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By Aiki NightorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Metaverse" has been a very current topic lately, Facebook and Microsoft being interested in exploiting digital facilities to integrate them into people's daily lives. But what is the metaverse and what is the potential of this concept?

For the first time, Neal Stephenson uses the name "metavers" in his 1992 sci-fi novel Snow Crash, which features realistic avatars found in realistic 3D buildings and other virtual reality environments . Since then, various developments have made landmarks on the road to a real metavers, an online virtual world that incorporates augmented reality, VR virtual reality, 3D holographic avatars, video and other means of communication. Indications of the metaverse already exist in the universe of online games, such as Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox.

Metaverse is a combination of several technology valences, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and video in which users "live" in a digital universe.Metaverse supporters imagine that users can work, play, and stay connected with their friends on Metaverse, from concerts and conferences to virtual travel around the world. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook (now Meta), estimates that it could take 5 to 10 years for the key features of the metaverse to become mainstream. Ultra-fast broadband speeds, virtual reality headsets and the worlds that are currently online are already in operation, even though they may not be accessible to everyone. Zuckerberg also believes that metaverse is the next chapter for the internet. CAN YOU INVEST IN METAVERSE?

If your question right now is "I can invest in Metaverse", find out that you can invest in Metaverse right now, if you're one of the proponents of this virtual reality. The ways are as follows:

The most direct and cheapest way to invest in Metaverse is to invest in Metaverse games such as The Sandbox (SAND), Decentraland (MANA) and Ax Infinity (AXS). To buy cryptocurrencies from these companies, you can simply go to a cryptocurrency exchange and buy them.

One relatively low-risk way to get cryptocurrency exposure is simply to own Ethereum (ETH). As Metaverse and NFT become more popular, Ethereum will also be widely used, which will benefit from its value. To do this, it is necessary to study the evolution of Etherum currency, as well as to follow the forecasts of cryptocurrencies in 2022 .

Another way to invest in these Metaverse games is to invest in their NFTs, such as buying land in The Sandbox or Decentraland. However, the downside is that many of the starting prices for these NFTs are quite high. For example, the cheapest land for The Sandbox is currently listed at about $ 3500.

In addition to cryptocurrency trading , there are several stocks that are closely linked to Metaverse, such as Meta (FB), Roblox (RBLX) and Matterport (MTTR), where each company has its own unique perspective. Meta, also known as Facebook, is a social networking platform that also owns the VR equipment company Oculus. Roblox is a game that allows people to socialize and create, while Matterport is a company that digitizes the physical world to create virtual space through its cameras and software.

There is also an easier way to hold all the shares related to Metaverse, which is by investing in the Metaverse ETF (META), the ETF holds all three of the above shares and will update its holdings frequently and the company's perspective over time. The ETF charges 0.75% for the management fee, but can save investors a lot of time and labor. WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL OF METAVERSE?


In the future, in Metaverse, people will be able to easily convert fiat coins into cryptocurrencies, and they will be able to translate from the physical world into Metaverse with relative ease. They will acquire digital avatars and virtual terrain, even having the opportunity to organize events for loved ones using metaverse cryptocurrencies that are issued by entities that facilitate these virtual interactions. Artists will be able to play in Metaverse, be paid in cryptocurrencies and exchange these earnings for goods in the physical world. The expansion of Metaverse will also lead to a rapid expansion of the global economy.

Dominic Ryder, CEO of vEmpire, says that Metaverse has become the next natural progression in the way people interact digitally, and the possibilities are endless. There are options like Sandbox (for creative minds and players who want to build experiences). There is also a Decentraland, which becomes a hub for all kinds of events. Today we already have a developing version of the existing Metaverse with digital goods such as non-fungible tokens (NFT) which are pieces of folk art stored in digital memory and already accumulated by investors and fans of cryptography. If the term NFT is unfamiliar to you, you can find out what NFTs are , and then you can decide if you think it's a profitable investment or not.

With important players like Meta Platforms Inc entering this space and confidently signaling that it could be the new future, it's only a matter of time before we see other entities follow suit. It could lead to an exponential expansion of Metavers' boundaries and the release of vast volumes of value hitherto unknown to consumers and investors alike.

Currently, most platforms have virtual identities, avatars and inventory that are linked to only one platform. A metaverse will allow you to create a person that you can move from one place to another as easily as a photo is imported.


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