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By Giannis ParaschisPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Do you love apps? So do we! That’s why we want to help you discover the best apps available. To do this, you need access to as many quality apps as possible. Fortunately, that’s easier than you might think! Mobile app developers are always looking for ways to improve their apps and increase their user base. This leads them to many companies who offer paid services for getting feedback on your app and helping it reach its full potential. If you have an Android phone and are interested in earning some extra cash, check out the following article for more information on how exactly you can get started with this great new side gig!

What is a Paid App Review?

Any app developer knows that feedback is key when it comes to improving an app. It is a common practice for app developers to offer incentives for users to leave feedback about their apps. Companies that offer paid app review services act as middlemen that connect app developers with users who are willing to review their app and help them by getting the app to the top charts. This is how it works: the app developer pays someone to download the app, rate it, leave feedback and then leaves the app developer some feedback in return. The process is then repeated over and over again until the app reaches a certain number of downloads.

How much does a Paid App Review Cost?

This is a common question that comes up whenever something like this is mentioned. The answer here is both simple and complicated. The simple part is that this is not a paid job. You are not ‘contracting’ to work for a company; in fact, you are not part of any company. You are simply helping to improve an app and getting a little bit of money in return. The more apps you download, the more money you make. The complicated part is that it is not clear-cut. Just like with any other kind of work, there are different costs associated with it. The first is that of your time. You have to download the app, use it for a while, rate it and then rate it again after. Each of these adds time to your work that has to be accounted for.

Is it easy to review an app?

Yes and no. The good thing about this gig is that you get to review an app and rate it without ever having to take the app out of your phone. The bad thing is that you may not get to experience the app as you would if you were using it. That being said, it is an easy process that is very similar to how you rate apps on Google Play or iTunes. You will be required to download the app, use it and then rate it. You will also have to leave feedback in a couple of different ways depending on the type of app you are reviewing.


If you love apps and want to earn some extra cash, this is a great way to do so. These paid app reviews can be a great way to supplement your income if you are already an app user. There are a lot of apps out there, so you will have to be selective to find the ones that are worth downloading. The more apps you review, the more money you will make, so it is worth the time it takes to find and download good apps. These types of gigs are great, as they give you something to do while letting you make some extra money at the same time. So, if you are looking for a side hustle, this is a great option to consider.

If you wanna take a look at how this work and start trying to review an app click here.


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