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8 Foods Kids Must Avoid To Prevent Cavity

The secret to strong and cavity-free teeth lies in a child's lunchbox

By Mathew KarnalPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Parents play a pivotal role in imparting the significance of oral hygiene to their children, instilling the practice of brushing and flossing twice daily. Maintaining a robust dental routine holds the key to averting potential orthodontic issues. Nevertheless, it's worth emphasizing that the key to fostering resilient, cavity-resistant teeth is concealed within a child's lunchbox. Every meal comprises varying levels of sugar and starch, which serve as fuel for the oral bacteria to generate acids that can detrimentally affect tooth enamel. The minerals like calcium and phosphate naturally found in saliva, coupled with the toothpaste's fluoride and the assistance of water, act as protective barriers against erosion. Consistent consumption of starchy foods amplifies the release of harmful substances, consequently expediting the development of plaque and depletion of essential minerals. Additionally, consumable items with adhesive qualities tend to linger in the mouth for prolonged durations, elevating the vulnerability to tooth decay.

Therefore, it is recommended for parents to closely monitor their child's dietary habits, particularly concerning the subsequent food categories:

Sugary Foods, Juices, and Candies

Although these may appear innocuous, excessive consumption of such products can wear down enamel and pose risks to dental health. Hard candies, in particular, present heightened danger due to their dual nature of high sugar content and the potential to incite dental emergencies, such as broken or chipped teeth. Furthermore, even though sweetened liquid medications prescribed for children may address one health concern, they can inadvertently invite chronic dental issues.

Citrus Fruits

Regular intake of fruits with high acidic levels can erode enamel, rendering teeth more susceptible to decay over time. Despite the appeal of adding a dash of lemon to water, especially for children's preferences, this practice does not necessarily contribute positively to their oral well-being. Citrus fruits not only foster mouth sores, but can also exacerbate existing ones. To counteract the harm caused, it is advisable to maintain adequate water consumption.

Beverages like Coffee and Tea:

When enjoyed in moderation, these beverages in their natural state pose minimal harm. However, excessive consumption can lead to dry mouth and teeth discoloration. To maintain bright teeth, it's advisable to avoid adding sugar to these drinks.

Dry Fruits:

While they're an essential part of a wholesome snack regimen, many dry fruits have a sticky texture. This can be detrimental to a child's dental health, as they tend to linger in the mouth longer compared to other snacks. If included in a child's diet, a consistent routine of brushing, rinsing, and flossing should be ensured.

Impact of White Bread:

Chewing white bread prompts the saliva in the mouth to convert starches into sugar. This sticky, paste-like substance adheres to the crevices between teeth, potentially leading to cavities. Opting for less refined options like whole wheat is wise, as they contain less sugar and are less likely to break down in the same manner.

Crunchy Snacks:

Potato chips and crackers may be tempting, but they're primarily composed of refined carbohydrates that transform into sugar during chewing. These particles soften and get trapped between a child's teeth. Thorough flossing is recommended after consuming such snacks.

Carbonated Drinks/Sodas:

It's widely recognized that these beverages have negative effects on overall health due to their high sugar and acidic content. This is especially concerning for a child's dental health. Caffeinated drinks can also contribute to dry mouth. To minimize contact with teeth, using a straw is advisable when consuming such drinks.

Importance of Bottled Water:

While water containing essential minerals aids in combatting bacteria that cause cavities, bottled water lacks fluoride, a crucial component for decay prevention. If a child primarily drinks bottled water, consulting a dentist for guidance on regulating fluoride intake is recommended. Various supplements like tablets, varnishes, and gels are available to help maintain a healthy balance.


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Mathew Karnal

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