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Dress Up Your Outfit with These 5 Gold-Plated Jewelry Styling Tips

When it comes to accessorising with gold-plated jewellery in Kuwait, less is typically more in terms of styling. It is recommended that you keep the rest of your outfit simple if you are wearing a piece that draws attention to itself, such as a chunky gold-plated necklace or large earrings.

By Mighzala arabPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Gold-plated jewellery offers the same luxurious look as solid gold but at a more reasonable price point. This has contributed to the rise in popularity of gold-plated jewellery over the past few years. On the other hand, many people are frequently unsure of how to style their gold-plated jewellery so that it appears at its most attractive. If you’re looking for some tips on how to wear gold-plated jewellery, then read on!

Keep it simple

When it comes to accessorising with gold-plated jewellery in Kuwait, less is typically more in terms of styling. It is recommended that you keep the rest of your outfit simple if you are wearing a piece that draws attention to itself, such as a chunky gold-plated necklace or large earrings. Choose pieces of clothing with solid colours in neutral tones such as black, white, or beige so that attention is drawn to your jewellery rather than the rest of your outfit. If you do want to add some colour, choose pieces that complement the colour of your gold-plated jewellery, such as emerald green or deep navy blue. If you do not want to add any colour, choose pieces that contrast with the colour of your gold-plated jewellery.

Mix and match your jewellery

The fact that gold-plated jewellery can be worn in a variety of ways and combined with other pieces to achieve a variety of looks is one of the many reasons it is so popular. You can give your outfit more depth and dimension by layering necklaces of different lengths. This is a great way to accessorise. On the other hand, it is essential to check that the necklaces you are wearing go well together and do not overpower the rest of your ensemble. To achieve the look of layered necklaces, for instance, a dainty gold-plated pendant necklace can be worn in conjunction with a longer chain necklace. Layering bracelets of varying materials and designs can help you achieve a one-of-a-kind look that is sure to pique people’s interest in your ensemble.

Mix metals

Mixing different types of metals used to be considered a major fashion sin, but those days are long gone. In fact, you can achieve a fashionable and up-to-date look by combining gold-plated jewellery with pieces made of silver or rose gold. The important thing is to make sure that the different metals go well together and don’t compete with each other. A gold-plated necklace, for instance, can be accessorised with silver hoop earrings or a rose gold dainty bracelet to create a stylish and on-trend overall appearance.

Take into account the situation.

When deciding how to style your gold-plated jewellery, the occasion is another consideration that should be taken into account. When attending formal events, it is best to stick with simple yet elegant pieces of jewellery, such as a dainty bracelet with gold plating or stud earrings. When dressing for events that are less formal, you are free to experiment more with the jewellery you wear by selecting bolder pieces or layering several necklaces. It is essential to maintain a professional demeanour and steer clear of jewellery that is overly ostentatious or distracting when selecting pieces to wear to work.

Combine and contrast a variety of surface qualities

You can add more depth and interest to your outfit by combining different textures in unexpected ways. For instance, if you want to create a contrast in textures, you could wear a chunky gold-plated necklace with either a silk blouse or a lightweight knit jumper. When it comes to your earrings, going for textured gold-plated hoops or stud earrings for women is a great way to inject a bit of visual interest into your ensemble.


Gold-plated jewellery is an excellent way to add some luxury and style to your ensemble without significantly increasing its cost. You can ensure that your gold-plated jewellery always looks its best by following these styling tips and putting them into practise. There are an infinite number of ways to wear jewellery that is gold-plated and make it appropriate for any event, whether you choose to keep your look straightforward or experiment with a variety of different textures and metals.

Resource Link: https://mighzalalarab.com/5-styling-tips-for-wearing-gold-plated-jewelry/

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