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Which Freelance Platform Is The Best For Both Freelancers And Clients?

Best Freelance Platform For Both Freelancers and Clients?

By Giggzy LLCPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Instead of giving you a list of all available freelance websites, which is something you can Google in a minute or two, I will share a few questions you have to ask yourself to make the right choice. The best freelancers search for and work on the platforms with the most favorable features and fees.

So, for a moment try walking in your freelancer’s shoes and you can figure out where is the most likely place for them to be found.

Do freelancers have to pay to sign up? On some of the freelance platforms you have to pay for additional connects (bids), if you want to bid more and increase your chances after you spend the initial limited number of 60 bids per month. On some others you have to pay a membership fee if you want to get more than just 10 available bids per month. On giggzy there are no membership fees and you can sign up for free!

What about on-site projects? On almost all freelance platforms, you can only find remote projects. What if you are an accountant, attorney, fitness coach, nutrition specialist, home tutor and so on? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many to look for extra income or turn into freelancing because they have lost their job. There are no platforms that allows you to sign up for free, pay no commission and find remote or on-site projects or jobs. This is where giggzy comes in to fill that void.

How much freelancers have to pay for the fees? This is a huge deal for not just freelancer, but the clients as well. We all know that eventually the clients cover both the work and fees with their payments. On some freelance sites you have a flat 10% fee, which is the good news. The bad news is that a freelancer must pay a fee as soon as a client awards a project rather than to pay when you get paid. On some other freelance sites, you have to pay a non-refundable fee even if a client doesn’t create a milestone at all or you don’t eventually get paid regardless of the reasons. On some freelance platforms you begin with the hefty 20% fee, and unless you stumble upon a long-term client who’s willing to pay more than $500 or in the most ideal scenario more than $10,000 per project/year, you are stuck with this highest fee in the industry. On giggzy, you don’t pay any fees! Yes, you heard it correctly. You discuss the payment terms directly with client and get paid directly by client. Finally, there is a freelance platform that lets you keep the entire payment!

Can you still find the top-quality freelancers? The so-called “mega-size platforms” have become a true mission impossible for newbie freelancers. Even if you make it through the extremely rigorous verification process on some freelance platforms, you will have to deal with the overwhelming competition. On some other freelance sites, you will face the competitors who are willing to accept projects for the extremely low budgets. On giggzy new freelancers stand the better chances of success and building up their portfolio and reputation on smaller than gigantic platforms. That’s also the fact of the real-freelance-life.

When are your freelancers going to get paid? When you are working on hourly projects you have to wait for at least two weeks to get paid. For example, when a freelancer who’s working on your project submits the work this week, he or she has to wait for the second week for you as a client to review the work. Then, somewhere during the third week your freelancer gets paid. This is the case on major freelance platforms, give it or take a few days. On giggzy, you get paid directly by clients using multiple payment options that you and the client agree on.


About the Creator

Giggzy LLC

Giggzy offers a platform that connects freelancers and clients within their countries or around the world: a simplified process for freelancers to open their account for free and display their portfolios and skills.


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