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How antibiotic-resistant bacteria can teach us to modify behavior

Biologists study how pests & bacteria become resistant (pesticide/antibiotic).

By Yusuf AlamPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
How antibiotic-resistant bacteria can teach us to modify behavior
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

  • We want to address climate change, but lifestyle changes and limited time seem daunting.
  • Resistance holds different meanings, but studying it in nature can help navigate social changes.
  • Biologists study how pests & bacteria become resistant (pesticide/antibiotic).
  • UCLA researchers propose applying these strategies to social challenges:

Most individuals acknowledge the urgency of addressing climate change, yet the prospect of altering lifestyles and the limited timeframe for implementing widespread changes in various sectors can foster resistance.

Drawing inspiration from the resilience observed in antibiotic-resistant bacteria and agricultural pests, UCLA biologists propose innovative strategies to navigate obstacles hindering transformative social changes.

Understanding Resistance Across Fields

Resistance takes on diverse meanings across scientific disciplines.

UCLA biologists, specializing in natural resistance, aim to leverage insights gained from studying small organisms to unravel barriers to societal transformations.

By applying lessons learned from biological resistance, they aspire to devise effective strategies for addressing human–wildlife conflicts and promoting broader social changes.

Biologically Derived Resistance Management

The UCLA research team introduces a framework of biologically derived resistance management strategies.

This approach aims to bridge the gap between humans and the natural world, as well as within human social spheres.

The key premise is to carefully select treatments that are least likely to be overcome by organisms, drawing parallels with agricultural and biomedical research.

Strategies for Overcoming Resistance

1. Prevention Tactics

Agriculture Model: Implementing diversity in crops and crop rotation prevents the establishment of pests.

Application to Human–Wildlife Conflicts: Avoiding construction in bear habitats and using deterrents like bear-resistant dumpsters.

2. Adaptive Therapy

Control Strategies: Combining diverse strategies to reduce pests or pathogens without complete eradication.

Social Application: "Spare the air" days as a mitigation tactic for air pollution without entirely eliminating vehicle use.

3. Behavioral Changes in Antibiotic Use

Addressing Overuse: Highlighting the urgent need to change human behavior around antibiotic use.

Medical Profession's Role: Discouraging unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, banning antibiotic use in healthy farm animals, and shifting treatment goals to symptom relief.

4. Multiple Approaches Deployment

Holistic Strategies: Simultaneously deploying multiple approaches, akin to drug cocktails in HIV treatment.

Climate Change Application: Recognizing that no single tactic will suffice to halt climate change; combining various strategies is essential.

The Urgency of Behavioral Shifts

Antibiotic Resistance as a Paradigm

The resistance of bacteria to antibiotics serves as a compelling example of the profound impact of human behavior on biological evolution.

Overuse and misuse of antibiotics contribute to the emergence of highly resistant bacterial strains.

Changing behaviors, such as discouraging unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions and banning their use in healthy animals, becomes imperative to address this crisis.

Changing the Goal of Treatment

The medical profession can play a pivotal role by shifting the treatment goal from eradicating bacteria to symptom relief. This approach leaves vulnerable individual bacteria manageable through natural immunological means, reducing the likelihood of widespread resistance.

The Road Ahead for Climate Action

Recognizing the Need for Diverse Strategies

Addressing the climate emergency necessitates a comprehensive approach. Widespread changes in transportation, energy, and food systems are crucial. While attractive changes, like affordable electric cars and convenient public transportation, can ease the transition, resistance is inevitable. The hope lies in the cumulative impact of numerous small changes, with even a few holdouts making a substantial difference.

Conclusion: Embracing a Multi-Faceted Approach

In the face of resistance to transformative social changes, the UCLA biologists advocate for a multi-faceted approach. Learning from nature's resistance strategies, implementing preventive measures, adopting adaptive therapies, and changing entrenched behaviors can collectively contribute to overcoming barriers. Recognizing that no single tactic can curb climate change, the call is for a diverse toolbox to usher in rapid reductions in atmospheric carbon and pave the way for a sustainable future.

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About the Creator

Yusuf Alam

Crafting Words into Amazing Stories | Freelance Copywriter | Turning Ideas into Impact

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