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Exploring AngularJS Development Tools: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

Get to know about best Angular development tools in depth below:

By Hemangi JoshiPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source framework developed and maintained by Google. It was first created by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009. It is primarily used for creating single-page applications. Angular is an open-source framework, and it is most commonly used for creating new websites. As it is the most frequently used framework, the demand of angular developers is increasing. Developers use a variety of AngularJS development tools to simplify code creation, debugging, testing, and other tasks in order to increase productivity and efficiency.

This blog will explore the features and benefits of various AngularJS development tools and how they are helpful in developing user-friendly websites.

AngularJS Development Tools

AngularJS Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

A software application that provides an environment for development of writing, debugging and testing codes known as Integrated Development Environment. It helps in assisting AngularJS with its specific features. Few most popular choices includes:

a. Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

VSCode, one of the most popular IDEs for AngularJS development, provides a large range of extensions specifically designed for AngularJS projects. It is the developers choice because of its powerful code completion, debugging, and integrated terminal support.

b. WebStorm

Apart from VSCode, another powerful IDE developed by JetBrains,WebStorm that is supported by AngularJS. A smooth development process is assured by WebStorm, which is renowned for its intelligent code help, refactoring tools, and seamless interaction with Angular CLI.

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)

In order to automate various tasks AngularJS provides a tool called Angular CLI which is a command-line tool. CLI is a simplified way of creating new projects, services, to generate new components and various others. It is a quick way for developers to start a new project and build initial setup and configurations, without any hurdles.


TypeScript is a Superset of JavaScript in which Angular is built. It adds advanced features like interfaces and classes as well as static typing. Typescript provides developers to write more maintainable and scalable codes which are error-free. To type or develop error-free codes, TypeScript’s tooling supports modern IDEs that enables developers to catch the error and provides more IntelliSense capabilities.

Angular DevTools

Angular DevTools offers a set of useful tools that helps in inspecting and debugging profile angular applications. The extension of DevTools is also available for Chrome and Firefox. It facilitates changing detection cycles, insights into component trees and performance metrics which makes the optimization of application easy and mends the issues in the project.


The Chrome plugin Augury is specifically made for debugging Angular apps. Developers may investigate component characteristics, visualize component trees, and keep track of application state changes in real time using Augury. As it aids in locating performance bottlenecks and incorrect code, this tool is highly beneficial during development and debugging.


A framework for end-to-end testing AngularJS apps is called Protractor. Protractor automates the testing of user interactions and UI behaviors in Angular apps by utilizing WebDriver. It is an effective solution for assuring the stability and dependability of AngularJS applications since it enables developers to build tests using Jasmine in an easy and clear manner.


For AngularJS apps, unit tests are often written using the well-liked testing tool Jasmine. It gives test sets and expectations an accessible and expressive syntax to be described. Developers may run tests in several browsers and get thorough test results by combining Karma, a test runner.


As the world is moving at a faster pace in relation to digitalization, the businesses need to be more smarter in fulfilling the requirements of the users. In this era of digitalization and busy life, everyone is in search of easier and more convenient options in day-to-day life. In order to optimize your applications, AngularJS development tools offer various tools which can enhance your performance and increase productivity. These tools reduce the development time by reducing errors and thus improves the overall quality of your applications. This blog gave you the insights of various developmental tools and the benefits gained by incorporating them to optimize your websites. So, to enhance the website and development process, contact the best AngularJS development company.

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