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The impact of social media on mental health

Examining the effects of constant digital connection on our mental well-being

By Mohammad HammashPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The impact of social media on mental health
Photo by Piotr Cichosz on Unsplash

A Comprehensive Look at the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

As digital technologies continuously reshape our day-to-day practices, more of our social interactions and communication occur online, making it hard to ignore the potential effects of social media on mental health. Sherry Turkle has proclaimed that “technology is regarded as both solution and problem” when it comes to mental health, and Adam Alter has emphasized the growing dangers of technology addiction and its potential impact on our mental health. This blog post will dive deeper into the potential effects of social media use on mental health, gleaned from both professional research and personal experience.

Positive Effects of Social Media

One of the primary benefits of social media is the level of connectivity it provides, offering a valuable platform for individuals to connect and share with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers. According to Alter, one of the primary benefits of social media is the amount of easy access to social support networks and resources. Although it may not be the same as being physically present with friends and family, hearing and reading positive words, stories, and messages can help individuals make meaningful connections and build supportive relationships.

In addition, the positive effects of social media use can help to build self-esteem. Social media gives individuals the opportunity to share their feelings and achievements, providing recognition, validation, and support within their online social groups. This helps to boost their confidence, especially when they receive “likes”, comments, and shares from others.

Negative Effects of Social Media

Social media use can also have potential negative impacts on a person’s mental health. One of the chief concerns of social media use is the amount of unrealistic standards portrayed in the form of “perfect images” of celebrities, peers, and even strangers. This can be especially damaging to those who are vulnerable to comparison and insecurity, as it can create a sense of jealousy or inferiority. Furthermore, the act of comparing one’s self to others on social media can lead to low self-worth and a feeling of being less than.

Further, one of the side effects of social media is the potential for users to become isolated and disconnected from reality. Many of us can become so engrossed in our online lives, scrolling through social feeds and responding to messages, that we forget to engage in activities that are beneficial to our overall wellbeing. Additionally, we may begin to rely too much on online interactions in lieu of real-life, in-person conversations, thus partially disconnecting us from authentic and meaningful connections.

Addictive Qualities of Social Media

Turkle proclaims that the addictive qualities of social media can also have a negative effect on mental health. Studies have found that the dopamine release experienced when we interact with our social media platforms can be comparable to the dopamine release achieved through activities like gambling. Furthermore, studies have also shown that overuse of social media can also be linked to impulsiveness, an inability to concentrate, and an increase in depressive symptoms.


In conclusion, while there are certainly some positive effects of social media, these must be weighed against the potential negative and addictive qualities in order to preserve our mental health. It’s important to remember that social media should be used as a means for connection and should not replace real-life interaction. Lastly, if we recognize some of the potential pitfalls of social media, it might help us to better rely on its benefits and keep ourselves from any potential key effects on our mental wellbeing.

Social Media, Mental Health, Positive Effects, Negative Effects, Addictive Qualities

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About the Creator

Mohammad Hammash

Web search lover🔍 & bookworm📚. Passionate about innovation💡, creativity🎨. Seeking new ideas & perspectives🌉. Making positive impact using tech🌍 humanity💕

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