice and Extended Darkness (Location: North Atlantic Ocean)

Iceland, a volcanic island nation located near the Arctic Circle, experiences dramatic seasonal variations in daylight hours. While summers boast long days with nearly 24 hours of sunlight, winters bring extended periods of darkness.

Length of Longest Night: Depending on location, Iceland's longest night can last from approximately 20 hours in the south to over 60 days near the Arctic Circle.

Impact: Icelanders have adapted their routines to the extended darkness. Many utilize artificial lighting and prioritize outdoor activities during daylight hours. The aurora borealis adds a touch of magic to the long winter nights, attracting tourists seeking this natural wonder.

5. Russia: A Vast Landscape with Varying Night Lengths (Location: Northern Asia)

Russia, the world's largest country, experiences significant variations in daylight hours depending on latitude. The northern regions, encompassing Siberia and parts of European Russia, fall within the Arctic Circle and experience polar nights.

Length of Longest Night: Russia's longest nights vary dramatically. Northernmost regions near the Arctic Circle can have nights exceeding 60 days, while southern regions experience shorter nights closer to 16 hours.

Impact: Russians living in areas with extended darkness adapt their lifestyles accordingly. Artificial lighting becomes essential, and winter activities like ice fishing and reindeer herding take advantage of the frozen landscapes.

Living in the Land of the Midnight Sun's Shadow

While the concept of a night lasting for weeks or even months might seem strange, for those living in these regions, it's a natural part of the annual cycle. These countries have developed unique cultural practices and social routines to cope with the extended darkness. The long nights also offer opportunities to appreciate the beauty of the aurora borealis and engage in winter activities under a star-filled sky.

It's important to note that the exact length of the polar night varies depending on specific locations within each country and the year itself. However, these five countries undoubtedly stand out



About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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