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Element Inheritance

A new school, a new life, and a new inheritance

By Ms. Lou WhoPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
Photo by Reynier Carl on Unsplash

Home life sucks ass because when my parents aren’t passed out on the couch drunk, they’re having sex stoned out of their minds; and no one wants to see that shit. As soon as I spot sunlight, I smell-test my shirt, grab my black leather jacket, and stuff a pack of cigs in my pocket. Fuck being quiet. My parents won’t notice me leaving as the door slams behind me.

I like to take my time walking to the new school, Goose Creek Memorial High. It’s a few blocks left of the trailer park, and the view doesn’t get better as I march. Everything here seems coated in grey fog as if the sun doesn’t like to shine here. I’ve been in Baytown for two months and haven't made a single friend. Everyone at school avoids me in the hallways. When I raise my hand in class, the teachers never called on me. I don't know the answers, but I wanted to see if I’d get chosen— my hypothesis is right— fuck me and my existence.

I don’t mind the loneliness, anyway. I’ve never been much of a people person. My jacket is as torn up as my jeans are, my hair is greasy with a mind of its own, and I probably look pissed off most of the time. It’s not that I’m angry; I just have nothing to be happy about. I don’t blame anyone for staying away from me. But it feels like people here are going the extra mile to stay away from me. Not even the 'rebel' friend group wants to open their doors to the new 'outcast' kid.

Today, I'll use it to my advantage as I skip 1st-period History class.

I take a stand next to a trash can and light a cigarette. I don’t care if anyone sees how close I am to the school as I’m smoking. I pay no mind to anyone most days, especially since moving here. No one here has caught my full attention yet, but she just did.

I’m pretty sure her name is Lola, and she’s in most of my classes. I don’t give a fuck about much, except for learning people's names. But right now, she has my full surveillance as she walks right past me to head toward the football field. Her big black square glasses sit low on her face revealing the green around her pupil as she gives me the side eye. There’s a tilt in her lips. It’s a smirk I'll take as a green light to jump in.

“Sup Lo, skipping class like a true delinquent? How refreshing. Where are we headed?” There’s a little pep in my step as I take one more drag and toss it onto the dry grass.

Lola stops mid-step and looks at the cigarette unimpressed, “Pick that up and throw it into the ashtray on top of the trash that’s exactly two feet away from you, please.” She strides off.

“Hey, why are you in such a hurry!” I toss the bud in the tray and jog back up to her.

“What I’m doing doesn’t concern you, so go back to class and leave me alone, Warren P. Miller.” She picked up her pace heading towards the football field.

“Woah, it’s just Warren,” I try to jump in front of her to block her path, “And I’m interested to know why you’re in a skirt and heels, acting like you’re late to football practice.” She steps off to the side to get past me, but her boob rubs against my arm as I try to prevent it. “Sorry, that wasn’t on purpose.” I wink.

“You must be having a heat stroke, so I’ll forget that just happened.” She struts away almost like she’s asking to be chased, but before I can make my second move the ground vibrates.

A shocking BOOM pulses through the air.

Surprisingly fast for a woman in heels, Lola takes off toward the chaos. Don’t people usually run away from this sort of thing?

“What the fuck was that?” I yell as I chase after her.

Entering the stadium I see the science teacher, Mr. Murphy, hovering above the field and inside a sphere of wind. A goalpost lies on the turf and the stadium seats are shaking. Taking in the view, I don’t know what’s going on, but I know for damn sure that I can’t do anything about it.

Lola's scream is carried over the wind, “Get everyone out of here!”

Mr. Arnold, the math teacher, pops out of the concession building and starts guiding the students toward the boy’s locker room. They all seem calm like this is some type of drill. Why the fuck are they here? Why does this seem normal to everyone? And why am I the only one pissing my pants right now?

Lola takes off running again but this time she joins the madman in the air. She goes headfirst toward the sphere as if to penetrate it, but no luck. She shoots across the stadium crashing on the ground right next to the other goalpost. I can't face that guy so, I take off to make sure she’s ok.

I think I’m getting somewhere until I feel the air leaving my lungs and my feet lifting off the ground. It feels like my organs are being pressed together inside of my body. I fly backward, heading straight into trouble.

“Ah, the new kid. Warren P. Miller I’d like to officially welcome you to the school of elements. Everyone here inherits the ability to bend fire, water, earth, or air from one of their parents. But I’m going to make sure that no one gives their powers to their ungrateful kids again!” He breaks out in a cringy laugh. What is this, a comic book plot? Someone with powers, please, come fight your nemeses.

“It’s jus— Warren” I can barely speak.

I can’t breathe. Murphy brings me into the sphere with him. I can smell chemicals on his hot breath. This is fucking ridiculous, and I didn’t sign up for this shit. Why did Mom bring us to this crazy ass town? Out of all the places she could’ve chosen, she picked this one.

I can’t die like this. I won’t die like this.


And just like that, my lungs inflate. The air never tasted so good. I can feel the wind coursing through every part of my body. A chill spills through my veins and in between my muscles. It’s almost like I'm drowning in it but not suffocating. The sphere dies down.

“What the FUCK. How can you possibly take my air? You little shit! Who are you?” We start descending back to the grass and I hear Lola calling for me. Murphy screams as if the last bit of air is leaving his body as we hit the ground and it's painful. I can see two of everything and it’s making me dizzy.

Lola reaches out for me and Mr. Arnold grabs Murphy as he’s still screaming. The group of students from the locker room stomps across the field to meet us.

Lola looks at Mr. Arnold with her brows furrowed, “I guess Murphy had a son after all, who would’ve guessed it was the new kid?”

“At least his experiment failed, he’s still able to pass on his elements. Let's hope that Warren can manage to take the other three as well before Murphy goes crazy again.”

“But no one usually holds more than one element. Well… except for Murphy who created this whole mess to begin with. He’s been at this for years, hellbent on controlling and keeping all the elements. No one could’ve guessed he had a kid this whole time. Maybe that’s why he was so obsessed with figuring out how to do it.”

Suddenly, it was hot.

The turf started melting into rubber goop and Mr. Arnold is caught off guard. Murphy sends a fireball straight into his chest and breaks free. He takes off running to the opposite exist. Turning my head, I see a pack of teachers and students coming from the school and running into the field. A few go after Murphy, but most circle around us.

“Warren, can you stand up?” Lola asks sweetly and I’m always here to impress. I get up to my knees and everything starts spinning. I sway towards the ground again, but someone catches me.

Everything goes black.


About the Creator

Ms. Lou Who

I'm a creative writer who daydreams about different realities that aren't real until I write them into existence. I hope you enjoy the worlds born from my words!

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    Ms. Lou WhoWritten by Ms. Lou Who

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