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How TikTok Changed the Internet

Love it or hate it, it changed the social media game

By AnniePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
How TikTok Changed the Internet
Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform previously known as Musical.ly. With 500 million active users, TikTok ranks 9th among the other social media apps.

On TikTok, users can share a variety of different short video clips that last 15-60 seconds. Users can dance to their favorite songs, share interesting stories about their lives, raise awareness for many worldwide issues, promote small businesses, and many other things.

It is very easy to fall down a rabbit hole of video when opening TikTok, and it's popularity has changed social media.

Image from usatoday.com

What makes TikTok different than other platforms?

Everybody has an equal chance of becoming famous. Unlike other social media apps, it is super easy for content creators to get lots of views, likes, and shares. Take Charli D'amelio for instance, before TikTok she had no fame. Now, she has more than 78 million followers, has a nail polish set, collaborated with Morphe 2, been on talk shows, and has had many other huge appearances. She's not the only TikToker who's fame stemmed from the app, but she is a prime example.

It is very easy to create content after getting the hang of it. Within the app, there are many interesting filters, editing tools, and effects that make it so it is never boring to content create. The ability to edit the videos within the app also makes it easier to post good quality videos. Sure, it is easy to post on other social media apps, but on TikTok there are unlimited possibilities for how you want your creation to look, sound, and be presented.

Both images include few of many editing tools

Your For You Page will change based on the types of videos you like. After being on the app for a bit and resetting your for your page (which is basically like an explore page and where most of the content you'll see on this app resides), the types of videos you see will the match the ones you interact with, therefore showing you content you are more likely to enjoy. This is how the app becomes addicting, because their is an unlimited amount of content.

Image from quora.com

Does TikTok have any practical benefits?

Yes! Many people post educational videos, so people can learn things that they may not have known before. Doctors go on there to answer some people's questions, some people report important news, share job opportunities and other professionals like to post information regarding what they do.

Also, people post tips, tricks, and life hacks. Using what other people have learned to your advantage certainly can make life easier.

Image from businessinsider.com

Many users also use this app to spread awareness about issues. Posts that involve the government, other nations, important movements, and injustices get lots of views so more people can learn about ongoing issues. For instance, many people were posting videos of themselves at Black Lives Matter protests and the riots that occurred as well.

People help raise funds for important issues, or just so they can get by. People will post their current life situations and have their Venmo in their bio, and people will donate to help them out. TikTok is also great for small businesses because the algorithm will show potential viewers their videos about their products.

Image from standforddaily.com

Musicians can upload their songs to TikTok, and by promoting it, get the song heard across the globe. Say So by Doja Cat has 19.8 million videos under it, and that doesn't account for the remixes. Even smaller artists, like Avenue Beat with their song F2020, has gotten a lot of exposure from posting their song to TikTok.

Makeup artists, drawers and painters, digital designers, musicians, and many other artists can get exposure from TikTok alone.

TikTok is beneficial for artists, educators, activists, and people who just want to learn more about the world they live in.


To conclude

TikTok has been a way for people to come together and help each other as we go through our day to day lives. Whether that help comes in the form of motivation, help with everyday tasks, or promoting issues and small businesses, this app has been a great platform for people to gain exposure.

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About the Creator



I have a small sticker shop on Etsy called DynamiteArtStickers, so if you can, please check that out. The IG for it is @dynamiteart368.

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