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Sadly, Twitter is Not a Safe Space Anymore

A look at Twitter's vast decline

By Clyde E. DawkinsPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 3 min read
Sadly, Twitter is Not a Safe Space Anymore
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

We all love Twitter, don't we? I certainly do. Interacting with others on the site. Actually interacting with celebs as well! I myself love it because I live tweet a lot of shows and sporting events, including, but not limited to, the Colorado Avalanche's 2022 Stanley Cup Championship. That was a truly amazing day for this longtime Avs fan. Anyway, the point is, that's what Twitter is for: conversing, having fun, and not worrying about dealing with difficult people.

Until this guy came along.

The guy shown with the world's first-ever known case of "resting possum face" is Elon Musk. He has a net worth of $225.8 billion, which is an average of $225.8 billion for every brain cell he has in his head. This guy bought Twitter and he is doing everything in his power to make sure we are all miserable on the platform. For starters, Musk is basically giving leniency for the worst offenders on Twitter, allowing bullies to tweet whatever they want without any repercussions. This gives me the worst flashbacks to when I was bullied relentlessly on Twitter some time ago.

I was hit with racist barbs. My pic was used for bullying memes. I was once called "gay" because I had a selfie of myself wearing the T-shirt shown above. I was showing my support for WWE's Natalya Neidhart with that tee, yet some idiot thought that it was "gay" to support women's wrestling. I reported the tweets, and lo and behold, nothing was done. And this was before Elon. I felt so alone during that time. I felt like no one was on my side. And now, with Elon Musk's lackadaisical approach to bullying, all of that is coming back in to my memories again.

He's not done there.

The latest news regarding Twitter (there will be Super Bowl parades in Minneapolis for the next three years before I ever call it "X") is that the dictator himself now wants to remove the "block" option on the site. Can you believe this? More specifically, the plan is that only DMs (direct messages) can be blocked, but as for actual tweets? Yeah, no. I actually had to do my homework regarding this. I would think that social networking sites would be required to have a block option. I haven't found anything that says that, but I do know this. Pretty much every social networking site--Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and then some--has a blocking option. That includes Twitter, but if Elon has his way, that would be no more.

Imagine this. Some jackoff gets on your case for no reason. They do everything in their power to harass, bully, and just pick on you. But there's no block option. You can't get away from them. There's muting, yes, but come on, muting isn't enough. We have the right to permanently get ourselves away from the bullies who are harassing us, the demented people who have nothing better to do than single out and pick on innocent citizens. But if it were up to Elon Musk, well, we'd just have to put up with it...relentlessly. Elon Musk doesn't care about the mental health of others. Relentless bullying can play a huge toll on a person. We have the right to block those people and make our Twitter experience stress-free and worry-free. If Elon takes that block option away, that's the same as saying, "Get over it; stop complaining."

How someone can be so tone-deaf is beyond me. The bottom line is this. Twitter was once a sanctuary for good camaraderie among the people who participate. Elon Musk has ruined that. If he does go through with removing that block option, then the bullies will continue to run roughshod without any semblance of consequences. I read that since Elon started owning Twitter, hate speech has gone up at a massive rate. Twitter is not a safe space anymore, and it's just an absolute shame.

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About the Creator

Clyde E. Dawkins

I am an avid fan of sports and wrestling, and I've been a fan of female villains since the age of eight. Also into film and TV, especially Simpsons and Family Guy.

Feel free to follow my social media:

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  • Iris Harris9 months ago

    I have been following the terrorizing Twitter trauma since the Musk mayhem began and it’s the reason for my departure from the network. I agree, removing the block feature should not be allowed, but if Musk implements it, then X will become an EX for apple and google’s App Store. They require social networks to have a block function. Either way…I don’t regret my departure from that network. Sorry that it will create more of an inconvenience for you. 😥

  • Just sorry that Vocal don't give an option to share on Threads, they are fine with Twitter and now that moron has removed the blocking option I might close my account there

  • Great Article ❤️👌💯📝

  • Mariann Carroll9 months ago

    I am sorry you had to go through that 😔I have a Twitter account but not active on there . I don’t know if you know this, Elan Musk have mild case Asperger Syndrome. He admit it in his Rolling Stone interview in 2015. I hope it helps you understand why Elan Musk is the way he is . He was also bullied growing up .

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Splendid!!! Loved it

  • Terry Silver9 months ago

    Elon Musk will lose the ability to have Twitter on app stores if he goes through with this. To be on The Apple app store and Google Play, there has to be means of reporting problem users and blocking them..

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