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Parents Are Embracing 'Anti-Dopamine Parenting'

what exactly is anti-dopamine parenting?

By Mr. ArticlePublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Parents Are Embracing 'Anti-Dopamine Parenting'
Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Nurturing Emotional Balance in a Digital World. The power of dopamine and its impact on our connection with screens has been widely discussed and debated.

Studies from Harvard University reveal that positive social stimuli, such as laughter, recognition from peers, and messages from loved ones, activate our brain's reward pathways through the release of dopamine.

Our smartphones, TV shows, and movies have become potent triggers, as each "like" or amusing moment scratches that itch in our minds. Now, parents are taking these findings to heart, delving into the realm of 'anti-dopamine' parenting.

But what exactly is anti-dopamine parenting?

It revolves around finding ways to reduce children's screen time (farewell, Coco Melon!) and limiting their exposure to dopamine-inducing foods like sugary treats and fast food. The goal is to regulate their young systems and foster emotionally balanced children.

During a thought-provoking podcast episode by NPR, hosts Anne-Noel Samaha and Michaeleen Doucleff shared insights into their children's relationships with screens.

Doucleff candidly shared, "My daughter is seven, and she was falling into the habit of watching cartoons every night. As her eyes fixated on the technicolor images, dopamine surged in her brain, not just once, but repeatedly, leaving her craving more."

"Then I'd step in and say, 'Time's up, let's go to bed,' abruptly taking the screen away. But the dopamine wouldn't dissipate immediately." Doucleff explained how her daughter would then fight her, desperate to continue the activity that brought her so much joy. Cue the tantrums.

According to Harvard Health, dopamine plays a crucial role in children's learning, attention, mood, focus, movement, organ function, and sleep. Furthermore, research indicates that lack of exposure to healthy outdoor conditions and excessive indoor gaming or TV time can heighten the risk of depression, addiction, and childhood myopia.

However, it's important to strike a balance in our parenting approaches to avoid potential negative emotional consequences for our kids.

Pressuring children to adhere to rigid standards might inadvertently lead them to seek excessive indulgence in dopamine-triggering activities as they grow older. As with all things, moderation is key. So, how can we adopt this approach ourselves?

Speaking to Scary Mommy, Stanford psychiatrist Anna Lembke suggests reshaping our living spaces to include screen-free zones. "For example, my family decided to stop bringing screens into the car. We removed them from all but one room in the house and started going camping once a month—no screens allowed."

Engaging in activities such as listening to music, immersing ourselves in nature, and fostering connections with others are all healthy ways to boost dopamine. Additionally, consuming colorful fruits, vegetables, and nutritious proteins can have a positive impact.

If you find yourself needing to take away your child's iPad or if they're pleading for more cookies after already having one, neuroscientist Kent Berridge from the University of Michigan suggests waiting it out for two to five minutes, as the urge typically subsides by then.

Ultimately, you know what's best for your family and yourself. Reducing screen time can benefit everyone, adults and children alike. With the sun shining brightly, there has never been a more opportune moment to venture outdoors and engage in play. Embrace the wonders that lie beyond the digital realm, nurturing emotional well-being in a world that often challenges it.


About the Creator

Mr. Article

Passionate writer weaving words into captivating stories. With a keen eye for detail and a love for creativity, I bring narratives to life. Let my words ignite your imagination and leave a lasting impact. #Writer #Storyteller #Creativity

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