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Dreamstorm: The Awakening

Chapter 14 Behind The Mask

By Uncut Book PagesPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Dreamstorm Chapter 14 Behind The Mask/Audiobook/Soundtrack/

On another area of the forest, Amber stood, staring at her opponent with each fist closed tightly. Ten minutes of no action gradually elapsed, as Nanu waited for a telepathic response from his partner. He pondered; what could possibly be taking Wah so long, surely she hadn’t forgotten their plans. He wondered if an immature novice rumored to have taken out three experienced fighters possibly could cut her down. This was something they’d spoken thoroughly about after finding out that Asani managed forging an alliance with these particular children, and also the reason both formulated a strict strategy to hold back until they eradicated Hikaru Chan, just in case it required doubled overwhelming efforts for extinguishing unexpected auras of success that innately surrounded him. Nanu gazed heavily at Amber and Asani, well knowing already that neither were capable, and could never cause him to exhaust extreme amounts of power. He patiently began approaching…

“What now,” whispered Amber.

“I’m afraid this is goodbye,” Asani replied, feeling chilling inclinations of death’s hand arriving.

In desperation, Amber created a hard plastic dome shield, covering herself and Asani, but as Nanu stood in front of it, he simply struck the barrier with both tips of his index and middle finger, which caused it to crumble. Asani and Amber shielded overhead using their arms as flakes of plastic rained down upon them.

“It’s my other structural creation,” Nanu flaunted. “I’m able to see the weakest point of any matter, and a simplistic touch allows me to break it.”

“That’s impossible,” shrieked Asani.

“Nothing is impossible,” Nanu replied, watching as his targets back-pedaled in fear. “Now watch carefully, I call this attack, dancing blades.”

Nanu materialized ten swords in front of himself, then allowed them all to fall flat on the ground at his feet. Using magnetic abilities, he levitated many different types of blades, each tip pointing directly at Asani. Amber jumped in front, an attempt at defending her new found comrade.

“Huh, this little girl actually has more courage than you do,” Nanu pointed out in disgust. “Why do you guard him?”

Amber bit her lower lip, closed her eyes, and took a deep swallow as the edge of a short sword rested in midair, only inches away from her neck. “Because I know more than anyone how it feels being afraid.”

Nanu smirked. “Asani, for being a coward, I’ll make sure that your death is slow. As for you, child — if you stand still so I can get a clean cut, your pain will be brief.”

Awaiting death with eyes closed, Amber twitched anxiously, then an intensely loud clash of parrying swords rang out. She opened her eyes wide, and to her surprise, the storm’s mysterious thirtieth fighter stood in front, protecting her from Nanu’s blade. With his katana, this ominously concealed warrior deflected Nanu’s weapon to the ground. Amber felt relieved, yet very confused all at once.

“First you attack us, then you spare us, and now… you’re saving me,” she assessed aloud. “Who are you?” The masked man pulled off a white hooded covering that formerly hid black curly hair, then unbuckled an unrevealing face mask, displaying his dark appearance as he dropped it. Amber’s eyes widened while she stared in disbelief. “It’s really you, you’re alive… Kamari.”

Amber ran forward, and leapt directly into his arms, recklessly losing all sense of her surroundings.

“You do know we’re here, amidst battle,” Kamari reminded her swiftly.

She quickly hopped back down beside him, while Nanu marveled at Kamari in amazement.

“I don’t know who you are stranger, but I’ll easily make you wish you’d never met me,” he said foully.

“Wait… you’re who Elitist has been after,” Amber raved, ignoring Nanu completely.

“Great, just tell everyone else,” said Kamari.

“But that means — ”

“Yes Amber, your assumptions are correct,” Kamari explained before she could get more words out.

Nanu gazed with more interest than before, his eyes almost firing up, then, he snapped back, reality stricken.

“You expect me to believe that crap,” he ranted.

“I don’t care what you believe — truth will speak for itself once you’re defeated,” Kamari said eagerly.

“Insignificant novice, you actually think that I’d entertain such an outlandish lie,” Nanu sneered.

With a wave of one hand, he sent every levitating sword hurling in his new enemy’s direction; Kamari stopped each charging blade without lifting a finger, simultaneously forcing all of them deeply into damp soil tip first, until only their handles were displayed aboveground.

“Let me guess, you have telekinetic powers,” Nanu presumed.

Kamari scowled. “Actually, I’m not a telekinetic,” he retorted, dropping his sword.

With movements that appeared as a step, Kamari vanished and appeared in front of Nanu, then pelted him with a side kick against the chest; a bright dense purple curved lining appeared between both foes, repelling Kamari’s foot, and causing him to stumble steps back until catching balance.

“Your great speed makes your kick very powerful, but my magnetosphere’s more than durable enough to deflect anything you throw at me,” Nanu boasted. Kamari paced back. “Come on, where has all of that cockiness gone — don’t tell me that’s the best you can do.”

“Not even close,” Kamari sneered. “Amber, go help Hikaru, and don’t use a portal getting there.”

“Um, alright,” Amber said, reluctant to leave Kamari behind.

She and Asani turned, and took off through more wilderness beyond.

“I’ve got the perfect move for you,” Kamari said under his breath. “I call this H as H.”

“Well… if it’s fodder like your last attack was, I won’t bother worrying about it,” Nanu replied.

Using his speed, Kamari disappeared, then reappeared several feet behind Nanu. With his hands pointed forward, he powered up, brilliantly lighting the forest in deep blue flames of hakq. Heated particles flung over Nanu’s magnetosphere, revealing highlighted purples from every angled curvature that surrounded his body. Nanu frowned in discomfort as he turned around.

“What’s wrong?” Kamari posed. “You look out of breath.”

“But… how is this — ”

“Possible,” Kamari finished. “It’s possible because I know exactly how your ability works, so I’m burning up all oxygen around you — and yes — as you’ve already realized, there’s no escape.”

Nanu grabbed his throat, desperately gasping for breath. With one opposing free hand, he grasped the left side of his chest, clutching thin clothing along with a fistful of his own bosom, pinched tightly within gripping fingers… Until finally, he fell to both knees, then passed out, hitting the dirt face first. Kamari suppressed vibrant powers, then awakened structural visibility techniques, and gazed into Hikaru’s direction; through countless brushes and trees, he spotted wild energy currents flowing in bright white.

“This hakq’s form,” he mumbled. “It’s dangerous.”

(Dreamstorm: The Awakening: Chapter 14 Behind The Mask: Uncut Book Pages Audiobook On Youtube: Dreamstorm Soundtrack, Greatest Of All Time: Album, Elixir Of Light…)


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Comments (1)

  • Test8 months ago

    That was a wonderful piece of writing. I really enjoyed it.

Uncut Book PagesWritten by Uncut Book Pages

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