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By Miracle PhronesisPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Rugby is a popular contact sport that originated in England in the 19th century. It is played by two teams of 15 players each, with the objective of scoring points by carrying or kicking the ball into the opponent's goal area. Rugby is known for its physicality and requires players to have strength, speed, and endurance. In this article, we will explore the history of rugby, its rules, gameplay, and popular variants.

History of Rugby

Rugby's origins can be traced back to the town of Rugby in Warwickshire, England in the early 19th century. The game was invented by a local schoolboy named William Webb Ellis, who, according to legend, picked up a soccer ball during a game and ran with it towards the opponent's goal line. This act of running with the ball in hand became known as "hacking," and it soon caught on as a popular pastime in schools and universities across England.

In 1871, the Rugby Football Union was formed to establish rules and regulations for the game. This led to the development of the modern form of rugby, which is now played worldwide.

Rugby Rules

Rugby is played on a rectangular field that measures 100 meters long and 70 meters wide. The field is divided into two halves by a halfway line, and each half is further divided into 10-meter increments. The goal areas are located at each end of the field, and each measures 22 meters deep and 10 meters wide.

The game begins with a kickoff, and the team that scores the most points at the end of the match is declared the winner. Points can be scored in several ways:

A try is scored when a player carries the ball across the opponent's goal line and touches it down on the ground. A try is worth five points.

A conversion is a kick taken after a try has been scored. The kick is taken from a spot perpendicular to where the try was scored, and if successful, is worth two points.

A penalty kick is awarded to a team when the opposing team commits a foul. The kick is taken from the spot of the foul and is worth three points.

A drop goal is scored when a player kicks the ball through the opponent's goalposts during open play. A drop goal is worth three points.

Rugby Gameplay

Rugby is a physically demanding sport that requires players to be skilled in a variety of areas. The game is played with a leather oval-shaped ball that is passed between players using both hands. Players can also carry the ball, but must release it before being tackled by an opponent.

The game is divided into two 40-minute halves, with a 10-minute halftime break. During play, each team attempts to gain possession of the ball and score points. Players can pass the ball to their teammates, kick it downfield, or run with it towards the opponent's goal line.

Rugby is a contact sport, and players are allowed to tackle their opponents to gain possession of the ball. Tackles can be made using the arms and shoulders, but not with the head or legs. Players must release the ball immediately after being tackled, and play continues until a try is scored or a penalty is awarded.

Popular Variants of Rugby

There are several popular variants of rugby that are played around the world. These include:

1.Rugby Sevens: Rugby sevens is a faster-paced version of the game that is played with seven players on each team. Matches are played over two seven-minute halves, and the goal is to score as many points as possible in that time. Rugby sevens is often played at international tournaments, such as the Olympics and the Rugby World Cup Sevens.

2.Touch Rugby: Touch rugby is a non-contact version of rugby that is played with six or seven players on each team. In touch rugby, players are tackled by being touched with both hands instead of being tackled physically. The ball is kicked instead of passed, and scrums and lineouts are not used. Touch rugby is often played as a recreational sport and is popular among children and beginners.

3.Rugby league: Rugby league is a variant of rugby that is played with 13 players on each team. It originated in Northern England in the early 20th century as a professional sport. In rugby league, each team is allowed six tackles before the ball is turned over to the opponent. The game is faster-paced than rugby union, with fewer scrums and lineouts.

4.Rugby Union: Rugby union is the most popular form of rugby worldwide and is played with 15 players on each team. It is a full-contact sport that is played at both amateur and professional levels. Rugby union is known for its physicality, with scrums, lineouts, and rucks being key aspects of gameplay. It is played at international tournaments such as the Six Nations, Rugby Championship, and the Rugby World Cup.

Overall,Rugby is a physically demanding and exciting sport that has captured the hearts of fans around the world. It has a rich history and is played in many different forms, from touch rugby to the fast-paced rugby sevens. Whether you are a player or a spectator, rugby is a sport that offers a unique blend of athleticism, strategy, and camaraderie


About the Creator

Miracle Phronesis

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