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Court of Sorcerers

A Historical Fantasy

By Clever&WTFPublished 7 months ago 11 min read
Court of Sorcerers
Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

Elyscia rolled off the plush bed, donned a robe, and poured herself a goblet of water. After she had gulped down half the contents, she offered Nicolaus the rest. He took the goblet from her hand, but before he could take a sip, she gestured to stop him.

“You know better than to drink anything without the protection of your amulet, Nicolaus.”

“Even around you, my love?”

Elyscia was glad of his trust, but she tossed the stone to him. “I never want you to have cause to doubt our love.” In fact, her plan depended on it.

“You’ve missed your calling, my dear. You should be a poet.”

She tosses his pants at him. “Then hurry and get dressed. I’ll never become a poet if my reputation is ruined.”

“On the contrary, everyone knows the best poets have sullied themselves many times over.”

Elyscia laughed lightly. Life with the Duke would surely be amusing, even if he didn’t truly love her. What mattered was that he believed his devotion to be genuine.

She knew eventually he would doubt his feelings and his own mind. They all did at some point in this court of sorcerers and alchemists. And she knew he would look back on this moment to reassure himself when the doubts crept in. For none knew magic that couldn’t be warded against by the stones. Well, none except her. But who would suspect the first to discover such magic would be a woman?

Elyscia worked in the back room of her small shop, adding a dash of powder to her cauldron, which caused a flash of light. She smirked. I’d like to see Renout’s face if he found out that I was a step ahead. Elyscia’s smile faded. No matter how far ahead and how much smarter she was, she’d never be accepted as a court magician. That’s why her plan had to be executed flawlessly.

She had to think about what to do with the new magic she had created. She couldn’t let knowledge of it spread. For the value of this type of magic was that the enchanted and manipulated never suspected a thing. The courtiers would have a false sense of security with their little gems. So she had to be careful who she shared the knowledge with.

One thing she knew was that she would need proof to attract a buyer. Hence the man. What better proof than a nobody becoming the wife of a Duke, all the while him swearing that he never consumed anything in her presence without the stone, until after their wedding day.

The chime on her shop door sounded, and she left the workroom, closing the secret door behind her before stepping into her storefront. A man wrung his hat in his hands, hurrying forward at the sight of her.

“It’s my wife. She’s having a hard time of the labor,” the man said.

“I’ll come at once,” she responded.

One thing a woman with an affinity for magic could do was be a midwife, and she was the best. Sought after by the rich and poor alike.

“The payment…” he started.

“Does your wife still keep her garden?” she asked while gathering up the items she might need.

The man nodded.

“After I have helped her, I’ll take a walk through the garden and pick a few herbs that I can use. We’ll call that well and even.”

“Oh, tha–” his gratitude stuck in his throat.

“No time for that now,” she patted him on the shoulder. “Come along.”

“Miss Elyscia Sely, will you do me the honor of becoming my Duchess of Devonshire?” Nicolaus asked from down on one knee under the gazebo. Beautiful blooms surrounded them in the royal gardens.

“Oh, Nicolaus, I’d love nothing more, but are you sure? You know what people will say,” Elyscia responded.

“I don’t give a damn what they will say. Our happiness is all that matters.”

Elyscia beamed at him. “Yes, I’ll be your Duchess,” she said.

As Nicolaus picked her up and spun her around, she almost felt bad for enchanting him so. But everything was working out so perfectly, that she couldn’t help but share in his joy. And Nicolaus would make a wonderful husband…as long as he never found out the truth.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the palace. “We must share the news.”

Elyscia cleared her throat. “The ring, my love?”

Nicolaus laughed and looked down at the small box clutched in his hand. “Oh yes, I’d forgotten.” He slipped it on her finger and kissed her gently. “Now can we go tell everyone?”

Elyscia admired the ring for a moment with a glint in her eye.

“You’re already trying me, and we haven’t wed yet!” Nicolaus joked.

“I’m only testing your patience, to see if you have the right temperament for a husband,” she said with a serious face.

Nicolaus rolled his eyes. “Come now, I cannot wait a moment longer.” With that, he scooped her up and carried her up the steps to the palace.


Whispers followed them through the gilded antechamber, as word had quickly spread of their engagement. Her ears caught the word ‘sorcery’ many times, as courtiers clutched their amulets close, but she paid them no mind. It was true, after all, but they would never prove it.

Elyscia had been in the palace before, but never into the King’s receiving rooms. The elaborate architecture of marble and gold surrounded her, forming pillars and arches of immense beauty. Courtiers lounged on plush seats, took turns playing music, or flirted in a far-off corner. The King was at the head of the room, on an opulent red and gold throne.

“Duke Corrigan,” the King called out. Heads whipped to attention around the room. “Introduce me to the future Duchess of Devonshire. I’d like to see what has you so enamored with her.”

Women covered their gasps behind handkerchiefs or fans. The men stared in open curiosity. Some looked Elyscia up and down as if they knew exactly what had the Duke so enamored. She stepped forward with her head high and bowed lowly to the King, as Nicolaus introduced her.

“Your Majesty,” Elyscia said, looking up from beneath her eyelashes.

“You may rise, Miss Sely,” the King said, after a pause of appraisal.

“And how did a midwife come to know the Duke?” the King asked.

“As you may know, Your Majesty, I’ve helped deliver many babes in the palace.”

“She is quite an accomplished midwife, trusted by many members of the court,” Nicolaus added.

“Yes, she is quite successful as a midwife; it is a wonder that her ambitions aim even higher,” a man in a dark robe says from beside the King, eyeing Elyscia with a smirk.

“Speak plainly, Renout,” the Duke called him out. “Do you mean to insult my fiance?”

“On the contrary, I pay her a compliment,” he said with a sneer that said anything but, “It takes quite a…confident woman to imagine that she could become a court magician.”

Elyscia eyed her rival coolly. A lifting of Nicolaus’ eyebrows was the only indication of his surprise.

“Truly?” the King asked.

“It is something of a fantasy of mine,” Elyscia admitted with mock shyness.

The King laughed wholeheartedly. “She is charming, Corrigan,” he said, “and quite a unique woman.”

It was then that a bold and dangerous idea occurred to Elyscia: she could sell her new magic to the King, himself.


There was one problem with Elyscia’s plan; the King may have liked her, but he still wouldn’t believe a woman came up with the greatest magic known to man. Reluctantly, she admitted to herself that she would need help. There was only one man she could think of to pitch the idea to the King: the court alchemist, Renout. She had been thinking it through for days, and there was no alternative that made sense.

She added a vial of her magical creation to her bag and set off for the palace. Renout would want to test it for himself, she was sure. As much as she hated the idea of him getting credit for her work, she wanted the money more than fame. Because in this world, money meant power and freedom. She didn’t want to count on being able to rely on the Duke forever. Fortune’s changed with the seasons, here at court.

Elyscia made her way to the wing of the palace dedicated to the court magicians. She passed by the rooms of the court astrologist, catching a glance at star charts and a spinning model of the planets. Then, she came to the court alchemist’s workshop.

Renout was bent over a desk scribbling furious notes, as a pot bubbled beside him. He carefully measured some powder on a set of scales before adding it to the thick boiling mixture. He immediately put out the flame heating the pot, set down his tongs, and took further notes. Finally, he turned to face her.

Elyscia found that she didn’t know how to begin. After a moment, she cleared her throat and stood up tall. “I’ve been working on a project that I believe would interest you.”

“Is that so?” Renout replied. “I do find it interesting that the Duke is swearing up and down that he never consumed a thing in your presence without his protection stone. The Duke may be pompous and quick to feel slighted, but I don’t take him for a liar or a fool.” Renout paused to sneer at her. “And he would be a humbled fool to marry someone of your station. I do not think even true love could make him stoop so low.”

Elyscia’s face flushed. This was exactly what she hoped Renout would deduce, but it didn’t make the truth any less insulting. All the more reason to do what she had done. There was no other path upward for a woman like her. And she meant to take what she deserved.

“You would be correct,” she answered smoothly despite the insult. “His affections are the result of my work.”

His eyes trailed her up and down, for once not in a condescending way. Was that a hint of admiration? It was mixed with something else, something she didn’t want to admit she felt herself.

She glanced away for a moment before continuing. “As you have no doubt deduced, the amulets cannot protect against the magic I’ve discovered.”

“Why are you telling me this?” he cut in. “You are too intelligent to go around gloating about something of this magnitude…something this dangerous.” His eyes gleamed.

“I’m also intelligent enough to see the enormous value of this magic. I need a buyer.”

“Why not keep it for yourself? You already have the Duke. Surely you will be quite well off as a Duchess.”

“You said it yourself, Renout. It is a wonder that my ambitions aim even higher, but they do.”

He scoffed at her. “Higher than a Duchess?”

She stepped close to him, suddenly feeling bold. “I never wanted to be a Duchess. That was just the demonstration.”

“Then what do you want?” he whispered, standing from his chair to bring their bodies closer.

Before she could answer, Renout dropped down into his chair. His eyes moved to something behind her, and she turned to find a boy standing in the doorway.

“Sir, I’ve found the ingredients you requested,” the boy said, as he held out a small pouch.

Elyscia curtsied to Renout and hurried out of the workshop.


Shortly after Elyscia returned to her shop, the chime sounded. She knew who it would be before she stepped into the storefront: Renout.

“I believe we have unfinished business,” he said.

For the first time, she noticed how handsome he was. Not in the way of the Duke, whose golden skin and chiseled frame could have been straight out of a painting, but in a dark and brooding way. Maybe it was this realization that made her invite him to the back of her shop, into the secret workshop that she had not shown another soul.

An intake of breath when the door swung open was the only indication of his surprise. It was replaced by a look of curiosity and wonder. He stepped carefully around the room and examined her tools, nodding here and there in approval.

“How did you do it?” he asked.

Elyscia knew he wasn’t talking about the room. She flashed him a mischievous grin. “I can’t give away my secret, not until I get paid.”

“Surely you know my stipend from the King is not enough to pay what this kind of magic is worth?”

“I know,” she straightened, adopting a serious tone. “I want you to convince the King to buy it.”

Renout blinked at her. “You do know of the King’s suspicions toward magic? He wants it to aid him but constantly fears it being used against him. If he were to find out this kind of magic existed, he would likely put to death anyone who knew about it.”

“Now, why is that?” she asked, circling him. Her teasing tone suggested she’d thought of something he hadn’t.

“Because he can’t protect himself against it, obviously,” he snapped out, frustrated at not knowing what she was hinting at.

“So then, we tell him that he can protect himself against it. That no one else knows the way to do so, and the magic could be used against everyone else at court, but we will graciously share the way to ward against it with our King.” She planted her hands on her hips and smiled triumphantly. “Only then do we offer to sell him the magic to use against his enemies.”

Renout looked at her and his eyes flared. Her breath suddenly caught in her throat.

“You are brilliant.” He said it so softly that she almost didn’t hear.

“If only I hadn’t been born a woman, I would be able to take over the world,” she deflected, embarrassed by the compliment, and that look in his eyes.

“I do not know what it is to be a woman in this world, but I do know what it’s like to know that no matter how much smarter I am or harder I work than those around me, I will never have their wealth or rank.”

He paused to step closer and take her hand, before continuing.

“Don’t sell your gift to the King, or anyone who will not appreciate your value. Instead, let us make them regret underestimating us.”


What do you think of the story so far? Do you think Elyscia is wrong to enchant the Duke? What do you think Elyscia and Renout will do next? Let us know in the comments, and check back soon for Part 2!

Thanks so much for reading!

-Clever & WTF

Historical FictionFantasy

About the Creator


Amber and Ashley are sisters who love to read and write, mostly fantasy and speculative fiction. Check out our blog:

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