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What is Tableau and Tableau Product Suite

Developer Tools and Sharing Tools for Sharing. Based on their names, the first tool is designed to assist in the development, and the other comes with tools used to share information.

By varunsnghPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Tableau was able to become the market leader because of its groundbreaking data discovery as well as data visualization tools. It's still mostly popular for these tools. This is the reason why over 20,000 attendees to the Tableau World conference in 2019. Tableau World conference. However, these data-driven insights and visualizations aren't feasible with out data processing, offered through Tableau Prep, and data management provided via Tableau Catalog.Developer Tools and Sharing Tools for Sharing. Based on their names, the first tool is designed to assist in development and the oth er comes with tools used to share information. Manual extraction of valuable information from these sources isn't an easy task. So, every business requires an established source of data, like data visualization to extract relevant information from the data and present it in a better format. Additionally, speaking about Data visualization wouldn't be sufficient without Tableau Course . This will become extremely sought-after because companies are making greater profits through the use of Tableau software.

Data analytics and visualization = Visual Analytics

Visualization and analysis of data are not two distinct steps. If a visualization reveals something new or unpredictably and you're interested in investigating, you'll need to do some research. Visual analytics lets you develop visualizations that help you analyze your data more effectively. For instance:

  • A scatter plot may show high sales figures which are not profitable. In this instance you can pull the data that underlies these sales using a couple of mouse clicks. Also, you can create a new view using only the information from the sales, and then add additional dimensions and metrics to find out the reasons why they're not making money.
  • The line chart illustrates that sales decreased in November. It is possible to include a model of time series to the graph to see the degree of variability you can expect for the month of November in the coming year.

Secure sharing

The best work deserves to be shared, however sharing files through email can lead to issues with versioning and security dangers. However, Tableau offers a variety of options to share:

  • Tableau Desktop can save workbooks. Tableau Desktop and Tableau Reader are able to open the workbooks. Tableau Desktop can also export Excel images, files, and PDFs. Exports are great when your visualization doesn't have to be active.
  • Tableau Public is a free open platform on which anyone can communicate visualizations. It is a great platform for journalists and students, however, it is not suitable for companies who wish to restrict access.
  • Tableau Server allows to dashboard with other users using your web browser. Your company has the responsibility for setup and administration of their particular instance that runs the Tableau server. Tableau server is able to run on a local computing resource or on a cloud-based service like AWS. Contrary to Tableau Public, you can restrict access to visualizations which are hosted on Tableau Server. This will ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive data.
  • Tableau Online allows users to access your dashboard via a web browser. Similar to Tableau Server, Tableau Online is compatible with the standard security protocols. In contrast to Tableau Server, Tableau Online is a hosted application and runs on servers that are maintained by Tableau.

Tableau Product Suite Tableau Product Suite

Tableau provides a variety of products, as well as training however, typically when people speak of Tableau it is Tableau Desktop and Server. Tableau has placed five of its products into the Tableau Product Suite to provide an integrated solution for information preparation and visualization and sharing. These are the products that are that are part of Tableau's Tableau products:

  • Tableau Prep A visual interface to clean, combing and reshaping data. Tableau Desktop can then use the data that has been prepared.
  • Tableau Desktop - Make and share visualizations. It is possible to use Tableau Desktop on Mac or Windows PC (no Linux yet sorry! ).
  • Tableau Server -Host visualization from your personal server whether on-premise or via AWS as well as Azure Cloud. Integrates with your company's current security protocols.
  • Tableau online View Tableau's visualizations on the server. Built-in security.
  • Tableau Mobile View visualizations using your phone or tablet.
  • Other Tableau products
  • Tableau Reader -A free program that lets you to look at the workbook that another user has saved. It does not have the built-in security that is available in Tableau Online or Tableau Server. Anyone who has an access point to Tableau workbook is able to open it.
  • Tableau CRM -- specifically for analysis in conjunction with Salesforce CRM.
  • Tableau The public version of Tableau offers the majority of the capabilities that are available in Tableau Desktop, however with a few limitations
  • It is not possible to save work locally. It must be saved on Tableau Public Server. Tableau Public server, where it will be accessible to the public.
  • It is not able to connect to databases that are relational apart from Access. It connects with Excel documents, CSV files, and Google Sheets.
  • It does not include Python nor R integration.
  • The "public" aspect in Tableau Public makes it the incorrect choice for many companies.

It's an excellent alternative for those looking to improve their skills and demonstrate what they're learning. Tableau Public is a great resource for people who want to showcase their knowledge. Tableau Public website hosts a daily "Viz of the Day" award. You can browse and get Tableau workbooks that other users have designed.

  • Tableau Data Cataloga data management tool that offers an overview of the information used in Tableau visualizations
  • Tableau Developer Tools These are not standalone software products. They are a way to expand features of existing software products:
  • Create connections to data sources that are not yet supported by Tableau.
  • Automate Tableau server tasks.
  • Integrate your Tableau analytics in other applications like SharePoint or Salesforce.
  • Utilize Extensions API Extensions API to add new features for Tableau visualizations. For instance, you can allow users to modify the data in a visualization and then see that the change be updated to the data source within the table.

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