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Yellow Jacket

"I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. Even if it's just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile."-Freddie Mercury

By Radio S. Published 10 months ago 3 min read
Freddie Mercury - Tony Regan

1986 July 12

There was no sleep to be had last night; my excitement, impatience, and anticipation kept me awake. I wonder what songs will be played, what kind of atmosphere there will be. It's my first concert, and what better way to pop my concert cherry than with Queen. I drink my second cup of coffee and watch the sun come up as I sit in my kitchen; wondering what the day will bring. It's not the warmest, but it's not too cold either. Not a cloud in the sky, a nice breeze, and the beautiful sun; a perfect day for a concert. I decide to wear a tee shirt, jeans, and white adidas tennies. Going for a walk to settle my nerves sounds like a great idea, and I have plenty of time before the concert starts, but I decide that making the walk to Wembley now wouldn't hurt anything. Before I leave my flat, I pocket my wallet, ticket, and keys; I plan on grabbing a snack on my way there, and I know that I won't be back before the concert begins. I lock up behind me, and I begin the long walk to Wembley; stopping briefly at the first food shop I come across for breakfast.

It's nearing afternoon as I make my way to Wembley Stadium. something akin to mass anticipation and excitement. On my way there, I'm joined by throngs of other people; people from all different walks of life and colouration. I think to myself that we are all united as one today, with one thing in mind: seeing Queen perform. Adrenaline kicks in as I near the main entrance, and I can't wipe the smile from my face. I want to push through the crowd; to be the first one to enter, but I don't want to be rude so I keep walking and try my best not to bump into anyone. Of course, that's impossible to do the closer we get to the entrance. So many people! Probably more than the amount that can all fit in the stadium! When we get in, we all begin filing into our places, but we're all still shoulder to shoulder. I feel a little claustrophobic in my current situation, but I ignore it and remind myself that I'm here for a good time.

I look to my left, and see a young woman conversing excitedly with a man whom I assume is her husband. I look to my right, and see a young man conversing with the young lady behind him. I guess that I'm the only person who came here alone, ot maybe there's more people who did the same thing, but they're further away from me. I don't mind, instead, I focus on the stage. I'm somewhere in the middle of the arena, on the grass, what feels like miles away from the stage. The sound of individual people trying to talk over each other, turns to cheers as the first notes of One Vision ring out. The lights on the stage come on and the man himself comes out on stage.

He's wearing his yellow jacket, the one that seems as though it were made just for him. I watch in rapt attention as he moves about on stage and begins to sing. After the first word, a chill runs p my spine and goosebumps spread over my skin. I'm not a religious person, but if I had to describe what having a religious experience feels like: it would be a Queen concert. This is the place where I have heard the most beautiful things in the world, the place where I experienced something so special and precious, that it makes me wonder if other concerts are similar to this. I know they aren't though; you could see the best musician in the world, but they wouldn't compare to this.


About the Creator

Radio S.

One of the best things we have is our imagination. In the words of Robin Williams; "You're only given one little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it.".

Instagram: radiostar66613

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