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Common Misconceptions in the World of Smartphones

Modern phone batteries are not recommended to be left to be completely empty, and the state of charge of the battery should not be less than 20%

By Eliza CastanedaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Common Misconceptions in the World of Smartphones
Photo by Daniel Romero on Unsplash

Some beliefs about smartphones or mobile devices spread among people to the point that they become taken for granted, but these statements may be wrong or sometimes contain only half the truth.

1- It is better not to install updates as they make the smartphone slower:

German expert Stefan Herget, from the German technology magazine "c't", explained that this statement is incorrect.

Smartphone owners are always advised to install new updates regularly, because the importance of new updates is not limited to new functions only, but also fills many security holes and fixes many errors and problems.

Even if the devices are old and some new functions slow down their work in rare cases, this is not an excuse to forgo installing updates, and new updates cannot be dispensed with for reasons of security and data protection.

2- Any smartphone can withstand rain, even models without IP protection:

German expert Stefan Herget pointed out that this depends on the amount of moisture and rain, for example, a few drops of rain cannot harm smartphones.

However, when the mobile device is dropped in water, it is severely damaged as a result, despite its IP protection class that protects the smartphone against foreign objects, which may malfunction or damage the electronics.

As well as water droplets may penetrate into the mobile devices easily through the ports designated for the headphone and charging cable.

3- The higher the resolution of the smartphone camera, the better the quality of the photos:

This is no longer true with modern smartphones, because the quality of images does not depend only on the resolution of the camera, but is related to the quality of lenses, sensors and many other technical components.

The German expert stressed that camera software has become more important for image quality, especially during night photography or taking pictures under poor lighting conditions.

The German expert confirmed that camera software has become more important for image quality, especially during night photography or taking pictures under poor lighting conditions (Reuters)

4- The user must always leave the battery fully discharged before reconnecting it to the charger cable:

This saying is no longer true with modern smartphones, because it goes back to the days when nickel-cadmium batteries were relied upon.

Rather, the German expert recommended that modern lithium-ion batteries not be left to discharge completely, stressing that the battery charge state should not be less than 20%, because the complete discharge of the battery will damage it.

5- The mobile phone network must be disabled on flights. It is also better to activate the flight mode in the smartphone, otherwise the plane will fall:

This argument is incorrect, although during flights passengers are required to turn off their mobile phones or activate flight mode, but this is not because mobile phones will cause the plane to fall, but rather because it may interfere or interfere with wireless navigation systems, and therefore safety and security precautions In the world of aviation be tougher.

Mobile phones may interfere or interfere with wireless navigation systems, and therefore safety and security precautions require that they be turned off during flight (Reuters)

6- Using a mobile phone outdoors during thunderstorms attracts lightning:

German expert Hergit confirmed that this saying is incorrect, because there is not enough metal in mobile phones to attract lightning.

7. Smartphones That Don't Restart Regularly Slow Down

This saying does not apply to the world of smartphones, unlike the world of computers, smartphone owners do not have to turn off their devices because operating systems are designed for continuous operation.

8- Making phone calls at gas stations may lead to the risk of explosion:

This is not true, and Hergit explained that there are many signs at gas stations warning against making phone calls, but they indicate an increased risk of fire, which is primarily at the gas station.

The German expert advised that the smartphone should be kept in the trouser pocket while refuelling so that one would not be exposed to any risks.

9- Closing open applications that are not in use saves battery charge and speeds up the pace of work of the smartphone:

It depends on the age of the smartphone and the features of use; Where modern smartphones automatically reduce the consumption of applications for energy, so there is no longer a need to close applications, on the contrary, the user saves energy when he leaves the applications he uses a lot open and does not have to restart them constantly, but with old devices it may make sense to close Applications.

10- Smartphones can be infected with viruses by SMS:

Hergit emphasised that this argument is not correct, because viruses cannot be transmitted directly in this way, however, hackers and scammers may send links to phishing sites or to download malware via SMS.


About the Creator

Eliza Castaneda

Eliza Castaneda

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