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Reddit asks: how do you repair a startup that is already out of business?

Reddit user LifeHacker asks: What do you do when a startup that has already gone under gets resurrected?

By Abraham VerninacPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Reddit asks: how do you repair a startup that is already out of business?
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

If you ever see the above error in your Windows startup, there's a small chance it can happen when deleting some program files which has broken your startup. In this case, you need to find the binary file with this name and register it on your computer to solve this problem.

But what if the company who developed that program won't support anymore? One redditor posted this question titled "When Startup Repair Doesn't Work", and I think they've got a good point.

Try a different error reporting program.

When you're having trouble with a startup, such as not starting at all or freezing once it's up and running, you can use the Startup Repair tool. The Startup Repair tool is an automated system check that helps fix certain problems with the computer. It can detect and repair common types of issues that might occur during startup.

The Startup Repair tool is included in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE), which you can access by pressing the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box and typing msconfig.exe in the Open field. Then click OK to open System Configuration. Select the Boot tab, select Safe Mode from the Boot options box and then click OK.

Make sure that all other programs are closed before attempting to repair your startup with Startup Repair. Double-click msconfig.exe, select Boot tab and then click on Safe Boot button in Advanced Boot Options section at bottom of screen (see image below). Click Apply button followed by OK button to apply changes made to boot configuration file (BCD).

Try to figure out what part of the startup the error reporting is not working on.

If you're having a problem with a dead startup, you can try to repair it. To do that, you'll need to boot into safe mode, then run Startup Repair. The problem is that most startups are already out of business, so they won't have the necessary files for Startup Repair to find and fix.

But it's worth trying anyway, because if the startup is still viable, there's a chance it will fix itself. You can read more about Startup Repair here: How to use Startup Repair in Windows 10 If Startup Repair doesn't work on your system (or if it fails to start), then unfortunately there are no other tools available for fixing these problems.

Try something simple like resetting your pc or trying it in safe mode.

Startup Repair is a built-in troubleshooting tool that can fix some common problems with Windows. Startup Repair runs automatically when you start up your computer and can fix many problems while Windows loads. If Startup Repair can't repair your PC, you may need to use the Startup Repair Troubleshooter to scan for issues that may prevent your PC from starting correctly.

For example, if you've recently installed a program or hardware device, it might not be compatible with your version of Windows 10. If this happens, you'll need to either remove the new software or update your drivers so they're compatible with Windows 10. Startup Repair runs automatically when you start up your computer and can fix many problems while Windows loads.

If Startup Repair can't repair your PC, you may need to use the Startup Repair Troubleshooter to scan for issues that may prevent your PC from starting correctly.

If none of these work, try asking someone who has experienced similar problems or is more knowledgeable about this than you.

The worst thing that can happen is that your startup will fail. The second worst thing is that you will have to learn from your mistakes, adjust and try again. If none of these work, try asking someone who has experienced similar problems or is more knowledgeable about this than you.

If you are truly stuck and don't know where to turn, ask questions on Reddit.com/r/startups. If this doesn't work either, it's time to talk to your bank and see if they can help with a loan or an increase in the credit limit on any existing lines of credit available under their terms and conditions.

If all else fails, consider selling some assets (e.g., equipment) to raise cash until you can get back on track financially and then consider filing for bankruptcy protection if necessary — which may be why no one wants to lend you money at this point!

In A Word...

Hopefully, this post should help shed some light on the subject. In essence, there are just three basic options to consider. The best one is going to be determined primarily by the nature of your damage, and the feasibility of each option will vary with each separate scenario. Your next step is simply to examine your options and decide which is best for your current situation; it's really that simple.


About the Creator

Abraham Verninac

🤓 I am an entrepreneur who builds brands/influencer. And I want to chat with anyone that is interested in starting their own business/brand or who wants to take it to the next level! You can message me anytime!

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