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The Nuheara IQbuds Boost Are the Future of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids might be a thing of the past thanks to Nuheara IQbuds.

By Skunk UzekiPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Slowly but surely, I'm pretty sure I'm going deaf.

I could maybe blame that fact on attending concerts as frequently as I do, maybe it's just bad genes, or it could be because I had a major tendency to listen to music at a blisteringly-loud level for most of my teen years. Either way, I've started to notice the toll it took on me lately.

Sometimes, it's just that I can't hear certain pitches anymore. Other times, what a person is saying in a room-level tone just sounds like mumbles. It's terrifying and embarrassing since I'm only 30 and I don't know how to explain to people that I'm hard of hearing.

This is one of the scariest things I've ever had to face because I just don't want to be one of those people who has hearing aids and still asks what someone just said.

I'll admit, I've been poking around to see what's being done for hearing loss on the net. One product in particular stood out as a major beacon of hope: Nuheara IQbuds.

For the most part, hearing loss can only be treated through the use of surgery or hearing aids.

Surgery is expensive, and isn't always a viable option when it comes to damaged eardrums. For most people who suffer from hearing loss, the only real solution they have is to wear a hearing aid—and that's really not a good option either, if you think about it.

Hearing aids, at least the traditional ones, are pretty awful.

Along with being fairly unsightly, hearing aids are known for being difficult to work with. They will often send out noises unevenly, have static interruptions, or, at times, may be too powerful for the wearer to handle without further damage to your body.

I, personally, have minor hearing problems. I can't use a hearing aid, simply because it would blow out my eardrums. They're just too powerful for someone with mild to medium hearing issues.

And if your hearing aid falls out? It may be too brittle to handle the drop and break. Worse than that though, many hearing aids also tend to be somewhat painful to wear on a daily basis. If you suddenly rip it out of your ear in aggravation or because it just sent a piercingly loud noise through your very core, there's no guarantee you'll ever find it again, even if it does survive the crash landing.

There's also the stigma that comes with wearing an ugly earpiece, which is honestly kind of an afterthought all things considered. Overall, it's not something that I'd want to deal with for the next 30 years of my life.

Considering how skittish I am about the possibility of having to get a hearing aid later on in life, learning about Nuheara is a breath of fresh air. It was, in a weird way, comforting to know this technology exists.

Nueheara's IQbuds are a new line of auditory augmentation tools that look like earbuds, are comfortable to wear, and use smart technology to enhance the things you want to hear without noise overkill.

They aren't hearing aids, but they do prevent the need for them.

As of right now, there's a serious need for tools that cater to the "grey area" between totally deaf and just slightly hard of hearing. That's what IQbuds are specifically designed to help with: people, like myself, who need to have things repeated a little too often.

By using smart technology that zeroes in on certain noises and gives you the option to connect to the Bluetooth-powered player of your choice, you can choose to hear what you want to hear without having to struggle with all the background noise.

One of the hardest parts about being hard of hearing is that you often have to debate between getting a cheap hearing aid that *might* wreck your hearing further, or continuing to ask others what they just said.

This gives you a happy medium between the two. It's literally high-tech, augmented hearing.

The way they make such awesome earbuds is pretty fascinating.

IQbuds have a ton of interesting tech inside them, even if you look beyond their Bluetooth connectivity. SINC controls, for example, help you understand speech better while minimizing background noise.

It's their EarID, though, that really makes the difference. EarID is specialized technology that assesses your hearing, and adjusts the bud's augmentation to suit your unique hearing style.

You don't have to be deaf to enjoy using them, either.

I was pretty amazed to see that Nuheara's IQbuds could actually be used by regular people as well. They come with touch controls that allow you to use them for wireless calling, Bluetooth music playing, and for noise cancellation.

This means that the average person can use them at the office, in the gym, or even when traveling through crowded city streets. It's like having earbuds, but with way more functionality.

Nuheara's IQbuds aren't just amazing earbuds that work for a wide range of different purposes, they're a slice of the future. They are quickly showing how wearables—or hearables, in this case—are going to make life better for everyone involved.

Personally, I can't wait until IQbuds become more common in the United States. It's a future that will be better than ever for those of us who want to finally hear things clearly as adults with mild auditory problems.


About the Creator

Skunk Uzeki

Skunk Uzeki is an androgynous pothead and a hard partier. When they aren't drinking and causing trouble, they're writing articles about the fun times they have.

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