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Sodium Sketch

A High School Prank Gone Explosively Wrong

By Mike TaylorPublished 16 days ago 4 min read
In the world of chemistry, even the smallest elements can cause the biggest bangs.


Tommy: The well-meaning but not-so-bright protagonist.

Jake: Tommy's best friend, slightly smarter but equally mischievous.

Mr. Henderson: The strict yet clueless chemistry teacher.

Principal Stevens: The no-nonsense school principal.

Janitor Joe: The wise, observant janitor who’s seen it all

Scene 1: The Classroom Incident

(Setting: A high school chemistry classroom. Mr. Henderson, the teacher, stands before a group of students, demonstrating a chemical reaction with a small piece of sodium and water.)

Mr. Henderson: (Holding up the sodium) Now, class, observe what happens when sodium meets water. Remember, this is a controlled experiment. Do not try this on your own.

(He drops the sodium into a beaker of water. It fizzes, sparks, and a small flame appears.)

Tommy: (Whispering to Jake) Dude, that’s awesome! Imagine what a bigger piece would do.

Jake: (Grinning) Yeah, man. Like a toilet explosion!

(Tommy's eyes widen with excitement.)

Mr. Henderson: (Sternly) Tommy, pay attention. This is serious chemistry, not a joke.

Tommy: (Nods vigorously) Yes, sir. Serious chemistry, got it.

Scene 2: The Plan

(Setting: The school cafeteria. Tommy and Jake sit at a table, conspiring.)

Jake: So, I heard the chem lab has a whole stash of sodium. We could sneak in after school.

Tommy: And we could make a bomb! I mean, not a bomb-bomb, but like, you know, a toilet bomb!

Jake: (Nods) Yeah, and we can see if it really explodes like in the movies.

(Tommy scribbles the plan on a napkin, complete with a stick figure throwing a soda can-sized package into a toilet.)

Tommy: It’ll be epic!

Scene 3: The Break-In

(Setting: The chemistry lab, late at night. Tommy and Jake tiptoe in, armed with flashlights.)

Tommy: (Whispering) There it is! The sodium stash!

Jake: (Excitedly) Grab it!

(Tommy grabs a large chunk of sodium and they wrap it in several layers of paper.)

Tommy: (Admiring their work) Looks just like a giant soda can.

Jake: (Giggling) Let’s go blow up a toilet.

Scene 4: The Explosion

(Setting: The school restroom. Tommy and Jake stand before a toilet, holding the sodium package.)

Tommy: (Whispering) Okay, here goes nothing.

(He throws the package into the toilet and they step back, eyes wide with anticipation.)

Jake: (Nervously) Shouldn’t we run or something?

Tommy: (Confidently) Nah, let’s watch.

(The sodium reacts with the water. Flames start to emerge, then the toilet glows red.)

Jake: (Panicking) Dude, it’s getting hot!

Tommy: (Panicking) Run!

(They bolt out of the restroom just as the toilet explodes. The sound is deafening, and pieces of porcelain fly everywhere, shattering the stall walls and making a small hole in the ceiling.)

Tommy: (Panting) Holy crap, we actually did it!

Jake: (Laughing) That was insane! We’re legends!

Scene 5: The Aftermath

(Setting: The next morning. The school is abuzz with rumors. Tommy and Jake walk into the restroom to survey the damage.)

Tommy: (Whistling) Look at this place. It’s like a war zone.

Jake: (Pointing to the ceiling) Dude, we made a skylight!

Tommy: (Grinning) Bet no one else can say they blew up a toilet with science.

(Janitor Joe walks in, shaking his head.)

Janitor Joe: (Sighing) Boys, boys, boys. What have you done?

Tommy: (Innocently) It was an accident, Mr. Joe. We were, uh, conducting an experiment.

Janitor Joe: (Grinning) Well, you sure made a mess. I’ve been cleaning this school for thirty years and I’ve never seen anything like this.

Jake: (Proudly) Thanks, Mr. Joe. We aim to impress.

Janitor Joe: (Laughing) You might want to aim for not getting expelled.

Scene 6: The Principal’s Office

(Setting: Principal Stevens’ office. Tommy and Jake sit before the principal, trying to look innocent.)

Principal Stevens: (Sternly) Do you boys have any idea the damage you’ve caused?

Tommy: (Sheepishly) It was an experiment, sir.

Principal Stevens: (Raising an eyebrow) An experiment? You blew up a toilet!

Jake: (Trying to lighten the mood) But it was educational. We learned a lot about chemical reactions.

Principal Stevens: (Barely holding back a smile) You’re lucky no one was hurt. This is a serious offense. What do you have to say for yourselves?

Tommy: (Earnestly) We’re sorry, Principal Stevens. We just wanted to see what would happen.

Principal Stevens: (Sighing) Curiosity is good, but this was reckless. You’re both suspended for a week.

Jake: (Relieved) Not expelled?

Principal Stevens: (Shaking his head) No, not expelled. But you’ll be cleaning up the mess you made. Every last piece of porcelain.

Scene 7: The Cleanup

(Setting: The destroyed restroom. Tommy and Jake, dressed in janitor uniforms, sweep up the debris under Janitor Joe’s watchful eye.)

Tommy: (Grumbling) This sucks.

Jake: (Laughing) Hey, at least we didn’t get expelled.

Janitor Joe: (Amused) You boys sure know how to make a mess. Next time, try to stick to safer experiments.

Tommy: (Grinning) We’ll definitely be more careful next time.

Jake: (Whispering) But I’ve got another idea...

Tommy: (Excitedly) What is it?

Jake: (Winking) How about we test what happens when we mix vinegar and baking soda in a bottle...and see if we can make a rocket?

Tommy: (Laughing) Sounds like a plan. But let’s do it at your place this time.

(Janitor Joe overhears and chuckles.)

Janitor Joe: (Shaking his head) Boys, boys, boys...

Scene 8: The Open End

(Setting: The school hallway, a week later. Tommy and Jake walk past the principal’s office, giving Principal Stevens a wide berth.)

Principal Stevens: (Calling out) I hope you two learned your lesson.

Tommy: (Nodding vigorously) Absolutely, sir. No more explosions.

Jake: (Winking) Just science, safe science.

(As they walk away, Tommy nudges Jake.)

Tommy: So, about that rocket...

Jake: (Grinning) This weekend. My backyard.

Tommy: (Excitedly) Let’s do it!


About the Creator

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor is an acclaimed writer known for his narratives and compelling characters. His work spans multiple genres, exploring the depths of the human experience. A seasoned traveler and coffee enthusiast.

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