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Feminized By My Bestie — I Never Was A Girl

Cross Dresser Story - I Never Was A Girl

By Anshul Singh TomarPublished 7 months ago 24 min read

Once upon a time in a quaint little town, there lived a teenager named Samuel. He was a regular boy, content with his life and the usual teenage struggles. Samuel had a unique charm - his long, curly hair and lean figure made him stand out from the muscle-bound boys around him. He wasn't interested in competing for dominance; instead, he found solace in conversations and connections.

As the last day of junior high school approached, Samuel felt a sense of anticipation for the upcoming summer. With the school year ending, he saw the warm days ahead as an opportunity to mingle and connect with the local girls. And where better to do that than the expansive park that the town boasted?

The park was a haven for summer activities, offering acres of picnic spots, ball fields, and even a splendid spring-fed outdoor swimming area. It was the place where friendships blossomed and memories were created. Samuel had a plan – he would spend his summer days at the park, engaging in conversations with the girls who lounged on benches and grassy spots, basking in the sun's warmth.

Unlike the typical boys who focused on brawn and bravado, Samuel had chosen a different path. He embraced an eclectic style, nurtured by his participation in swimming and aerobics classes. These activities had granted him a lean physique, which, combined with his flowing, unruly hair, attracted attention from the opposite sex. Samuel didn't mind the attention at all; in fact, he relished the moments when a cute girl would softly braid his curly locks as they chatted. These interactions were far more enjoyable for him than the testosterone-fueled contests of strength that seemed to define his peers.

However, Samuel's life took an unexpected turn one fateful day. As he was spending time with his close friend, a girl named Lily, they found themselves embroiled in a curious situation. Samuel had never imagined himself in a skirt, yet here he was, clad in one. His friend Lily seemed to be in on the secret, referring to him as a girl. This left Samuel's parents, particularly his mom and dad, utterly bewildered.

In the face of their confusion, Mom struggled to find words while Dad managed to voice his astonishment. "What are you doing in a skirt?" he finally managed to ask, his voice a mixture of concern and disbelief. He took a deep breath before continuing, "Samuel, what is going on? Why are you dressed like your sister, and why is Lily referring to you as a girl?"

Samuel's mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all. He had never intended to become a girl, but circumstance had led him down a path he hadn't foreseen. His journey was about to take a remarkable turn, filled with challenges and self-discovery. As the days unfolded, Samuel's understanding of his own identity would evolve in ways he never thought possible.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning of a gender-bending adventure that would test his friendships, challenge societal norms, and lead him to understand the true essence of being true to oneself. The boy-to-girl transformation that was unfolding before him would not only involve external changes but also an exploration of inner desires and aspirations.

As the sun set on that day, casting a warm glow over the park, Samuel's story was only just starting. His pursuit of love, self-acceptance, and a place in a world that often dictated rigid gender roles would shape his journey into the unknown. With each step he took, he would learn that true beauty transcends the surface and that the heart's desires should never be ignored.

And so, Dear Viewer, buckle up for a tale of resilience, transformation, and the unyielding quest for authenticity. Samuel's odyssey through gender-swapping, cross-dressing, and the intricacies of identity will take us through a rollercoaster of emotions, as he navigates a path less traveled and discovers the magic of embracing oneself, no matter how unconventional that journey may be.

Amid the summer days that followed, Samuel's life remained a whirlwind of interactions and friendships. The occasional taunts of being a "pretty boy" or a "sissy" didn't faze him, for he had found his strength in the company of the girls who had become his close companions. His circle of friends, or at least acquaintances, formed a protective shield around him – a testament to his charisma and the bonds he had nurtured.

Samuel's camaraderie with these young women proved to be invaluable. Their presence was not just comforting; it was a statement. Anyone who dared to mock him would find themselves facing the collective force of these spirited girls. Their solidarity not only shielded him from ridicule but also gave him a sense of belonging he had never experienced before. He reveled in the beauty of these friendships, where connection was prized over conformity.

As the summer sun blazed on, a fateful day arrived that would forever alter Samuel's course. One sunny afternoon, he found himself at the park accompanied by his best friend, Tia. Tia was more than just a friend; she was a kindred spirit. The two shared not only a close bond but also a striking resemblance. So much so that jests about them being sisters had become a running joke, though Samuel often played the part of the "ugly sister."

On that day, as they strolled along the edge of the swimming area, enjoying each other's company, their tranquility was abruptly shattered. The sounds of people screaming pierced the air, causing Samuel to whirl around in alarm. What he saw left him paralyzed with fear – a massive lawnmower was hurtling towards them, seemingly out of control. Instinctively, Samuel acted, shoving Tia out of harm's way just before the mower collided with him.

The impact was excruciating. A searing pain lanced through the back of his legs as he was thrown onto the mower, which crashed into the water. Despite the agony, Samuel fought to stay afloat using his arms, managing to stay conscious as he clung to the surface. In a matter of moments, Tia was at his side, pulling him out of the water and onto the safety of the beach.

Blood painted a gruesome tableau around him as he tried to make sense of the situation. His vision blurred, and darkness threatened to engulf him. Samuel's journey was about to take an unexpected detour, one that would lead him into the realm of medical intervention and self-discovery.

The hospital room became his new reality. Samuel awoke to the sensation of weightlessness, his legs suspended in the air. A compassionate nurse named Mary held his hand, offering reassurance. The haze of anesthetic began to lift, and he gradually realized the extent of his injuries.

"I was run over by a mower, and…" Samuel struggled to find the words to convey the severity of the incident.

Mary's words filled the gaps in his understanding. She revealed that she and her colleagues had dedicated hours to sewing him back together, a statement that left a mix of gratitude and awe in its wake. As the haze cleared further, Samuel's focus shifted to an older man who entered the room – Dr. Sutton, the chief orthopedic surgeon.

Dr. Sutton's presence was reassuring as he embarked on a series of assessments. He carefully examined Samuel's condition, inquiring about his sensations and encouraging him to test the movement of his toes. His professional demeanor and comforting words offered a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty.

With a smile, Dr. Sutton shared positive news about Samuel's progress. He affirmed that significant nerve damage and tendon injuries had been avoided, giving rise to a sense of relief. As the doctor wrapped his feet, Samuel's anticipation grew – he longed to understand the details of the incident that had brought him to this point.

Seated beside Samuel, Dr. Sutton's gaze softened as he considered the young man's emotional state. "It will be a few minutes before you can be disconnected and wheeled out of here, and into the waiting arms of your family and friends. Are you up to knowing what happened, and what we have done, or would you rather wait until everyone is present?" he inquired, his words brimming with empathy.

And so, Dear Viewer, the story of Samuel's transformation continued, taking an unforeseen turn as his physical and emotional resilience were tested. As he lay in the hospital bed, on the cusp of unveiling the truth behind the accident and its aftermath, the intricate tapestry of his journey was woven with threads of courage, friendship, and the unyielding pursuit of understanding one's own identity. The chapters yet to come held the promise of self-discovery, inner strength, and the exploration of a path less traveled, illuminated by the beacon of authenticity.

As the haze of medication began to dissipate, Samuel's senses sharpened, and his feet started to throb with pain. He voiced his discomfort to Dr. Sutton, who offered a reassuring smile. The doctor assured Samuel that he would be given pain medication before leaving, helping to ease the discomfort.

With a steady tone, Dr. Sutton proceeded to recount the events that had led to Samuel's current predicament. The lawnmower's blades had caught the back of his ankles just before the impact, resulting in severe lacerations and extensive damage to both Achilles tendons. The hours of surgery had involved meticulous work to splice the tendons back together, but the damage was extensive, leading to the need for significant shortening. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, but Dr. Sutton's commitment to honesty offered a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty.

Samuel's reaction was not one of panic, but of acceptance. Despite the gravity of the situation, he gradually absorbed the doctor's words. The road ahead was filled with challenges – physical therapy, additional surgeries, and a long journey toward healing and mobility. Dr. Sutton's candidness provided Samuel with the necessary information to comprehend the path before him.

With his medical revelations complete, Dr. Sutton prepared Samuel for his next steps. He assured Samuel that he was ready to be moved to his room, and the nurse administered a shot before he was wheeled away. Samuel's wooziness remained as he transitioned to his new surroundings, greeted by the embrace and tears of loved ones.

Tia, his sister Anne, and his father welcomed him with open arms. Their unwavering support and promise of assistance touched Samuel deeply. Despite the haze of medication and the reality of his circumstances, Samuel could feel the bonds of family and friendship tightening around him.

The next morning, the hospital environment ushered in a new routine. Samuel experienced the challenges of bedpans and endured the thorough attention of the nursing staff. Amid the medical regimen, Tia's presence brought comfort and a slice of normalcy. Her gesture of bringing real food, a cheeseburger, showcased her understanding of Samuel's preferences and the depth of their friendship.

As conversations flowed, Samuel's loved ones wrestled with their own emotions and hopes for his recovery. His father, his sister Anne, and even Dr. Sutton, who visited him again, shared their perspectives on the path ahead. Dr. Sutton's words carried a mix of realism and optimism – the road to recovery would be arduous, requiring resilience and dedication. Yet, the prospect of Samuel walking independently to receive his high school diploma cast a hopeful light on the horizon.

Days turned into weeks as Samuel's stay at the hospital continued. The specter of surgery and physical therapy loomed on the horizon, and the reality of his situation began to sink in. The reduction of pain medication brought about a change in his emotions – the initial shock giving way to a sense of loss and depression. The world beyond his hospital window was a constant reminder of the life he had once known, now suspended.

Despite the well-intentioned efforts of a psychologist sent to speak with him, Samuel withdrew from conversations. His refusal to open up about his feelings elicited frustration from those around him. His father and Tia, driven by concern, attempted to bridge the gap between their understanding and Samuel's emotional state. However, their efforts often ended in heated exchanges, as Samuel grappled with his own turmoil.

After three weeks, the time came for Samuel to leave the hospital and continue his recovery at home. The transition was met with mixed emotions – relief at leaving the confines of the hospital, yet an awareness that his journey was far from over. Settling into his new room on the first floor of their house, Samuel's thoughts turned to the insurance company's involvement in his recovery. Despite the financial assurance, he couldn't help but wonder how money could truly mend his shattered sense of normalcy.

Dear Viewer, as Samuel returned home to face the challenges that awaited him, the story takes yet another twist. The journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the quest to rebuild a life forever changed is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to endure and overcome. In the pages yet to unfold, we will witness Samuel's determination, the power of support from loved ones, and the unexpected moments of inspiration that arise from the darkest of times.

In the midst of challenges, a glimmer of hope emerged through Tia's determination. With a contract in place and a local health club with a pool as their destination, Samuel's world expanded beyond the confines of his hospital room. The lifeguards, buoyancy vests, and foam casts were part of the safety precautions taken as Samuel was gently lowered into the pool. While Samuel initially felt self-conscious and vulnerable, the sensation of floating and moving in the water brought a newfound freedom, eclipsing the discomfort of his mangled feet.

With Tia by his side, Samuel embarked on a regimen of swimming. Though his muscles were weak and unaccustomed to such activity, he pushed himself to swim laps, embracing the moments of liberation that the pool offered. Tia's vigilant concern led her to intervene, preventing him from overexerting himself. Samuel's resolve remained unbroken, his commitment to recovery mirrored by Tia's dedication as a certified physical therapy assistant.

As the days turned into weeks, their routine of swimming and therapy continued. Tia's guidance, support, and shared determination forged a bond that transcended mere friendship. Through the shared trials and triumphs, their connection deepened, proving that in the face of adversity, true companionship could flourish.

The announcement of Samuel's return to the outdoor pool marked a celebratory milestone. The park became a gathering place for friends, eager to support and celebrate Samuel's progress. A sense of normalcy returned as they laughed, swam, and enjoyed each other's company, leaving behind the worries that had dogged them in recent times.

However, the promise of progress encountered a new hurdle – the school district's decision to transfer Samuel to a different high school. The news struck like a blow, separating him from Tia and his friends. Determined to stand his ground, Samuel declared his refusal to accept the transfer. Tia rallied their friends to join him in picketing the school board meeting, aiming to preserve his connection to his familiar school and community.

The school district's concern rested on issues of accessibility, citing the lack of wheelchair accessibility in Samuel's current school. The prospect of being unable to exit the school safely in an emergency or utilize most facilities painted a grim picture. Though the district's arguments had a legal basis, they failed to account for the emotional toll such a transition would take on Samuel.

The situation escalated as Jerry, Samuel's father's lawyer, filed a lawsuit. But with the wheels of justice turning slowly, a cloud of uncertainty descended upon Samuel. The impending transfer felt like a betrayal of the progress he had made and the friendships he had cultivated. That night, Samuel's tears flowed, carrying with them a mixture of frustration, anger, and a deep sense of loss.

Dear Viewer, as Samuel grapples with the complexities of his situation, the story weaves a tapestry of determination, advocacy, and the enduring bonds of friendship. The battle for inclusion, independence, and the pursuit of an education aligned with his aspirations will unfold in the pages ahead. Stay tuned as Samuel and his allies navigate the twists and turns of a journey that illuminates the resilience of the human spirit and the power of standing up for what is right.

In the morning's quiet hours, Samuel's resolve wavered under the weight of despair. As his father departed for work, Tia arrived with an air of concern. Samuel's bedroom had become a cocoon of sadness, his despondence manifesting in his refusal to eat, move, or even face the day.

Tia's unwavering support and friendship was met with resistance, as Samuel grappled with his feelings of being discarded and misunderstood. The depth of his sorrow was profound, a reflection of the isolation and helplessness he felt in the face of adversity. Samuel's bitter words echoed his perception of himself as a "defective furniture," a sentiment that underscored his internal struggle.

Tia, however, persisted in her efforts to reach through Samuel's emotional barrier. She returned later, her face marked by traces of tears, displaying her own emotional toll. Their exchange was fraught with tension, Samuel's pain evident in his words. The starkness of his sentiments painted a picture of his fragile emotional state.

Tia's final plea to Samuel was tinged with humor, an attempt to break through his defenses. Their exchange, though laced with sarcasm, held within it a glimmer of connection. The rhythm of their friendship, even in the midst of darkness, was still palpable.

In the aftermath of their conversation, Samuel's solitude was punctuated by sobs. The weight of his emotions felt unbearable, and he contemplated actions that should never be taken. The arrival of morning brought with it Tia's persistent presence, her determination unwavering. Her words held a mixture of concern and urgency, a testament to the depth of their bond.

The decision was made to head to the hospital, a step motivated by concern for Samuel's safety. Tia's ability to traverse the fine line between seriousness and humor was evident as she playfully mentioned the "nice men in the white coats." Amid her jest, a genuine worry underscored her words.

The following scenes unfolded with both tenderness and levity. Tia's insistence on taking Samuel out for lunch and shopping showcased her commitment to supporting him through his struggle. The Italian restaurant they visited, courtesy of insurance coverage, became a backdrop for their playful banter and the sharing of moments that transcended the turmoil of recent times.

Their interaction took an unexpected turn when an acquaintance of Tia's emerged, her appearance a stark contrast to conventional norms. This acquaintance, Jody, bore a striking appearance that defied categorization, capturing Samuel's attention as they embraced. It was during this meeting that a mix-up unfolded, revealing that Tia had held a belief that Samuel preferred girls. Amid the awkward realization, Samuel's genuine laughter rang out, a release of tension that had been bottled up for far too long.

In the wake of the laughter, the journey took an unforeseen detour as Jody introduced the possibility of a solution that seemed almost too good to be true. The prospect of Samuel standing on his own feet once more was tantalizing, yet Samuel's skepticism was evident. As they embarked on a journey toward the "seedier side of town," the promise of a fresh opportunity emerged.

Dear Viewer, as the tale continues to unfold, we find Samuel at a crossroads. The path ahead holds both uncertainty and hope. The unexpected encounter with Jody, Tia's enigmatic friend, is a testament to the serendipity that can arise amidst life's challenges. As Samuel navigates the next chapter of his journey, the story unveils the intricate threads of resilience, transformation, and the redemptive power of connection. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the story, exploring the unknown paths that lie ahead.

As the story continues to unfold, Dear Viewer, we find ourselves in an unexpected realm of leather and rubber, a world that seems far removed from the struggles Samuel has been facing. The uncharted territory of "Hicky's," a place teetering between an adult bookstore and a boutique, brings forth an assortment of emotions, ranging from curiosity to skepticism. Samuel's contemplation of the unfamiliar environment is laced with a hint of amusement, reflecting the contrast between his reality and the enigmatic backdrop that has emerged.

Tia's blush and playful nibbles bring an element of flirtation into the mix, adding a layer of complexity to their relationship. Yet, amidst the lighthearted banter, an undercurrent of genuine connection remains. The revelation of the leather outfits and accessories alludes to a subculture that diverges from societal norms, further challenging Samuel's preconceived notions.

The characters' interactions with Monty, a figure with a commanding presence, introduce an unexpected twist. Monty's familiarity with Tia and Jody adds a depth of history and camaraderie, unveiling the intricacies of their relationships. As Tia and Jody reconnect with Monty, Samuel finds himself an unwitting observer of their banter and shared memories, caught in a whirlwind of unfamiliarity.

Monty's role in Samuel's journey becomes evident as he questions the new arrival's situation, eliciting Tia's candid disclosure of Samuel's challenges. The raw honesty with which she shares Samuel's struggles showcases the depth of their friendship, as well as the extent to which Tia is willing to support and advocate for him.

Samuel's presence in the shop draws attention to his wheelchair-bound state, and Monty's discerning gaze lands on his feet. The tension builds as Samuel's skepticism is met with Monty's knowing smile. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, and the narrative carries a sense of wonder as the story pivots toward a potential solution.

The introduction of the knee-high leather boots, designed for women yet offering the promise of mobility, is met with a mixture of astonishment and incredulity. Samuel's incredulous observation that the boots are intended for women highlights the paradigm shift occurring within the narrative. The significance of the moment is not lost on Samuel, as he navigates the juxtaposition of his self-perception and the potential for transformation.

Tia and Jody's encouragement, coupled with the boots' practicality, lead Samuel to take a leap of faith. With tentative steps, he begins to walk once more, albeit with a newfound wobbliness. The rush of euphoria that accompanies his initial attempts at walking contrasts with the months of immobility he endured. Samuel's tears serve as a testament to the emotional weight that has been lifted, giving way to a sense of liberation.

The newfound hope that accompanies Samuel's mobility is coupled with questions about identity and societal norms. The discomfort he experiences when confronted with the idea of wearing boots traditionally associated with women mirrors the complexities of navigating gender roles and self-expression.

As the narrative continues to evolve, Samuel stands at the threshold of transformation. The road ahead is marked by both uncertainty and possibility, beckoning Samuel to explore the uncharted territory of his redefined identity. The story weaves together themes of self-discovery, friendship, and resilience, inviting us to accompany Samuel on his journey of growth and realization. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the story's intricacies, uncovering the layers of emotion and evolution that lie ahead.

And so, Dear Viewer, the tale takes an unexpected turn, as Samuel finds himself ensnared in a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, a storm that both perplexes and challenges his perceptions of self. As Tia's playful antics and genuine attraction blur the lines between friendship, attraction, and self-expression, Samuel's world transforms into a canvas of exploration and experimentation.

The dynamics of their relationship shift as Tia boldly expresses her desires and preferences, highlighting the complexities of intimacy and attraction. Samuel's simultaneous exhilaration and discomfort reveal the depths of his own vulnerability, as he grapples with his physical desires and emotional responses.

As Monty and Jody observe the unfolding scene with amusement, the narrative acquires a voyeuristic quality, inviting us to consider the boundaries of public and private displays of affection. Samuel's oscillation between embarrassment and arousal encapsulates the profound collision of societal norms and personal inclinations.

The narrative then delves deeper into uncharted waters as Tia's enthusiasm for the leather outfits propels her desire for Samuel's transformation. His hesitant agreement to her proposition unveils his willingness to accommodate her wishes, a testament to the profound connection they share. As they navigate the process of adorning Samuel with the leather ensemble, the juxtaposition of his internal conflict and their playful camaraderie creates a tapestry of emotions.

Samuel's internal struggle is laid bare as he grapples with the blend of sensations the attire brings forth. His introspective pondering on the precipice of his own desires, coupled with the realization that he might be losing his grip on the familiar, unveils a sense of vulnerability that resonates with Viewer’s. The stark contrast between his unfamiliar appearance and the familiar presence of Tia by his side reflects the multifaceted nature of their relationship.

The reflection Samuel encounters in the mirror serves as a symbolic metaphor for his internal exploration. The image staring back at him challenges his preconceived notions of identity, gender, and appearance. The utter transformation into a figure that aligns with traditional feminine ideals raises questions about authenticity, personal agency, and societal expectations.

As the story continues to unfold, the threads of identity, attraction, and self-acceptance weave together in a narrative tapestry that defies simplicity. The path Samuel treads is paved with uncertainty, curiosity, and an undeniable desire for connection. The narrative's crescendo resonates with the poignant realization that sometimes, the journey of self-discovery involves embracing the unfamiliar and transcending the boundaries of comfort. The question that remains is where this path will ultimately lead Samuel, as he navigates the intricate interplay of his own desires and societal norms. Stay tuned, Dear Viewer, as the tale unfolds further, revealing the next chapter in Samuel's journey of transformation and revelation.

And just when it seemed that Samuel's world had become a mesmerizing blend of new experiences and shifting emotions, an unexpected twist descended upon the narrative like a bolt of lightning on a moonlit night.

Amidst the whirlwind of Samuel's transformation and self-exploration, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. A woman with enigmatic eyes and an air of secrecy introduced herself as Luna, a fortune teller with insights beyond the ordinary. Intrigued by Samuel's journey, Luna offered him a reading, promising to reveal the hidden layers of his path.

With a mix of skepticism and curiosity, Samuel agreed. Luna's gaze seemed to pierce through his very soul as she held a deck of tarot cards. She began to flip the cards, each one revealing a glimpse of his past, present, and potential future. The cards danced in her hands, creating a tableau of images that seemed to resonate with his experiences and emotions.

As the last card was turned, Luna's expression shifted from intense focus to an unreadable calm. She looked at Samuel and spoke, her voice carrying a weight of prophecy. "Samuel, your journey is one of self-discovery, but it's not just about appearances or societal norms. It's about embracing all facets of yourself, transcending the limits of the physical realm."

Samuel's heart raced as her words echoed in his mind. What did she mean by transcending the physical realm? Luna continued, "Your path will lead you to a place where the boundaries of reality and imagination blur. The choices you make, the connections you forge, they will all converge in a climax that defies the ordinary."

With a sense of foreboding, Samuel left Luna's presence, her cryptic words echoing in his mind. And as the days passed, the narrative took an even more surreal turn. Tia's affections deepened, their relationship evolving into something beyond friendship and attraction. Their connection seemed to resonate with the prophecy, a fusion of emotional intensity and uncharted territory.

As the new school year began, Samuel's transformation became a topic of both admiration and speculation. The leather attire he once donned as an experiment became a signature statement, transcending gender norms and challenging the status quo. But beneath the surface, the complexities of his emotions remained.

The climax of the narrative arrived in a crescendo of uncertainty and revelation. Luna's prophecy seemed to materialize as Samuel's world collided with an alternate dimension, a realm where imagination and reality converged. In this surreal realm, appearances morphed, identities shifted, and the lines between the tangible and the intangible dissolved.

Amidst this chaotic fusion of realities, Samuel and Tia found themselves at a crossroads. The culmination of their journey led to a decision that would shape their destinies, challenging them to embrace their true selves, unburdened by societal expectations.

In a dramatic twist, Samuel realized that Luna's words had not foretold a literal transformation but rather a metaphorical journey of self-discovery. It wasn't about becoming someone else; it was about accepting all aspects of himself, transcending the confines of conformity, and stepping into a realm of authenticity.

With determination and courage, Samuel and Tia made a choice that echoed through the dimensions, igniting a cascade of events that defied explanation. The narrative reached its zenith as they stood at the precipice of uncertainty, facing the unknown with a newfound understanding of identity, love, and the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

And so, Dear Viewer, the tale concludes with Samuel and Tia poised on the threshold of a new chapter, embracing their complexities and passions, ready to navigate the uncharted territory of life's grand adventure. As the final curtain falls, their story reminds us that the journey of self-discovery is a tapestry woven with threads of courage, passion, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.


About the Creator

Anshul Singh Tomar

I can define myself as a Design Thinker with a diversified portfolio of portals which includes Ecommerce Reviews, Job/Career, Recruitment, Real Estate, Education, Matrimony, Shopping, Travel, Email, Telecom, Finance and lots more.

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