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A Guide to Common Soccer Injuries

What players need to be aware of

By Craig MiddletonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Soccer is one of the most popular sports all around the world. It is loved by people of all ages, and it requires very little equipment to be able to actually play it. Just like any other sport, there are bound to be some injuries. These injuries are usually classified as acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic, and are caused by a hit or fall, while cumulative injuries are from putting repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or tendon. It is important to know what the beginning of these injuries look like, and be able to treat them before they become a life long problem. Here are a few of the most common injuries you will run into while playing soccer.

Knee Injuries

Your knees take a lot of wear and tear just in everyday life. They take a lot more damage when you are playing soccer. All of the lateral movements, and the quick stopping and starting can cause your knees to wear down even quicker. There are so many different ligaments in the knee it is easy to strain or tear one of them. With all of the kicking and torquing that goes on with your knee, it is super easy to damage them.

Stubbed Or Broken Toes

Whenever you play basketball you may suffer a stoved finger, because of all of the dribbling. The same thing can happen while playing soccer, except with your toes. Toes can get stubbed or broken very easily while playing soccer. It can be tricky telling which injury you sustained, here’s how to tell if you have a stubbed or broken toe. Both can be painful and cause swelling and bruising, but the main difference is that a stubbed toe hurts all over, whereas a broken one hurts directly where the fracture is.

Stress Fractures

A stress fracture occurs from repeated pressure put on a bone. Since many soccer players spend a lot of time running, that puts a lot of pressure on their bones. This leads to stress fractures, which can lead to broken bones. If the bone is tender to the touch or is swollen then you are probably suffering from a stress fracture. If you suspect you have a stress fracture try the “hop test,” hop lightly on the injured foot—if you have pain when you land, then it is a possible stress fracture.


Concussions can be very dangerous, especially for developing brains. You hit the ball with your head, fall on the ground, or even hit your head on other people—these can all lead to concussions. Multiple concussions can be dangerous to your mental state in the longer term. If you experience any dizziness, vomiting, or seizures then you may have a concussion. If you think you have a concussion, you should consult with a medical professional immediately.

Pulled Muscles

A pulled muscle is caused by a muscle being torn or overstretched. This happens when the muscle is used improperly, is fatigued, or overused. They are most common in your lower back, hamstrings, shoulders, and back. If you experience swelling, a knotted up feeling, stiffness, or weakness, it may be a pulled muscle. If you think that you are experiencing a pulled muscle, you should follow the RICE acronym. Rest the muscle, Ice the muscle, Compress the muscle by wrapping something around it, and Elevate the muscle by propping it up on a pillow or something.

Enjoy Soccer While Staying Safe

Soccer can be a sport that you play for a long time if you take care of your body. So, if you are playing soccer, it is important to be conscious of possible injuries so that you are able to avoid them. You only have one body, so it is very important to take care of it during whatever activity you choose.


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