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Growing Trend Of m-Commerce And Why You Should Be A Part Of It

Why the world is heading towards m-commerce?

By Kirti MalhotraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Mobile commerce is growing at an exponential rate. It is predicted that the number of mobile transactions will exceed the number of desktop transactions by 2020. This dramatic increase in mobile commerce has led to a huge demand for eCommerce apps.

Shopify mobile app builder is offering an easy solution for small businesses to take their business online and generate more revenue. These builders are allowing anyone to turn Shopify store into mobile app.

Why Should I Build A Mobile App For My Shopify Store?

Mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular as the world progresses towards a more mobile-first society. In this section, we will discuss why you should build a mobile app for Shopify store.

A mobile app is an essential tool to have when running an online business. It helps you reach more customers, provide them with a better experience, and make more money.

There are many reasons why you should build a mobile app for your Shopify store. Here are some of the most important ones:

- Mobile apps improve customer experience by providing them with instant access to your products and services

- They provide you with greater visibility on the market and help you reach new customers

- They can be used to monitor your sales in real-time and help you boost conversion rates

- Customers are more used to using mobile apps for everything they do. Online shopping is one of them. By turning your Shopify store into mobile app you can offer what your customer wants.

Benefits Of Having An App For Your eCommerce Business

In this digital era, having an app for your business is not just a luxury but a necessity. It has become the most important part of your marketing strategy. Apps are a great way to increase customer engagement and boost ROI. They are also the best medium for delivering personalized content to customers.

An app will help you create a more personal connection with your customers and will make them feel that they are valued. It can also help you understand their needs better and provide them with products or services according to their requirements.

Having an app for your eCommerce business is a great way to increase online sales and become more competitive. There are many benefits that come with an app for your eCommerce business, such as:

-You can offer a better customer experience by providing access to your product catalog on the go.

-An app will enable you to provide personalized customer service and make it easier for customers to buy products.

-It gives you the opportunity to reach out to new audiences who are not familiar with your company or products.

-It increases customer loyalty by making it easy for them to find what they want when they want it.

-Apps can be used in marketing campaigns and advertising efforts, which means that you can reach more people at a lower cost than through traditional methods like TV ads or print ads.

-You can offer instant gratification because customers don't have to wait for shipping if they order from their phone or tablet.

How To Choose The Best Shopify Mobile App Builder For Your Needs

Mobile app builders are one of the most popular tools in the market today. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your business up and running. The mobile app builder can help you with everything from designing your app to marketing it. There are a lot of different options available in the market today, so it can be difficult for someone to know which is best for them.

Choosing the best mobile app builder for your needs can be difficult, but it's important to find the right one for your business. Here are a few tips to help you find the best Shopify mobile app builder.

1) Consider your budget and timeline:

2) Think about what features you need:

3) Find out what platforms they support:

4) Find out if they offer free trials or a free quote:

5) Check reviews from other customers.


Shopify mobile app builder is a zero-code solution, which means you don’t have to hire any developer. From customization to integration everything can be done using the drag-and-drop feature. The best part is you don’t have to invest a lot of money as most of these app builders offer affordable subscription models and extensive free trial.

So don’t wait and turn Shopify store into mobile app today.

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About the Creator

Kirti Malhotra

An IT professional with hands-on experience in digital marketing strategies working with Appokart- Shopify mobile app builder company. I am here to share my experience about Shopify.

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