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Digital Age: How Do You Deliver A Smooth and Consistent User Experience?

What are the factors involved and How do we deliver a seamless user experience? Implement these steps to provide a seamless experience to your users.

By Abhinav Ranganath Panyam VuppuPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

Many sectors have accelerated their growth and innovation as a result of being forced to adapt. When in-person gatherings came to a standstill, businesses in many industries had to decide whether to shut down completely or pivot and find new ways to contact their target consumers.

The user experience (UX) of your app or website is often the first and last impression of your organisation in this era of digital-first experiences. Companies are bending over themselves to build the optimal user experience, given how powerful delivering the correct user experience has become.

What is User Experience Design (UXD)?

The experience that your consumers enjoy while using your product is what UX design is all about. Not only does the product refer to the real commodity or service you're offering, but it also refers to the material you develop to reach out to clients.

How to Create a Flowing User Experience

Fortunately, building a seamless user experience isn't as difficult as it appears. Getting a few fundamentals right will ensure that you can create an excellent UX design. Here are some of the more successful methods.

Pay special attention to the design of the homepage

Your homepage is your website's first impression, which is why it's so important to get it correctly. Did you know that 35% of users on the typical website fail to finish simple tasks? Fortunately, minor design tweaks may go a long way toward creating a homepage that directs people to where they need to go. For example, employing sliders (a spinning carousel on the site) makes it easier to convey vital information such as product portfolios, shopping categories, significant services offered, new deals, and so on succinctly. Sliders assist customers to focus their attention on the most important aspects of your site on that particular day.

Ensure Page loads fast

As most marketers are well aware, keeping up with Google's continuously changing search algorithms is nearly hard - the business has been said to update its algorithms 500 to 600 times a year.

Consumer demand for fast site speeds backs this up: According to reports, 47 per cent of customers want a site to load in two seconds or less. As a result, businesses must now be acutely aware of the time it takes for their site and pages to load.

Now that you realise how crucial site speed is, you're undoubtedly asking how you can rank and improve your site performance. Fortunately, several free tools are available to assist you in ensuring that your site is running optimally. The first step is to just check how quickly your site currently loads – if everything is working well, you may not even need to change anything further. Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights and WebPagetest.org can help you assess your page speed. Simply enter your website's URL, and the tool will analyse it and tell you which parts require work. Then you (or, more likely, someone from your IT department) can deal with the problems.

Though site performance may not be a priority for every company, I feel it is something that everyone should be aware of. A speedy site may help you not only improve your SEO results, but also increase conversions, keep more users on your site for longer, and gain a competitive advantage.

Ensure You're Mobile-Friendly

RWD (Responsive Web Design) is becoming a must-have for any business. RWD is a web design strategy that seeks to produce a website that works well across several devices, including tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers. This implies that using the website on different devices should be simple, with little scrolling, panning, or resizing.

Remember that landing pages linked from your homepage are treated the same way. Consider whether the landing page template is also mobile-friendly while making your selection.

Increase your reliance on solid analytics

The correct analytics tools are essential for continuously enhancing the user experience. The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the first website/app, and its revisions and upgrades should be depending on how users offer feedback. Advanced analytics solutions such as Kissmetrics, Hotjar, and Crazy Egg provide a wealth of user data that may lead to better decision-making and, as a result, a better user experience. Crazy Egg, for example, offers heat maps and scroll maps to assist you to understand what your users are doing on your site. This allows you to continue fine-tuning your website/app until the user experience is nearly ideal.

Obtain Feedback

There are several methods for testing your product. Some businesses employ a mixture of split testing (A/B testing) and analytics to figure out what works and what doesn't. This means that they continuously change anything on the website to see how users react, and then they maintain the version that the users like. A/B testing is performed on a variety of features over several iterations, allowing product managers to focus on the optimum user experience.

Other businesses, particularly those in the early phases, want more direct testing. This may entail inviting a group of random consumers to their workplace and allowing them to use their product for 30 minutes in exchange for a coupon or a voucher. Many organisations follow up these user testing sessions with an informal group conversation, which gives more qualitative input. On the other hand, other businesses send push alerts to their most active users, inviting them to interviews. They then conduct in-depth qualitative interviews over the phone or through chat.

The basic truth is that testing is the only genuine way to improve user experience over time, regardless of how you go about it.

Use cutting-edge chat assistance to interact with customers

Customer engagement rates will be higher if your user experience is more engaging. This does not imply that you must hire customer service representatives to interact with people. Today, AI-based technologies such as NLP (Natural Language Processing) have progressed to the point where you can automate complete conversations, giving your customers the impression that they're conversing with a buddy while navigating your website. In fact, by using proactive chat on their website, Intuit raised their conversions by 211 per cent.

Integrations like live chat and co-browsing might help you get started correctly. It might provide on-time support to improve user experience and reduce client turnover. Customer service tools and technologies, in particular, provide individualised live chat help to users with the all-important human touch.

Internal search is essential for easy navigation

Customers will abandon your website at an alarming rate if it is difficult to access. The objective is to develop a navigation experience that does not need the user to think. Implementing good internal search and smart suggestions can assist you in creating clear, unambiguous user flows on your website.


Finally, creating a fantastic user experience is considerably easier than it appears. All of the suggestions in this post are simple to implement and low-cost. What's vital to remember is that the ultimate aim of any user experience is conversion, and everything you do should be geared toward that goal. Building a great user experience should not be difficult if you follow these fundamental rules and continue to test rigorously.

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About the Creator

Abhinav Ranganath Panyam Vuppu

Abhinav Ranganath is an author, mentor, consultant and technology enthusiast.

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