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Remote Work

The future

By Pircalabu StefanPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Remote Work
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Remote work was once a rarity, confined to a select few such as consultants or experienced professionals. However, the landscape has shifted dramatically since the advent of the 2020 Covid-19 crisis. In the year 2022, remote work has emerged as a highly coveted perk, joining the ranks of salary and work culture as key factors influencing job choices. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted reasons behind this phenomenon and shed light on the numerous benefits that working remotely bestows upon employees, employers, and society at large.

Gone are the days when individuals squandered a mere eight hours at work. The real culprit behind time wastage lies in the arduous realm of transportation. Consider the plight of those who endure grueling commutes day in and day out. Take my friends, for instance, who find themselves spending nearly three hours navigating the perils of traffic or enduring tiresome train rides, irrespective of the season or impending apocalypse.

While this may appear to be an extreme example, it reflects the reality faced by many. To truly grasp the enormity of time squandered in transit, let us embark on a mathematical journey. Assuming a five-day workweek spanning 15 hours, the tally for a single month amounts to 60 hours. Extrapolating further, let us assume a year consisting of 220 workdays, culminating in a staggering sum of 660 hours. The implications become evident once we crunch these numbers. It is an immense chunk of time lost in the ether.

To temper the extremity of the scenario, let us consider a more conservative estimate: a mere one hour wasted in transit each day. Even with this modest calculation, the total climbs to a minimum of 220 hours per year. And mind you, this calculation does not even account for the additional time required to prepare for work and undertake morning rituals. Reflect, then, on the multitude of endeavors that could be undertaken with this surplus time. One could acquire new skills to propel their career forward, embark on entrepreneurial ventures, or bask in the company of cherished friends, partners, or children. The potential is boundless.

Moreover, let us not overlook the wearisome toll that driving or traversing through various means of transportation exacts. After enduring one or two hours on the road, one's inclination upon arriving home is seldom to engage in productive activities. More often than not, the couch becomes an irresistible beacon of rest and respite. Furthermore, it bears noting that transit time rarely, if ever, receives compensation.

Shifting our focus to the financial implications, the costs of daily commuting extend beyond temporal wastage. Monetary expenses begin to accumulate. Consider, for instance, the expenditure on gasoline, particularly in light of soaring prices that afflict us in the present era. Additionally, one cannot overlook the burdensome costs of vehicle maintenance, a headache in and of itself. And let us not forget the considerable challenge of securing a parking spot, particularly in bustling locales such as Bucharest.

In most countries, public transportation is not a complimentary amenity. Thus, opting for public transit entails a daily monetary outlay. Moreover, if one's workplace lacks direct transportation connections, a multifaceted journey involving various modes of transit becomes a necessity. And we need not broach the subject of navigating social interactions with individuals from diverse walks of life—a task that can prove daunting to many.

Alas, even the act of sustenance poses a financial burden. The need to satiate our hunger necessitates expenditures on food and beverages, often exorbitantly priced when compared to homemade alternatives. Unless one dedicates time each day to prepare meals for work, the only viable option is to purchase sustenance from workplace cafeterias or nearby establishments.

In conclusion, the advent of remote work heralds a seismic shift in the employment landscape. It has evolved from a rarity into a highly coveted perk, vying for prominence alongside salary considerations and work culture. The manifold advantages it bestows upon employees, employers, and society at large render it an alluring proposition. The recognition of time saved, monetary burdens alleviated, and opportunities unlocked through remote work reinforces its standing as a transformative force in the modern professional realm.


About the Creator

Pircalabu Stefan

I love writing about life and technology. Really passionate about all technological advances and Artificial Intelligence!

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