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Which Is Better For Your Website: Moderated Or Unmoderated Usability Testing?

If you’re trying to determine whether moderated or unmoderated usability testing is best for your website, this blog post will give you the pros and cons of each approach.

By Poll the PeoplePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Which Is Better For Your Website: Moderated Or Unmoderated Usability Testing?
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

If you’re trying to determine whether moderated or unmoderated usability testing is best for your website, this blog post will give you the pros and cons of each approach.

What Is Moderated Usability Testing?

Moderated usability testing is a form of user testing in which the interaction between the user and the test product is mediated by a human moderator. This type of testing is typically used to evaluate the usability of software products, websites, and mobile apps.

There are many benefits to using moderated usability testing, including the ability to collect real-time data, observe user behavior, and ask follow-up questions. This type of testing can also help reveal user frustrations and areas of confusion.

Moderated usability testing is typically conducted with a small group of users (5-10), and can be done in-person or remotely. In-person testing is often conducted in a dedicated usability lab, while remote testing can be done using video conferencing software.

If you’re considering moderated usability testing for your business, it’s important to work with a experienced usability consultant who can help you design and administer the tests.

What Is Unmoderated Usability Testing?

Unmoderated usability testing is a method of usability testing where the user is left to complete tasks on their own, without the guidance of a moderator. This type of testing is often done online, using a tool like "Poll the People" or UserTesting.com.

One advantage of unmoderated usability testing is that it can be done quickly and cheaply. Another advantage is that it can be done remotely, so you can test users from all over the world.

A disadvantage of unmoderated usability testing is that you don’t get to see the user’s face, so you can’t see their reaction to the task. Also, unmoderated usability testing can be less reliable than moderated usability testing, because the user may not follow the instructions properly or may not be honest about their experience.

Overall, unmoderated usability testing can be a helpful tool, but it is not a replacement for moderated usability testing.

Moderated Usability Testing: Pros And Cons

Moderated usability testing is conducted with the help of a moderator who manages the testing process.

There are both pros and cons to moderated usability testing.

Pros include the ability to ask questions and get clarification from the moderator, as well as to get more in-depth feedback from participants.

Cons can include the potential for bias from the moderator, as well as the potential for participants to feel more uncomfortable when they are being watched.

Unmoderated Usability Testing: Pros And Cons

There are pros and cons to every decision we make in life, and that includes moderated vs. unmoderated usability testing for websites. It’s important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each before making a decision for your own website.

Some pros of unmoderated usability testing are that it’s generally cheaper than moderated testing since you don’t need to pay someone to administer the test.

It can also be done completely remotely, so you don’t need to bring people into a physical space. And since users can complete the test on their own time, you’re more likely to get a larger sample size.

However, there are also some drawbacks. Unmoderated usability testing can be less reliable since you’re not there to guide users through the task and make sure they’re understanding everything properly.

It can also be more difficult to analyze the results since you didn’t witness the users completing the tasks.

In the end, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each method to decide what will work best for your website and your budget.

Comparing Moderated And Unmoderated Usability Testing

In moderated usability testing, the user is observed by a researcher who asks them questions and gives them tasks to complete.

In unmoderated usability testing, the user completes tasks on their own without the researcher present.

Moderated usability testing is more expensive and time-consuming than unmoderated usability testing, but it provides more detailed data.

Unmoderated usability testing is less expensive and easier to set up, but it doesn’t provide as much data as moderated usability testing.

So which type of usability testing is better for your website? It depends on your budget and your goals.

If you want to get detailed data about how users interact with your website, moderated usability testing is the way to go.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get data about your website’s usability, unmoderated usability testing is a good option.


If you’re unsure about which type of usability testing is best for your website, sign up for a free account with Poll the People. With their platform, you can easily create and run unmoderated usability tests. Plus, you’ll be able to get actionable insights from real users to help improve your variations.


About the Creator

Poll the People

Poll the People is a leader in usability A/B testing. The fastest way test your designs with real people.

Poll the People gives you detailed reports from your usability test and valuable consumer insights in just minutes.

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