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Journey of Discovery: 'The Alchemist' Book Review

Unraveling the Essence of Dreams, Destiny, and Spiritual Awakening

By Willow WriterPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Journey of Discovery: 'The Alchemist' Book Review
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash


I started reading books at the age of 17. I was so confused to choose which book I want to read first. After searching online, I found the book called “ The Alchemist ” by Paulo Coelho. I started to read the book for 10 min/day. After reading some more pages, I got more interested to read the book thoroughly. Then, I started to read the book for 30 min a day and even more sometimes. I completed the book in a small amount of time. Here is my review of this book.

About the book:

The book was written by Paulo Coelho. This book is about the journey of the boy toward his personal legend(the purpose of life according to the author).

The boy starts his journey as a shepherd and ends his journey in the desert of pyramids. this book is not only about the boy's journey is also says about the hidden meaning of life and some good life lessons. This story will give us a good vibe and a nice feeling while reading. The book was designed for all levels of reading people. This book is easy to follow and read.

The theme of the book:

This book is about the boy Santiago who likes to travel and tries to explore his dream of treasure. He works as a shepherd, a worker in a crystal shop, a tourist to deserts in Africa, and at last as an alchemist. This book covers all kinds of places that a man would like to visit. This book is all about the journey and not about the destination. The main character is handled perfectly throughout the book. There will be many side characters who will make some big turns in the story.

Main character:

Santiago was the main protagonist of this story. He was a teenage boy who wants to explore his dream, which comes every day at night and he was mainly interested in traveling to many different parts of the world. He falls in love in the midst of the story which, helps him to find a way to listen to his heart. In another perceptive, this story is also about true love. Santiago was too soft and gentle while speaking to other people. He was also a nice and smart boy. People always try to start a conversation with him.

Unveiling Personal Legends:

At the heart of the story is the concept of a "personal legend" – the unique path and purpose that each individual is destined to follow. Santiago's journey from shepherd to alchemist symbolizes the quest we all undertake to find and fulfill our personal legends. Coelho invites readers to reflect on their own dreams and aspirations, encouraging them to listen to their hearts and follow their passions.

By Tanner Yould on Unsplash

The Language of the Universe:

Throughout Santiago's journey, the idea that the universe communicates with those who are willing to listen is prevalent. The recurring theme of omens and signs reminds us to stay attuned to the world around us, to recognize the messages it sends, and to act upon them. "The Alchemist" reminds us that when we align our intentions with the universe, the world conspires to help us achieve our goals.

Embracing Change and Transformation:

Santiago's journey takes him far from his comfort zone, and in doing so, he discovers the transformative power of stepping into the unknown. Coelho teaches us that embracing change and facing challenges head-on can lead to self-discovery and growth. Just as Santiago learns the alchemical principle of transforming base metals into gold, we learn to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal development.

Love, Destiny, and Freedom:

The novel intertwines Santiago's pursuit of his personal legend with his love for Fatima, a woman he meets along his journey. Their relationship raises questions about the balance between love, destiny, and personal aspirations. Santiago's realization that true love allows for freedom and encourages the pursuit of individual dreams serves as a lesson in the intricate dance between personal and shared aspirations.

The Power of the Present:

One of the most profound lessons "The Alchemist" imparts is the importance of living in the present moment. Santiago's journey teaches him that happiness is found in appreciating the beauty of the present and not getting lost in regrets or anxieties about the past or future. This lesson resonates with readers who are reminded to savor life's simple pleasures.


As we close the book, Santiago's journey becomes a metaphor for our own lives. " The Alchemist " encourages us to take risks, embrace change, and recognize that the universe is always conspiring to guide us toward our personal legends. Through its lyrical prose and timeless wisdom, the book reminds us that life's treasures are not only found in the destination but also in the transformative journey itself. So, let us venture forth, like Santiago, to discover the treasures that lie within us and the world around us.

In the end, " The Alchemist " teaches us that the real magic is in the pursuit of our dreams, the alchemy of turning dreams into reality, and the profound lessons we learn along the way.

RecommendationThemeReviewFictionBook of the Month

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Willow Writer

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    Willow WriterWritten by Willow Writer

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