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Six crimson cranes: a bookreview

I never thought I would buy a book with a pink cover in my life. If you would've said that five years ago to me, I would've laughed. But I did. A book about six crimson cranes (obvious) a dragon and a mute princess who lives and survives in exile.

By Ewout StouffsPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Six crimson cranes: a bookreview
Photo by Syuhei Inoue on Unsplash

Let's give it a recap in ten sentences or less: Princess Shiori has forbidden magic running in her veins. On the day of her bethrotal, Shiori discovers that her stepmother Raikama is a demon/witch. In fear of her secret cominc out, Raikama banishes Shiori and her six brothers with a curse. The brothers change by daylight in crimson cranes and Shiori isn't able to speak. One word and one of her brothers would die. (And that were just five sentences, woohoo!).

Six crimson cranes, for me, is a hard nut to crack. Throughout my journey with princess Shiori, I sighed from time to time, but was also amazed with the talent of the writer.

The world of Lor'yan: a world of mysterie and hopefully with more to come.

It was the first time that I touched a book, written by Elizabeth Lim. Besides being an author, she's also a professional film and video game composer. Awesome to see an artist succeed in multiple mediums of art. Beside Six crimson cranes, she wrote 'the Blood of stars'- duology and a few 'Disney-twisted tales'. She wrote for disney, folks! So my expectations were on the higher side.

And that gave me the feeling that I was on a landslide with a slow, unpredictable descent. Not necessarily exciting as it should, but with some memorable stuff that happened throughout the book. Despite having good dialogue and interaction, the whole story was a long chew. Certainly for the beginning, where the first three chapters were about how privileged princess Shiori was, before she even met the dragon Seryu. And at that moment I thought that we were on a go. We got an interesting new character who wants to teach the human magic, is maybe desceptive 'cause dragons are sneaky in this world.

But no, we learn that Seryu teach her some minor stuff, nothing special, until the inciting incident a few chapters later. If I have one big issue, it's the pacing of the story. Would it work on a film script? Yes, i think so. But for me, someone who wants to be thrown into action, double edged fine dialogue where the dialogue has an underlying message, is this book challenging.

The dialogue was great. Trying to make conversations without talking is a challenge. But Elizabeth Lim nailed it. Also the characters are interesting. Katan, Shiori and Seryu where fleshed out, unique in it's own way and I loved the subtle humor and chemistry between the characters.

The thing that divided me the most, were the stakes. I must say, it was plot-wise brilliancy that Shiori can't talk, without risking the dead of one of her brothers. But besides that, there was not much stake. Throughout the story, you start to realize that nation is in war, but the fights and al the action around that, stays with words. The curse of Shiori is a stake. Will she speak at a moment? Does a scream counts too? All those questions are asked an layed out, but it was a stake on the long term. Don't get me wrong, you need these, but on short term basis, there was litlle to find. Yes, she found her broter and lost them quick again, but that was that. Elizabeth Lim explored the side of being a witch and the accusations a little bit, but not enough. Would it not been interesting, to see Shiori defend herself on a trial. Maybe under guidance of Seryu, because the dragon is an interesting character, but unfortunately underused.

I know that this review doesn't sound as the best book ever, because it isn't. Certainly not for someone who is used to read epic fantasy. I consider this book moor 'lo-fi' in the sphere of fantasy. Elizabeth Lim created an interesting world and I feel that she hadn't told everything that she wants to tell. What I hope with the sequel, is that goes for more. Starting a story isn't difficult, but finishing one, is.

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Ewout Stouffs

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