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Love of birds and people


By fahmida akter fahimaPublished 27 days ago 2 min read
Love of birds and people
Photo by Ojaswi Pratap Singh on Unsplash

"The Captive Life of a Free Bird"—just the title itself stirs up imagery of contradiction, confinement, and the loss of what should be boundless freedom. It evokes the idea of something inherently wild and unrestrained forced into constraints, where freedom is merely a memory or an echo within captivity. Let's explore this concept in a short prose piece:

The sky was an endless canvas of azure, punctuated by the golden hues of dawn. This was where the free bird lived, in the wide expanse of the open air, where the horizon seemed infinite and the winds whispered songs of distant places. Every morning, the bird would rise from its nest high in the canopy, stretch its wings, and soar into the unknown. The currents carried it, lifted it, and set it on a journey without boundaries. To be a free bird was to belong to the world.

But the free bird's life changed the day it was captured. The cage wasn't large, but it was sturdy—made of thick iron bars and a locking door. The bird flapped its wings against the bars, trying to find an escape. It sang its songs of freedom, hoping the winds would hear and come to its rescue. Yet the winds could not reach inside the cage, and the bars held firm against the bird's desperate attempts to break free.

The bird was no longer free. It could see the sky through the gaps in the bars, but the open air was just out of reach. It could hear the rustling leaves and the distant calls of other birds, but it couldn't join them. The songs of freedom turned to songs of sorrow, the vibrant melodies replaced by forlorn notes that resonated through the metal prison.

As time passed, the bird grew accustomed to its captive life. It learned to find joy in small things—the droplets of water that clung to the cage after a rainstorm, the rays of sunlight that filtered through the bars at dawn. It made friends with the insects that found their way into the cage, and it listened to the stories they brought from the outside world.

Yet the bird's heart remained restless. It longed for the days when it could soar through the skies without limits, when every gust of wind was an invitation to explore. It dreamt of the vast landscapes it once knew, the mountain peaks and lush valleys, the hidden groves and shimmering lakes.

The cage could contain the bird's body, but it could not contain its spirit. The free bird was captive, but it held onto its dreams. It knew that one day, the cage would open, and it would be free once more. Until then, it would keep singing its songs, a reminder that even in captivity, the heart of a free bird could not be silenced.

This is a story of resilience and the indomitable spirit of freedom, even in the face of confinement. It's a metaphor for all those who find themselves in situations that limit their potential, reminding us that even within the tightest constraints, hope can thrive.

FantasyChildren's Fiction

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