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Once a lion was returning

Once a lion was returning

By leslie owensbyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once a lion was returning home empty-handed after a long day's hunting when he met a mischievous rabbit.

"Well, Mr. Lion? Have you caught a lot of game?"

"Alas! It's been a bad day. Look! My stomach is still very dry."

"I wish you had met me. I know a way of hunting that guarantees a good return every time."

"What method? Tell me!"

"It's very simple: you lie down at the bottom of the hill. Close your eyes and open your mouth; I will go to the top of the hill to chase the unlucky animals, which will automatically fall into your mouth."

When the lion heard this, he was very happy and asked the rabbit to take him hunting tomorrow. The rabbit agreed.

The next morning, the lion set out with the rabbit. They came to a mountain. The rabbit told the lion to close his eyes at the foot of the hill, open his mouth and get ready, and then he climbed up the hill. The rabbit did not chase any animals at all. It picked up a few pebbles and rolled down the hill. The pebbles hit the lion's face here and there, knocking his nose out of whack and his teeth out.

The lion knew that he had been tricked by the rabbit. Ignoring the pain in his wound, he got up and ran up the hill. But ran to the top of the hill, the rabbit had no shadow. Then the lion vowed, "The next time I meet a rabbit, I will eat it as prey!"

From then on, the lion would hunt down the rabbit and eat it. It's out for revenge.

Look! A practical joke brought such trouble to the rabbit.

Once a lion was returning home empty-handed after a long day's hunting when he met a mischievous rabbit.

"Well, Mr. Lion? Have you caught a lot of game?"

"Alas! It's been a bad day. Look! My stomach is still very dry."

"I wish you had met me. I know a way of hunting that guarantees a good return every time."

"What method? Tell me!"

"It's very simple: you lie down at the bottom of the hill. Close your eyes and open your mouth; I will go to the top of the hill to chase the unlucky animals, which will automatically fall into your mouth."

When the lion heard this, he was very happy and asked the rabbit to take him hunting tomorrow. The rabbit agreed.

The next morning, the lion set out with the rabbit. They came to a mountain. The rabbit told the lion to close his eyes at the foot of the hill, open his mouth and get ready, and then he climbed up the hill. The rabbit did not chase any animals at all. It picked up a few pebbles and rolled down the hill. The pebbles hit the lion's face here and there, knocking his nose out of whack and his teeth out.

The lion knew that he had been tricked by the rabbit. Ignoring the pain in his wound, he got up and ran up the hill. But ran to the top of the hill, the rabbit had no shadow. Then the lion vowed, "The next time I meet a rabbit, I will eat it as prey!"

From then on, the lion would hunt down the rabbit and eat it. It's out for revenge.

Look! A practical joke brought such trouble to the rabbit.

The lion knew that he had been tricked by the rabbit. Ignoring the pain in his wound, he got up and ran up the hill. But ran to the top of the hill, the rabbit had no shadow. Then the lion vowed, "The next time I meet a rabbit, I will eat it as prey!"

From then on, the lion would hunt down the rabbit and eat it. It's out for revenge.

Look! A practical joke brought such trouble to the rabbit.

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