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How My New YouTube Channel Attracted 45K Impressions and 7K Views

There are nine strategies to make it easier to repeat the same numbers.

By JasonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You are not alone if you are having trouble ranking your YouTube videos. Every day, new YouTube channels are formed with the goal of becoming revenue eligible. However, not all of them are successful.

There might be a number of causes for this. You may not be frequently uploading videos, your videos aren't interesting, you haven't worked on your SEO, and so on. You want to rank your films on YouTube as quickly as possible, but you're having no luck.

Consider whether any of the following reasons apply to your own conduct. If you're serious about making money on YouTube, you'll need to learn a few things about the platform and its ranking system.

However, you do not need to be concerned about the learning process. You only need to follow a few guidelines, which I will explain later. Your channel will expand enormously if you effectively apply them.

Here are nine methods for quickly ranking your YouTube videos.

9 Quick Ways to Rank YouTube Videos

These are the identical techniques I used to get my new YouTube channel to 45K impressions and 7K views. The 28-day stats are shown below.

Follow the instructions to get the same results on your channel, and your videos will rank quickly on YouTube.

1. Choose your keywords carefully.

The first tip to remember while making YouTube videos is to pick your keywords carefully.

The most crucial aspect of developing internet content is keyword research. You're missing out on an opportunity to reach a larger audience if you haven't concentrated on this section yet.

Most creators make blunders when it comes to research. They have no idea how to choose a term that is less competitive yet has a larger potential audience. In that case, I always advise using a keyword research tool.

YouTube, like Google's Semrush or Ahrefs, includes a keyword research tool that informs you whether a keyword is worth it. VidIQ (affiliate link), a popular YouTube keyword research tool, may be familiar to you.

It's far too simple to use. It's as simple as installing the VidIQ Chrome extension and connecting it to your YouTube account. VidIQ will reveal all the characteristics of a keyword the next time you put it into YouTube, including the competitiveness, search volume, overall SEO score, similar keywords, and so on.

VidIQ provides a paid edition with additional features such as SEO title and description recommendations, recommended tags, popular videos, SEO statistics, and more.

With the help of a keyword research tool, you may quickly identify keywords that have the potential to rank on YouTube quickly.

2. Produce captivating videos

The second criterion is to make videos that are so compelling that not even God can detest them.

Creators frequently overlook the fact that the algorithm they are attempting to control prefers videos that people enjoy. YouTube is seeking for videos that are entertaining, intriguing, and educational, and that people are sharing, commenting, and like.

Author's screen capture

Have you ever seen a video that went viral? What factors do you believe cause videos to go viral? Is it luck or a large sum of money paid to YouTube?

No! It is due to the content.

The video's content that people are actively participating with, such as commenting on it, enjoying it, or criticizing it (which also counts). You may claim you have one viral video in your pocket if it occurs to you.

As a result, the greatest strategy to rank videos at the top is to provide valuable material.

3. Use keywords in your videos

Remember how we discussed keyword research in the first rule? After that, it's time to include those keywords into your films.

Here's a fun fact: the YouTube algorithm can hear what you're saying in your video. That's how it detects copyrighted video content.

Because YouTube can hear your material, all you have to do in your videos is repeat the terms you're attempting to target.

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