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What is NFT Art Finance (NFTART)?

NFT Development

By BoopathiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The NFTART cryptocurrency is the utility that powers the Enter ecosystem, including art, audio, and gaming. NFT Token development services Enter is also working on other platforms that will use NFTART. It has a built-in hyperdeflationary mechanism that seeks to reward term token holders with passive income in NFTART tokens in real time.

The NFT Art Finance cryptocurrency is a new token that uses a Binance Smart Chain to execute its code. Basically, NFT Art Finance wants to create a market for artists to mint and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, a company has yet to release any tangible products and there are already many alternatives built on the Ethereum blockchain .

The token is explained as “hyperdeflationary”. However, hyperdeflationary seems to be a buzzword that the company uses to distract from how tokenomy resembles a pyramid scheme. NFT Token Development When you want to sell your NFTART tokens, you will be charged a 10% fee: half is burned and the other half is distributed among NFTART token holders.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you may be thinking of Safemoon. Safemoon is another popular token in BSC that looks a lot like a pyramid scheme; Token holders rely on other investors who buy the coin and are encouraged to hold the coin to avoid paying high fees.

NFT Art Financing

Since the NFTART Finance cryptocurrency has only been around for a short time, its history is quite short. They haven’t done anything noteworthy with the platform yet, and according to the NFTART website, the protocol will launch its NFT marketplace in June.

The token started trading around $0.0000000010 on April 22. The token started trading at an incredibly low price due to its huge maximum supply of 10 billion tokens. Even if a significant amount of these tokens end up being burned, the supply is magnitudes larger than other crypto assets.

NFTART Finance peaked at $0.0000000360 just days after launch. In about 96 hours, early investors earned more than 30,000% of their investment. Since then, the token has dropped to around $0.0000000100 per coin.

How to buy cryptocurrencies NFT Art Finance (NFTART)

The NFT Art Finance cryptocurrency was only available through PancakeSwap, Poocoin, and Dextools in the early stages. NFT Development services However, Enter has been doing business with more platforms and has had the token listed on different markets. However, PancakeSwap is still the easiest and most popular way to get NFTART.

The crypto exchanges you can currently go to to buy NFTART are PancakeSwap , FEGex , DigiFinex, HotBit, and Lbank. Their latest addition is AutoShark, which they joined on September 24, 2021. AutoShark allows NFT enthusiasts to buy or sell NFTART, grow NFTART-BNB, and stake FINS and JAWS to earn NFTART.

Through its recent partnership with AutoShark, Enter allows crypto enthusiasts to stake other tokens on the platform's ocean floors and earn NFTART tokens. You will need some FINS or JAWS along with a Binance Smart Chain compatible wallet if you win by staking on AutoShark.

You can also provide liquidity through Yield Agriculture on the website. Farming allows you to earn transaction fees and other token rewards. You will need to have a 50/50 split of NFTART and BNB before farming. Farming gives you FINDS, which you can harvest and stake for additional rewards.

AutoShak can be paired with DeFi panels, such as WalletNow and Ape Board, which you can use to track your rewards or losses. The enter.help page has more detailed information on staking and creating NFTART tokens.


Using smart contracts to improve the niche of digital artworks is a great idea. With this NFT concept created to help artists sell their masterpieces and enthusiasts obtain digital assets with capital gains potential, the future of digital art has never been brighter. Obviously, NFTART is not the only symbol created around art, but it is a symbol to watch closely.

Create Non fungible token


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Digital Marketer , SEO Analyst

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  • claurajessy2 years ago

    Nice article!!

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