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What Are Some of the Benefits of Automated Testing in 2022

Benefits of Automated Testing in 2022

By Amit AgrawalPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Any company who is developing a new product must have testing in the process. Testing is an integral component of the process of developing a product particularly to ensure quality. A majority of small and mid-sized firms do not give much thought to testing even though it is essential to creating a quality product. As it is crucial to establish tests as well, it's equally important to know how we conduct these tests.

Some businesses prefer manual testing, but it's not the most effective method. The next step to consider is automatizing your testing process once you already have tests already in your system. Tests that are manually conducted should be avoided at all cost. Test automation improves the overall efficiency of software development and makes it possible for more robust tools to be created. This article focuses on benefits of test automation. Let's get them right now!

What exactly is Automation Testing?

Automated testing utilizes an automated tool to perform the test scenario instead of a person manually running the suite following the step-by-step directions. Therefore, the primary goal of the automation testing service is to decrease the amount of tests that must be run manually, instead of entirely eliminating manual testing.

Automated testing is not just in the hopes of a higher ROI, but also as it broadens the scope of coverage for tests and blocks out human interference and human mistakes. According to a report by The Daily Research chronicle, it is anticipated that automated testing is increasing by 100 percent from 2019 to 2025 in the top IT MNCs.


Contrary to what is commonly believed Automated testing is actually cheaper than manual testing. Manual testing isn't able to run tests over and over again. The costs of testing the app by hand increases as time passes. However, automated testing is more affordable over the long term, since once you've developed tests, you are able to reuse them for as long as you want, without additional expense. Yes, the initial implementation of automation could be costly, but it will be a quick payoff.

Keep at all times that magnitude of the automated testing ROI is dependent on the extent of automation use. More automated test scenarios you create and implement the greater the return on investment. However, keep in mind that there are instances where manual testing is necessary too.

Rapid Development and Delivery

Automating your tests will aid in saving time. Tests that are automated can be completed quickly and are able to be repeated. That means you do not have to wait weeks to complete the test once more - a couple of hours are enough.

Because of the speedy execution of tests and the ability to repeat test procedures, testing that is automated can boost speeds of developing. Here are a few benefits you gain by automating the testing process by automating the process:

• A shorter development cycle for software

• Frequent releases

• Updates and changes are faster to the application

• Faster time-to-market delivery

You can clearly see that moving from manual testing to automated can reduce waiting times and improve your productivity.Make Your Test Execution Scheduled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

One of the main benefits of testing with automation over manual testing is the ability to perform tests at any moment and from any location around the globe. To perform manual testing, you'll have to navigate by using a computer for testing an online application. It's not possible to take your laptop, computer, or laptop anywhere. It is also not a good idea if someone asked you to complete tests at 3:00 AM at the beginning of the day after an exhausting day at work. I'm certain you'll not be very uplifting at the thought. And let's not even talk about your comfort.

This is the reason why automation testing is superior to manual testing. In the case of such situations, you can plan your test case in any time of the day at anytime from anywhere and evaluate the results of the test by analyzing reports that are based on the results of the test suite's execution.

Regression Testing for Easy Regression

Manual testing can be time-consuming since for each fix that is implemented on production servers, testers are required to run a series of test cases similar to the ones they have previously tested in the same time period to verify that the issue has been eliminated. Regression testing is an issue for each developer. Running the same test over and over again, not only is more time-consuming, but can also reduce the efficiency of the tester.

Manually performing regression testing takes up lots of time, and causes the following problems:

• Running the entire regression causes an overflow in the release cycle which makes it unresponsive.

• Manual regression testing can't be carried out thoroughly each time the software is updated due to time limitations.

• Uncertainty about whether tests are carried out in exactly the same way each time.

This is why automated testing is the best method of performing regression testing. As we discussed in the previous paragraph the automation tests are similar to robots that never rest. This means that the time frame can be extended to test the regression suite. Furthermore, the time invested in the creation of an automated test scenario is only one-time effort which leads us to the main benefit of automation testing.

Ability to test on Multiple Platforms in Parallel

When developing a website, it is vital to ensure cross browser compatibility with different browsers as well as hardware, operating systems, mobile devices, and networks.

Testing compatibility with browsers involves the creation of many tests. Particularly, when you consider the amount of browser versions on the market. Manual testing of many browser + OS combinations may lead to slowing the process of releasing software.Automated testing, however, lets testers run tests with thousands of operating systems, browsers and devices swiftly and in parallel.

Top App Quality, Performance, and High Quality

With the wide testing range, the automated test can guarantee your app's top efficiency and quality. It lets you run hundreds of automated test cases at the same time, allowing you to easily test your app across different platforms and on multiple devices at once. If you're trying to maximize the benefits of concurrency and test parallelism use the cloud-hosted device farms. They will help you cover all of the necessary variations in OS and configurations for hardware.

Furthermore, using the automated test, you are able to build a number of test cases fast as well as the more complex as well as the long ones. This is something that you cannot not do if you decide to test your application by hand.


With the information above and the above-mentioned factors, it can be proven that automated testing can result in significant savings in time and costs as well as putting manual effort to the best application. It allows for quick feedback which results in increased profits. Automation testing can be regarded as an advantage for small and Medium-sized enterprises due to their ongoing struggle to get an ongoing competitive advantage and competitive advantage. Automation testing could be described as a new level of capabilities within the IT field.

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